one, two, three

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Dr. Flug's POV.






It's how it works in my life, I work all day and night only to fail, and I repeat theses actions all the time. The only reason I can't stop this never ending cycle, is because I can't stop these feelings I have for Black Hat. It's been 10 years since he hired me, I'm 27 now. I don't know when I started feeling the emotion normal people call love, but I do know he would never except them. He'd probably kill me for even thinking like that. I should explain why I'm saying things like this.

It was a normal day, 505 cleaning the house while I was making invention after invention. Dementia came in to bug Black Hat, saying he's her "true love". Black Hat would start yelling at her and remember he would need to yell at me for some reason... but that all went down a different direction when, instead of my boss yelling at me or Dementia, he casually walks in to my lab like he owned it (which he does). He began to ask me weird questions like, "why do you like science?" Or, "what's with your obsession with planes?" It wasn't until he asked me to take off my bag that I finally said something. "U-uh s-sir, I can't do that. If I do then I-I might hurt someone." The reason I wear my bag is because it helps me keep calm. If I were to take it off, I'll get easily agitated and hurt someone. "Why is that Flug?" I hate it when he calls me by my name like that. I'm a scientist, I deserve to be called Dr. Flug, he's not my pal, no matter how much I want him to be. "I-It's because if I t-take off my bag, I'll get easily agitated and hurt you. Not that I could at least." I made sure to correct myself, so that Black Hat knows that I will hurt someone but just not him. "Well if you know that you can't hurt me, then it's fine for you to take it off. Of course I've already seen what you look like under the bag but it gets quite annoying." I don't want to take off my bag though. "But s-sir it makes me feel uncomfortable, besides I don't have the most attractive face." I say the last sentence in displeasure. "Oh please, it can't be that bad." Why is he so persistent? I sigh and place my hands on the bag. "You can put it back on if Dementia or the bear comes in, if that makes you feel any better." I smile a little bit. I take off my bag and goggles show my boss the "real" me. "You don't seem all that different from when you were 17. You're 3 eyes are still the same. About the only difference is your hair and- WAIT! What happened to you!? Since when did you look like this?" I knew it, he was just going to lie to me saying that I look no different but it's very obvious to see that I've changed...

 About the only difference is your hair and- WAIT! What happened to you!? Since when did you look like this?" I knew it, he was just going to lie to me saying that I look no different but it's very obvious to see that I've changed

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A/n: if you have read "the secret plans" , my first book, then you should know what he already looks like. But for those who have not, here's a picture. Enjoy! Also this stories chapters will be longer than the other book. This one isn't going to be as long as the next ones because I felt like it.

Dr. Flug's POV.

"It was a simple mistake, sir. It was a few years ago, I was about 24, and you requested me to make a liquid explosive. As I was making the mixture, I accidentally spilled it on the floor. It was very unstable so when the liquid hit the floor it exploded on contact. I wasn't prepared for the explosion and it ended up having a small affect on me. Mainly melting my skin and burning off some hair." Black Hat looked at me a bit funny. "How did your hair become white, grey, and purple?" I forgot to explain that too. "Oh, uh, I-I tried to f-fix my hair b-by using a toxic, but not l-lethal, liquid. I m-mixed it up with a-a few hair pro-products and this h-happened. M-My hair grew b-back but the c-color changed." Black Hat was still looking at me funny. I was beginning to get even more uncomfortable. I say I need to go back to work and put my bag back on. "Alright, I'll come back later. If the bear or Dementia are not in here, you are too take off the bag. Understand?" I shake my and continue working.

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