-Chapter 2-

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-His Cute-


"Hey Singto. Remember today we have a basketball practice. So don't be late." My friend M suddenly shout from nowhere. He always be like that. Shouting everywhere.Making people shocked.

"Ya..ya..whatever". I shout back then walked to the library. I need to finish my assignment, I only have 2 more day to finish it. This is why I hate study.

And theres a reason why I want to go to the library. Its Krist. I ask his friend and they said that he always at the library. I usually the typenof person who never want to go to the library.

But after a few minute wandering around in the library I still can't find him. Where he is actually. Is he not coming to the library today?  Because I didn't find him ,I sit and continue doing my assignment. After that going to the basketball practice.


Its already 8 p.m . And I still didn't eat anything my family is going out this evening. And now I feel regret don't tag along with them. I start my bike and find a restaurant. I need to fill my empty stomach.

I walked into the restaurant. And sit at the corner. My eyes suddenly focused on someone. Is that Krist and Sam? I look at them quietly. I can't hear what they were talking about. But suddenly Sam throw a glass on the floor and stand up. He look angry. I really don't want to get involved but, Suddenly he turn his head to me. He spotted me here?? I try to look away. But then he walked and stop infront of me.

"So.What is Krist saying is true ?"

"Hah?? what true?" I look at Krist and he give a sign ask me to nodded my head. And stupid me I nodded ny head.

"I already said to you. Don't get involved with us. But now your snatch my Krist away!!. Just you wait Singto Prachaya Ruangroj." Wait what? I snatch Krist from him.? And how he know my full name. This jerk is really a Jerk. I look at Krist asking for an explanation.


"You said what?? I'm your boyfriend. But why?". I kinna feel happy about that,  but its also so confusing. Beside I only meet him once okay. And I already involved in something like this.

"Because I want Sam to stay away from me. He has been disturbing me almost a year now. And I feel that only you dare to fight him. I'm really sorry P'Sing." The way he said sorry kinna make my heart melted. Well its not that bad right? It just to make that jerk stay away right?

"Okay..Then."I said and smiled at him.

"So how do you want to go home after this?" I ask while shoved a food in my mouth.

"I'll go back by taxi I guess."He said looking at me. Oh god. His eyes. If he seriously my boyfriend maybe I'll just kiss him. But he is not mine tho.

"Well...I can send you home if you want." I offer.

" Ermm..okay." He smiled again.


"Ermm P'Singto. Are you serious wanna take me home with this?" Krist point his finger to my bike. Well ,is there anything wrong with my super bike?

"Yes..anything wrong with it?". I ask and furrowed my brows.

"Yes P..Actually I never get on a bike before". I slap my forehead. You gotta be kidding me . How can theres someone who doesn't know how to ride a bike .

"Well Krist. You is my 'boyfriend' right now you know. So its better for you to learn how to ride a bike with me." I said and raised my left brow. He look nervous when I said that.

"P..I just said that to Sam just because I want him to stop disturbing me P. Not because I meant it." He said then lower his head.

"I know.I'm just kidding with you. Now slowly hop on." I chuckles and look at him.

" O...okayy." he said and hold my shoulder. After he hop on the bike. His placed both of his hand on my shoulder. I can feels his hand shaking a bit.

I smiled then start my bike.

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