2. A war will begin now

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He cleared his throat and prepared himself for the dumbest speech of his life he's going to give. His hands were still on my wrist and that was a bit comforting and was also holding me to the ground otherwise my clumsy legs could have fallen thrice till now. With me ofcose.

A loud screeching noise snapped me back to reality and i now realised he's been holding a mic and removed the other mic which was attached to his body. I glanced at everyone who were having confused look on thier faces and some were excited for the drama. Including Natalie and chris who were confused standing together and for the first time i didn't felt jealous seeing them together. First time?

I neva felt jealous seeing them both coz i trusted chris and that he loved me. This has no doin with alex that i was never jealous because i didnt care and was too in lust with alex. Stop it brain right now.

I shaked myself and before this dumbass could even utter a word i tugged at his sleeve and whispered to him.

" you idiot. Are you even your senses jacob. I swear if we were not surrounded by so many people i would have showed yoy my ninja skills " jacob chuckled trying to calm his anxiety because i know as hell he is scared to death

He whispered back to me " I'm very well aware of your ninja skills baby but this needs to be done. I'm never gonna let it go what happened with you " 

" jacob this is dangerous. You will create a war with some really dangerous poeople and it could go all wrong. For once just calm down and think what you are about to do "

" trust me rose. Nothing will happen " and ignoring me totally he continued

" so this girl standing right here " he lifted my hand " is the reason I am standing right here and lived my dream my passion my love for music. This girl Is even the reason I'm breathing today. "

" are you going to propose her. If yes then do let me know coz I'm out. My heart can't take that torture " a girl in her fifteen shouted in a middle of the crowd. We were able to hear her coz the whole place is so silent that i doubt is anyone breathing over here still.

" no my love " the girl just had an heart attack wen jacob called her love " I'm not gonna propose her but i would love to tell her again and again that i do love her. I love her the most in the entire world as a friend. As a person. Coz she was there wen nobody was with me. Love can fall apart but friendship can never ever die. " i hope he's not gonna call off the production too. The crowd clapped at his words and jacob took a deep breath for the main part.

" Wen this show was offered to me guys i was the happiest man alive. I could already see myself winning that trophy. But it wasn't easy. The saying is true that if you want to gain something you'll also lose something and to gain this trophy i was about to lose her and from that moment I've started hating myself and this trophy " i can still see it in his eyes what he must have felt when he realised the truth what happened with me and who was the reason for it. I wanted to tell it was not your fault jacob but i was getting too emotional i dont know why

From the moment alex has gone from my life I've not cried coz i want to be strong. I'm trying so hard to just be strong and keep smiling and playing for chris and jacob. Coz they are too still trying to not rip alex organs out of his body piece by piece

My eyes just turned to natalie and she was crying. Fuck this is bad. Jacob loves me so much might have hurt her coz i sense in the past days that she has started liking him but she need to umderstand that

loving someone amd being in love is totally different

i will talk to her later coz right now i can see that she has just walked out of the stadium. shit that's bad. 

Everybody was silent. Everyone eyes were on him. Everybody wanted to know what happened so badly that i almost lost my life

" First of all she was my girlfriend and i betrayed her coz i never loved her. Infact i think i can never love a girl coz I'm gay. I'm kind of bisexual. I dont know. There i said it " Jacobs eyes were closed revealing that truth as he's ashamed of himself. As if he don't want to fave this reality

Suddenly the whole crowd was gasping and whispering what the hell are you fuckin serious he's a pussy and all shit stuff which no one should tell about some other person

Now it was me who was holding his hand and assuring him to go on before the crowd go mad and kick our asses " guys yes that's the harsh reality of mine that I'm gay. But the - " jacob was yelling over the mike but no one was interested to listen to him now. Some were even on their way back like never interested to see his face again

I was talking to chris in gestures to do something and he was trying to talk to people around but that didn't work. There were four exits and everyone was on their way out but oh wow cool.

All exits were locked. Woah who the hell did that. Quick smart move. Atleast jacob can talk now even it needs to be force on them now.

Force. Well you should never force anyone for anything. It still haunts me somewhere deep inside how alex used to force me to do things.

I now think so i realise that sometimes his dominating side was just too sexy and i loved that. But sometimes he just crossed the line and that was too wrong. Forcing people to do any damn thing which is not good or they are not comfortable it is bad.

But even if alex was forcing me i should have been more strong and stood for what's right. Right now the people here are being forced too i agree to that but it's for the betterment of someone

The saying is that if you do some bad deed for the good of someone or something you are forgiven. And this is for jacob. If he miss this chance hi might not be able to talk to them his fans at all.

" everyone who are kicking their asses to open that fucking door and trying to move your ass out of here just so easily then let me tell you bitches I'm not gonna let that happen " i hear someone over the mike but it was not jacob. It was a female voice and it was me. Lol. 


So yesterday was my first date with a guy who loves me so much and even i like him. And after having that date i just couldn't sleep so here i thot about writing and its like so early in the morning for me

I can't believe i felt so good with him and it was all full of butterflies. For once i tried to look at him differently i felt so different with him which I've never felt before.

So if you go on a date with someone and if you want to meet him again guys then i think there's definitely something.

So about the story please do tell me how was the chapter and how are things going with rose and what you'll want. Are you'll from india please answer that question too?

Love yourself the most but not to the point where you can't see anything above you.

Lots of love


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