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After the make or break conversation i had with chris i ran to the downside wanting peace desperately. Walking along the shore of this beautiful lake i thought to myself. I doubt things will be as usual between us. But i had to say this to him. I had to confide in him and be truthful and not make the same mistake twice.

Mistakes of hiding truth and let the situations turn to worst. If i had never hide things with alex maybe he would have understood and this would have been better. Atleast better than what is currently happening. I cant even make things proper. Fuck Its not even in my hands

There was always this little good inside alex and i always knew it. If i had told him the truth he would have never tortured me. And right now i would not have to deal with the mess going in my head. After what i came to know about his childhood it is justified to him that any sane person will go insane like he did. 

Giving a halt to my thoughts there came a faint rustling of footsteps from back. I turned to see an empty path covered in grasses and some beautiful flowers blossoming. Monsoon is about to breath it last giving way to my all time favourite snow to welcome 

i just hope all my problems end with it and with snow it brings freshness to my life. Starting things with chris as a fresh went all down the drain but i can still make things alright.

I was just processing my brain to think that it might be chris who came after me but a strong smell of chloroform hit my nose with a pair of strong bulky hands holding my waist from behind. Attacking me from back you dickhead. God so much swearing natalie you are rubbing of on me too much but im liking this change in me. 

I stomped my foot and tried to claw his face but my brain was slowly giving to the dizziness turning his back at me at such a crucial moment. Damn you brain you are always against me. 


My eyelids felt heavy but still i was relieved to see everyone around me. I am not the only one whose kidnapped this time thank god. This time?

Wen was i ever kidnapped. Alex never kidnapped me. He just very smartly made me succumbed to his demands one by one. But this time i wish so damn wish that the person who kidnapped me right now be one and only on person and that is alex

yes you heard it right

You can tell that im gone insane and this stupid brain of mine is always i mean always thinking about him i dont know why. Maybe i miss him or maybe he had that damn control over me so much from such a long time that i couldnt forget. 

But he did kidnap jacob. And right now also im glad jacob is kidnapped with me. We all six are strapped tightly in a very uncomfortable chair at a very abandoned creepy place which reeks of alcohol and bad stench. I should advise my kidnapper to hire some good cleaning staff. 

Each one of us is awake and talking with thier eyes to each other to calm down and also What the hell is goin on  coz they cant open thier mouth ofcose coz its gagged. Well im on the otherside is too calm coz so much has happened with me that ive stopped fearing. I dont know thats a good or a bad habit which alex gave me.

Twelve eyelids snapped to the front door wen we hear faint footsteps approaching us. A man enters carrying a black armani suit with elegance and who seems a bit familiar to me appraoch us with twelve hulk man accompanying him. Even in his forties he is quiet handsome and i slap myself mentally for drooling him from top to toe. God whats wrong with me. Alex took even my innocence away with him

Back to him anyone with eyes can tell that he is not some random person. He is someone you should be scared of. But i was scared for Nina coz she was hyperventilating for her six month old baby held by this man. God they kidnap her also. She's just a baby. 

I would have thought for a nanosecond that this is all just a set up by my stupid friends for throwing some party which they are always for ready for but the terrified look in nina's eyes and the man standing doesnt look like a party guy fade my thoughts away

Suddenly Natalie started jumping in her chair. This is not the time to play natalie but looking closely i noticed she is communicating with the man who kidnapped us with her eyes. She knows him? Was she the spy always? If she betrayed me again ill be hurt coz she has become the female best friend i always wanted. 

He ignored her and settled in a chair like a teacher about to give a lecture to thier students after giving the child to some female maid. Nina was sobbing loudly.

" So hello everyone. Hope you'll are having a good time coz trust me this is the lineant ive been with my hostages. Lets get straight to the point. I've given him half hour and twenty five minutes twelve seconds are done to be precise. If he comes here in four minutes well and good but  " he takes an exaggerating pause to quicken our heartbeat " if he doesnt you all die. which i doubt coz the moment he learned that ive kidnapped this bitch " for the first time since he entered the room he set his eyes on me and i froze. 

He looks at me in disgust as if i disgust him. What the hell did i do to you? And who the hell is he he's referring to. My brain is already dealing with so much and here he wants to play riddles

" he'll run like his pants are on fire. I had to do this to get a hold of him. So dont worry folks. You all are not gonna die. Atleast not today " 

Who will run like his pants are on fire on learning that im kidnpped?

oh no no no



Who else could it be?

Oh my god im already finding it hard to breath just by the thought of seeing him again after eternity. God what will i say to him? How should i react? should i talk first? Can i hug him please?

Well i cant coz im gagged and trapped and even my boyfreind is here. So behave rose. God im behaving like some teenage. Comon rose you are 20

I felt like my heart would burst out as soon as the door bursted open like somebody has pushed it hard with all his force. Well you'll might be thinking wasn't the door already open? No it was not. The maid closed it at her departure.

There is he. The last i saw him was wen i slept with him but let me tell i also see him daily in my dreams and i dont know that is a good or a bad thing. 

Well back to my heart ive been kissing and making out with chris since so long but my heart never responded. But just by the look of him, just by seeing him my heart comes to life. 

" Three minutes early. you are famous for never coming on time but i guess you are really change " somebody said with a hint of iritation in his voice

Alex was panting heavily and his legs were bleeding like he's been running mindlessly from a quite long time and was looking like some home wreck. His eyes was scanning desperately for someone in the room and when his eyes landed on mine he dropped on his knees at relief finally sucking a breath

It was clear he was here for me and I'm here because of him.

I finally got all my answers..............

Hello guys. Im so excited for alex and rose reunion. There will so much unsaid to be told. So many feelings to just fly out of it cage. 

This time there will be an updating schedule as per some satisfied comments. Please comment. Its amazing to hear your views and your share on what you want?

Please feel free to give some suggestions how you would like the story to go

who is the villain?

Do tell me how was the prologue......



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