-Chapter 5-

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-Oh My Heart-


Krist face keep showing up in my mind. I know that I should sleep right now..But I  can't I miss him so much. I need to refresh again. I grab my sweater and wear my sport pant then go out. Theres a park near my house. So I decide to go there.

I joged alone but suddenly I stop when I see someone running toward me.Its Krist.His look scared.His shirt all tirn out. His shoes only left on his leg feet. His face has a bruise. He run and hug me when he see me. I hold his face and examine it.

"P'Sing..please .please...help me.."He ask for my help while crying.

"What happen with you Krist.? Who did this.?" I ask

Before Krist tell me someone is running while screaming Krist name in anger.It must be that person.I pulled Krist behind me and trying to recognise who is that in this dark. That person walked slowly while laughing when he saw me. From his laugh i know its Sam.

"You bastard. What have you done to him?!" He stopped infront of me and chuckled abit. I hold my fist. Calm down Singto. You really don't want to kill people right now.

"Its because he is too delicious. No one can't resist him.Hey Sing. We can share you know...." Thats it . Im gonna kill him.I punch his face make him fall. Then I stood infront of him and puch him a few more.I already say don't mess with Krist. I'm gonna make sure you die today.

I kick his waist letting all my anger out. I can hear he scream in pain. But looking at Krist right now make me wanna hear that scream more. Sam is half dead I think when Suddenly Krist hand wrapped around my waist.

"P'..stop it. Please."His voice make me stop kicking that bastard. I turn my body to Krist and hug him.I give him a piggy back cause his knee is bleeding and he look so tired. He fall asleep on my back.


"Krist...we are arrived. Come and take a bath." Krist open his eyes and hug me imediately. I know he still scared about what happen.If he don't stop me. I swear that Sam will die in my hand.

"Don't worry Krist. I'll protect you. I promise."Krist release his arm and look at me.I took off his shirt and his pant leaving his boxer on. Lift him up and put him in the bath tub. His body shivering when the cold water hit his body.

His body is soft ans white like a marshmellow. I slowly rub his chest and all his body with a soap. and wash his hair with a shampoo.

"P... Thank for helping me today..I don't know what will happen if you weren't there."  I smiled then smiled behins him. I clean his wound knee and some scrath mark on his body with a warm water.

After I done clean his body and put him my cloth. He now is so quiet. I take a first aid kit and clean his wound with the iodine and put a bandage. After then I ask Krist to sleep. And he just listen to me. He is not like the usual Krist I know. And its make me sad watch him like that.

I go downstair to drink some water. I open the fridge and take the cup but then I have to put back the cup because I hear Krist screaming. I run back to my room. Krist is sitting on the bed while crying. His face is all sweaty. I jumped onto my bed and hug him.

"Its okay Krist..Its okay. I'm here. Shh..." I try to calmed him down. The way he hugging me back now i bet he really scared.


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◆•◆Ohhoooo...cute makkkkkk😍

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