Twenty-nine: The secret luxury dungeon

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Eshai's brother just looked at me shocked.

"What? Never had a pretty lady talk back to your sorry arse before? How pathetic!"

His face turned a bright tomato red and he pointed a slender and long shaking finger in my direction. I internally laughed.

"Y--You rogue! How dare a lowly person like you speak to me—the great and mighty King of Erlia—this way!" I stuck my tongue out at him, secretly raising my middle finger.

Eli glared and I just grinned smugly before continuing: "Great and mighty King? Who gives two shits! I will get a broom and whoop your behind into shape like your mama should have done before! You have no right to tell me what to do, stupid horse-face! I'm also a princess that you are disrespecting, you absolute twat!"

Flipping my hair over my shoulder, I waltzed out of the room and away from the angry royal and laughing one.











Well then... 






















I think I'm lost...

Wait no, I know I'm lost.

All I see are walls.

And more walls.

And more...

And more...

More walls...

Pause again.

Now that I think about it, where are all the maids? Why is no one around? Where am I in the first place? AM I IN A SECRET LUXURY DUNGEON? JESUS, IF YOU EXIST PLEASE COME DOWN FROM HEAVEN TO SAVE MY POOR, INNOCENT AND PURE SOUL! 

But most importantly, where is the food. There's no food. There's no hope. My short life is already over, even earlier than my old one on Earth. 


I just realised something.

I'm already in my thirties if I include this life and my last.

I am so old right now.

Yet I still remain the king of lonely souls amongst lonely souls.

Why is it always me?


I feel like it's been years since I entered these halls. The only magic I had used was my creation and water and even that was just to provide food and drink to survive. It also drained a lot of mana because a) creation magic is a little poo and likes to take it all while b) I had to extract moisture droplets out of the air to create a glass of water as to quench my thirst. It wasn't the best time if I do say so myself.

The longer I was here, the colder I felt this place was getting. Maybe I was getting closer to somewhere? Whatever it was, it was very cold.

Like very cold. Very very cold. Freezing cold. Astronomically cold. Colder than the ice-age cold. Colder than Captian America's ice cold. Vanilla Ice cold even.


It was that cold.

And how cold was Vanilla Ice cold? It was the coldest thing on the planet and probably even the universe.

I should stop.

I think I'm going crazy. 

This is what happens when there is no human interaction between myself and others.

'You do know I exist?' Well nah shoot Sherlock, I thought you were as non-existent as the women around me.

I knew Arty was frowning and I huffed. Serves him right for being overbearing! See, this is why we can't have good things! (Though I'm not sure what is so good about this situation)

I kept walking towards the cold, I don't even know why. There was something there and it was attracting me. I knew that without having Ice as one of my elements, I would have never been able to come this far.

At least this over-powered magic had some use.

'I never understood why you don't just kill everyone in your path already. It wouldn't be that hard.' I sighed and shook my head in response to Arty.

"If I did kill everyone, wouldn't I be killing people's parents, their children, husbands and wives? I had close to no one on Earth Arty, even my own sister was kept away from me. And I have people in this life, I have these amazing people that make my day with just a few simple words... Others have them too, how can I take that away from them? Is that not too cruel?"

I heard Arty sigh at my response. He soon agreed quietly. It was too cruel to cause an unneeded massacre in my opinion. It affects too many people. Too many innocent lives are lost or ruined because of them. For one to occur, the person must be heartless. There is no other way.

The god once again spoke. 'That and you can't even control your magic properly... I really don't understand why you deny yourself the privilege to do so. By now you could have easily roped it in to do your bidding but instead, you refuse to truly learn. Is it because you are afraid of what will happen?'

I sighed as a large crystal and ice door appeared in front of me.

"That is one of the many reasons why. Now hush, I feel something behind this door, I think it may be the source of all this cold weather."


HEY GUYS. First off, I apologise for the no updates. It's not because I've been busy (I'm a lazy shiz so that will never happen unless I'm forced into something) or because I'm just being a shitty person but because of close to zero inspiration. But I don't want to drop the story so here's a chapter for you all.

It's probably a bit more humorous than some others and that is probably because of one of my other stories where the main character is a yaoi fangirl who doesn't give two fricks. She's also a bit coo-coo. It's fun for me to write.

We also hit 25K reads and 2K votes. Just wow. Never thought I'd ever get that far with one of my books... Thank you all very much for this honour.

Mkay bye.

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