14. I finally got all my answers

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Dedicated to tvd_to_ninadobrev

Your comments make me remember that I have a book and people are reading it so I need to update

I took a glass of water and mentally prepare myself. I have to start somehow. But from where do I start.

I still think it's not my place to tell that this is his child. But I can't hide from him too. And I can't even be with him.

Let's get straight to the point

" Chris I want to tell you something " Chris didn't even seem alarm by my sudden statement. Did I said that in my mind.

" Rose. I think we should first check with the baby and Nina. We are here only I guess it can wait a bit " Nina Nina Nina. It's high time in getting fed up.

" No it can't wait. This is important. " Chris still couldn't sense the urgency in my voice and was reluctant to rush to Nina as he was rushing to eat food and leave.

" Ok give me 5 minutes. I'll just go see Nina and come back till then you eat this " He stood up to leave and I took a deep breath and said my next words.

" It's high time you accept you love her. You've always loved her " That statement made Chris halt in his tracks. He was so surprised that he didn't even turned my way.

Everyone can sense that he loves her. I was just his ally to get over Nina. Have he also finally accepted that because just some hours ago we two went on a date and he told me he loves me

Chris looked in my eyes and instead of shock I see something else. Like acceptance. Like he actually accepts he loves her. He settled opposite me and looked down as if ashamed

" Just some hours ago I said you I love you " His gaze was still down. I placed my hand on his and he looked up.

" Yes you love me Chris and even I love you. We love each other as a person. We love each other as a friend. You and I we both have form a different bond. We both care for each other deeply. But it's not soulmate type love " Chris placed another hand on my hand as if he wants to connect with me in any way.

" Rose I don't want to be with Nina. I want to be with you " Men will always remain immature.

" That's because you have not forgiven her yet. And it is also because you think it's your duty to be with me because Alex fucked up my life because of you. No Chris. Love is not you have to do things. It's simply what your heart wants " Chris has not forgiven Nina for the scars she gave him in past. What about the new scars she is about to give. She kept a child away from a father. She lied.

Their love has to conquer so many battles yet

" I don't know what to say. I don't think you are right "

" I have something to say. Which will clear all confusions. You'll get all your answers " Once he knows that that child is his he'll accept her.

" Really? What is that? " Ok rose just say it. Just say it

" The chil - " Gunshot. That's what I heard which made me trembled. Guns and gunshots will terrify me to life I guess. After all I tried to kill myself from one.

" Did you hear that too? " Chris was hyperventilating at the thought of something harm coming to Nina.

We both ran towards Nina's room instead of conversing. The cafeteria went from 40 people to zero in a span of second as people heard gunshots from above.

As we entered the corridor it was like the whole hospital has been emptied. Things we're scattered all around like people running to save themselves.The reception the rooms not a single people as we kept walking. I entwined Chris hands and we both kept walking silently.

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