W-What feelings!?

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Black Hat's POV.

"WHAT DID I JUST DO!? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH! NO NO NO NO! I PUT THOSE FEELINGS DOWN YEARS AGO AND THEY ARE NOT COMING BACK, THEY JUST CAN'T!" I'm in my office freaking myself out. Just only a few minutes earlier did I do something I don't completely regret.

10 Minutes before:

Dr. Flug looks so peaceful when he's asleep, I wish he could be this peaceful all the time. I stand up from my seat but my body strangely kneels down to Dr. Flug's face instead. Being up this close to his face was oddly appealing and I couldn't help but grow closer to his beautifully colored hair and caress it. I sighed, noticing a sound coming from Dr. Flug that was similar to a whimper. Is he having a nightmare? I frowned, feeling bad for the scientist. I placed my hand on his cheek like it was sopposed to help. My own face was already dangerously close to Dr. Flug's, I tried to move back but instead it started to move forward. I don't understand, what am I doing? My face eventually move close enough for my lips to touch Dr. Flug's skin.

I had kissed Dr. Flug's cheek...


____! ____! ____! How am I supposed to process with that in mind!? I sat down in my office throne and covered my mouth still feeling Dr. Flug's cheek on my lips. His skin wasn't rough like it's looks, it's actually very soft and warm. I felt myself start to warm up again, mostly in my facial area. For some reason I wanted more from this feeling, I wanted more from- NO! I CAN'T HAVE THAT! I can't have that happening. Not again...

Years ago, when Dr. Flug started to work for me, I had realized that I had feelings for the mortal. At first I thought I was just sick and needed to clear my head but no matter what I did the feelings only came back stronger. I wanted to tell Dr. Flug how I felt about him, but the day never came after I over heard a conversation between him and Dementia...

F: Dem, I don't understand... How can you like such a guy like Black Hat?

D: Because~, he's adorable and frightening! Which makes him only even better. Besides I'm not sure why your complaining, you like him to don't you?

F: PFFFT, as if! The only feeling I have towards that thing is, hmmm, I can't really put it in to words but the best thing I can come up with is loathing. Honestly he's the worst! I mean seriously, how am I supposed to make an invention within a matter of 2 days? Like WTH? But I guess other than that I, Blah blah blah blah blah blah...

I couldn't feel anything for the rest of that day, that week, maybe even that month. What he said hurt more than my mother's death. I hid my feels for him ever since then. I've wanted to let him know multiple times after but never did I think that I would have the courage to do what I did. I needed to tell someone but who? Who would I tell about this?!

I'll try to think of someone later but for now, I need to get these thoughts out of my head.

It became morning all to quickly, before I could even see the light shining through the windows, Dementia came in telling me things I don't care about. She noticed my odd mood and asked what was wrong. "Blackie, you're not paying attention. What's wrong?" I didn't respond. I simply scoffed and pretended to not hear her. Dementia begins to start poking me to get my attention, I really didn't care if I told her or not since no one would actually believe what she says. In fact, Dementia is a compulsive liar. "Fine, but you must not tell anyone. Or  I will rip you to shreds!" Just to be safe. "Ok Black Hat!" She does a soldiers salute with one hand behind her back. "Ugh, do you want to sit down?" She sits her butt down and tells me to talk. "Grrh, fine... I have this problem relating to, human, emotions. The one they call L. O. V. E. I made a -" "AAAAW! Blackie has a crush! Who's the lucky guy?" How did she know I was gay? "Uh, how'd you know I meant a guy?" "Well, your an evil being that most people think is unholy. I remember the Bible saying that if you like guys you were unholy or something. So lucky guess!" Wow, she actually has brains. "Well yes, like you said he is a guy. But that is besides the point. I mistakenly did something that I did not mean to do and I cannot take it back. I have not felt these emotions for that nerd in years and I do not want to hurt him or myself because of it." Dementia's eyes widened in surprise. "Y-You like Dr. Flug, don't you?"......."Me? The most powerful being in this dimension, who has taken over the world at least 4 times, liking a mere mortal boy who is fascinated by the strangest of things?............ WELL OF COURSE I DO!" Dementia's eyes widened in surprise. "Ya know, that's not really cool Black Hat." She said my name as if it were poison. Which is very odd for her. "What do you-"  Dementia grabs my tie, pulls me closer to her face, and punches me right in the jaw. "Hahaha, look at your face! That's hilarious! But you know, I thought you loved me but no I guess not. Oh well~." I can tell she was going to be unstable for the next few days, I just hope she doesn't do anything Dementia. She leaves after a moment of silence, before she closes the door she says one more thing that leaves me awestruck. "He had feelings for you before. I don't know about now but I'm sure he'll be feeling the same." Closing the door gently, she's leaves me alone. "He had feelings for me?" I have so much to say but no one to talk to, except maybe. I didn't even need to think of his name as my body moves it's body away from my chair and to a phone. Dialing the number needed, he answers. "Sorry for not picking up, please leave a message after the tone." Gah! Great I'll just leave a message for him at the moment. "Hello dumb*** I need to speak with you on an important matter. I wish to see you within the next few days. You're kind of my last resort at the time so please come to my house, a s a p. Good bye, this is the notorious Black Hat by the way. Brother GreyHat."

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