13. Who is in more pain?

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" Natalie? " I kept my hands on her shoulders to firmly hold in place

" Rose " She blinked his eyes several times to recognize me. She's been crying so much. Nina really hit on her nerves.

" What's wrong? "

" What's wrong with you? "

" That bitch was so rude. Slut. She's behaving and pointing out my character as if she's a nun " She hugged me to calm herself down " Rose today I fell in love with you more " She giggled and I giggled with her too patting her shoulders.

" Alex didn't raped her " I said to her

" She never deserved Chris "

" She loved Chris "

" She is a liar " She broke the hug and looked in my eyes " Wait what. Alex didn't raped her "

" Why are you so shock. You know Alex more then us both. You think he can rape her "

" No i know Alex didn't rape her. I know he blackmailed her with something else. I know that thing too. I'm shocked because that means Nina said it to you all. I know this is not Alex child. But is it Chris? Oh my god. Is it Chris? " She was blabbering and I nodded in response. Nats gasped and covered his hands with her mouth.

" Where is Alex?  " Nats didn't look shocked nor surprised. She was giving me a blank expression calculating her words.

" Shouldn't you be finding Chris? Now since this is his child. What about you both? "

" You tell me. What should I do. I have to tell Chris about his child which Nina doesn't want. Then it's Chris decision. Whatever he wants "

" Will you choose him if he chooses you? " I left her side and settled on the seat outside the rooms. I rested my head and leaned back. Nats settled beside me too.

" That's not the right thing to do. Nina still loves Chris. Chris child deserves her father. Chris too cares about Nina but he says he loves me. Even I loved him at some point but now the idea of leaving him doesn't dread me anymore "

" Maybe you still can't forgive Alex and liked the idea of being in love with Chris. Maybe Chris helps you in keeping Alex out of your mind "

" Well I guess it isn't helping coz Alex is in my mind 24/7 " Nats looked at me which made me to look at her too. She was contemplating whether to say the next part or not

" Even he misses you like hell " Hearing that calm something inside me. When Nats said me he just left me I thought he will eventually forget me and that thought dreads me more then leaving Chris.

" Where is he "

" Alex will kill me if I said it "

" You know he won't "

" Really bitch. You forgot he manhandled me when I was about to attack you " I laughed at that memory. It feels such a long time ago.

Natalie who couldn't breathe in the same air as me is now sitting beside me telling me to what to do with my life.

Who wanted to end my life once is concerned about my life now.

And Alex. No matter how much he hurted me but no one except him was allowed to hurt me. Alex. Fuck i miss him. I miss the passion he gave me. The intensity. The good moments. The way he looked at me.

It's decided. No matter what's right or wrong I can't be with Chris anymore. I need to let him go. He deserves someone who loves and only loves him.

Not someone who keeps thinking about a person who blackmailed her. Yes some part of me got blackmailed for Chris. I loved him. Yes I loved him. I loved him for what I knew love to be.

Blackmailed for LoveWhere stories live. Discover now