4. I want justice

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" Its time for us to speak guys. Its time to stand for what's wrong. It's time for us to find that bastard and punish him for what he did to rose. It's time to prove humanity is still alive " everyone was slowly ànd slowly falling into jacob trap. His words were syncing deep and deep into their heart.

But why was i not feeling anything? Why don't i feel hatred towards alex the way jacob does. Have i forgiven him for what he did to me?

No I've not. I still feel disgusted about myself. I still get nightmares of what he did to me. But why? Why did i liked his touch his kisses his hugs. Why do i want to feel that again. Why doesn't it feel the same with chris. Why do i want to see him just once? 

Well there can only be one  reason I'm goin crazy. And this is exactly what is known as Stockholm syndrome.

What jacob is doing is exactly right and he deserves to be behind bars. But jacob can't lie.

" So put him behind bars.  File a case and the court will decide whose right and wrong " the same girl who said that last comment stated.

" To put someone behind bars we need to know where he is. That pussy is hiding his ass. Yes we did file a case but the police were not at all cooperative and they didn't file our case. Nobody knows wer he is and that's why i need your help " yes jacob did dragged me to the cops the moment i was stable enuf to walk. But just listening that we want to file a case against who they showed us the exit.

Jacob tried every way possible, searched every house and farmhouses....kept mens outside his house....hired so many detectives but no results.

" How can we help you? " someone from the crowd said and it was a guy.

" Our social media. We can post his photo everywhere. Someone might have saw him. I could've done that too but before that i wanted to tell you our side of story. I want you all guys to be with me. I want you all get justice to rose. to girls. to humanity. I just didn't want to keep this with me. I want everyone to know about this and learn something " there was a different passion in Jacobs eyes which scared me. Destroying alex was becoming an obsession for him.

" Why should we believe you? Who knows she's lying? " a girl in his fifteen with dark black curly hairs pointed at me. For a moment jacob was losing all hopes but he still tried. Words and words and words.

Nobody is gonna believe us. This is goin to go nowhere. I might never be able to see him again.

Suddenly it clicked me that this show is live. Its not only some 5000 people here in the stadium listening to jacob but there might be 50k or 100 or maybe millions.

Is alex watching it too? Can he see me? For a moment i just kept my gaze fixed on the camera like I'm seeing in his deep eyes. Like he can see me and i can see him. His eyes. They were so full of pain. I wish i could share his pain.

Rose what the hell. What about the pain he gave you? Remember the days he didn't let you talk to your family. Remember the day he was going to kill jacob. Remember every slap he gave you. Remember his hurtful words

And i cried. My eyes still fixed on the camera and i busted into tears. There was a new strong urge in me to destroy alex.

To give him the pain which he gave me. Look into his eyes and see him vulnerable the same way he did to me. I want him in my feet begging the same way he did to me.

Coz i hate him

How dare he just rape me and vanish like this. Who will ask for for forgiveness. Goddamit he raped me. You yourself made a deal with him rose.

That's because he was gonna kill my loved ones if i didn't. It still gives me goosebumps thinking how angry he was that day.

I wiped my tears and marched towards jacob. He was still trying to convince everyone but they were just not buying it. I'm gonna destroy you Alexander connor the way you did to me.

I snatched the mic from jacob " So I'm lying. And what will i get it by doin this. Do you realise there might be million of people watching this show right now. And what am i gettin by informing everyone oh yeah im raped. Gimme some pity gimme your sympathies. Lemme tell you i already get enough sympathies from my loved ones everyday and trust me its not easy to see pity in their eyes. Trust me its not easy everyday the way their eyes remind me of my torture. " i was sobbing till now

" or maybe you think i want to be famous. I was known to be the love of a famous rockstar and an unknown underworld don. So i guess I'm already pretty much famous. No i dont want sympathy or anything from you guys. I just want justice "

" I want justice for the days he used to keep me with him forcefully and i used to fear with my every breath wen i might lose my virginity. I want justice for the days wen i used to fear every word i spoke coz even if i anger him just slightly he used to blackmail me that he'll kill everyone i love. I want justice for the days wen he used to treat me like shit saying me those hurtful words invading my privacy touching me in inappropriate ways forcing me to do things i didn't want to. " i went down on my knees crying remembering everything i went through. It was torture.

" I just want justice guys. I want to forget everything i want to forget him i want to live my life which I've not since the day i met him. " i was crying and sobbing and was almost sprawled on the floor. I didn't knew i was crying till how long but then i felt a hand on my shoulder. It was the same curly girl

" I'm with you rose "

" Me too " the girl who made that comment came forward too followed by a guy

and there were so many me too everywhere and everyone was almost with me on my stage and i just felt so loved after such a long time.

I really dont know what i was writing but i just did since i was getting bore. I really like really want to know from you guys what do you want from this story coz i have many many ideas but i want you'll to be a part of it too.

Any confusion?

and guys please help me i want to start teaching as a profession and i want to know is it financially good. I love teaching but i also need to use my brains.

and i need one help too for my dating life. After just four dates this guy told me he's really sure about me and would love to spend an eternity with me.

But I'm not sure. How will i know I'm sure. It takes a lot of time to love someone and spending an eternity is a very big decision like oh my god.

How can you be sure that you are sure.......god this phase of life is crazy :p



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