12. I'm gonna end this chapter

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Everything is going too fast. First Chris telled me everything about that mysterious night. And now Nina is about to tell me about another Mysterious night

And all this mysterious night includes the all great mysterious Alex. Maybe that's why I like him so much. I love the mystery around him

Fuck you bitch you just kissed someone. I just wanted to make Chris feel better.

' How did you changed that bitch? ' Nina kept the baby in the cradle and I was glad she's sleeping. Don't let mommy feel guilty for confessing something bad

' if you know she's changed then why not give her a chance. " I didn't change her. She did changed by herself. Every person has a different kind of dealing with things happening to them.

The strong one chooses the hard side and weak ones go for the easy. For Nina to accept her sins and become good was the strong version of her. But Alex. Alex went all the wrong after life fucked him.

Nina looked at me and rolled her eyes. She's indeed beautiful. It makes sense why chris and Alex both wanted her " everyone is not like you and Chris rose. We don't have such big hearts. "

" Everyone has a same heart "

" You are beautiful and your heart is too " Ok I want to cut this act and get straight to the point.

" I know what Alex did to you " I said to her. Her expression didn't waver at all. She knows I came here to talk.

' I know what he did to you too '

' is this baby Alex's ' Nina whole body language changed when she heard my question. There was a frown in her eyes and I didn't understood why.

" you are concern if the baby is Alex.  You should be concern if its Chris right " I blinked and I myself wondered the same.

" same difference. Alex or Chris. I want to know the answer please. Do you love Chris? "

' do you love Chris? '

" Stop it Nina.  Stop answering my questions with questions "

Nina is exactly opposite me nature wise. And exactly opposite from Chris. I sometimes think that's why Chris and me couldn't work out coz we both are same.

Yes we both like each other coz we both are like each other

Does that make sense

Nina took a deep breath ready to pour out what's bottled inside of her from so long. " I'm not stupid rose. If Alex and Natalie came blackmailing me that they will kill Chris if I don't leave him I'm not stupid enough to leave him just like that. I loved him "

" But even I was not so innocent rose. I was not really good. After Natalie left that room and Alex and me was alone I knew that Alex wouldn't rape me. He is not that type. Yes I slapped him and that angered him the most. But I just know that he is not that stoop so low kind of guy with his brother. "

" He's crooked but he's not cruel " Wow what a way to define Alex " He actually loved Chris a lot. The moment I entered in their life I just knew Chris fell for me. He was so innocent so sweet such a nerd. And Alex a playboy. He always used to get into my nerves. "

Listening to her feels like history repeated the same shit it did to Nina with me. Chris and I fell for each other and Alex came to ruin. 

" We started spending a lot of time together. Their group of 3 turned into 4 which irritated both Alex and Natalie. Because Natalie liked Chris and Alex thought I was playing Chris. "

" And he was right. I was playing Chris " To say I was shocked will be an understatement. It's like the earth under my ground shattered and I was falling.

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