2 Part

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Small warning, Suicidal mention and slight gore

~•~•~The Shock...~•~•~

Dr. Flug's POV.

I ran at Dementia with the wrench and bashed it upside her head, it didn't cause her to become unconscious (sadly), she just fell to the ground in paralyzed shock of the hit. I place my foot against her neck so she wouldn't get up. "Huh, I was kinda hoping you would put up more of a fight. I guess we all can't get what we want." She tried to say something but choked on her own voice. I sighed in disappointment. I was about to poke out one of Dementia's eyes but, I heard the elevator bell ding. In anger, I looked to see who was there, my expression changed to fear in immediate reaction to Black Hat speeding through the door. "Dr. Flug! What happened!? I heard an explosion from the kitchen!" Why did he care? It's not like he was in danger of anything. I remember Dementia being below my foot, she had removed it herself before I could do anything. "Blackie! Oh thank you for coming! Flug was about to-" "Shut it Dementia, I want to hear what Dr. Flug has to say first." He looks straight at me waiting for an answer. "Um, sir I don't think you want to hear what I have to say, you'll only get u-upset." Black Hat sighs. Dementia speaks. "Ugh, Dr. Flug wasn't paying attention to the thing-a-ma-jig and it blew up! He was so out of it that he wasn't even going to eat lunch!" Black Hat looks at the clock and sees it's past twelve. "Dr. Flug, is what Dementia says true? That you weren't going to eat lunch? At all?" Wait, why is he asking me about lunch? I don't question him, I answer him honestly. "Yessir. I-I wasn't going to eat lunch, I was going to keep working on extracting the immortal blood from the antidote. I had no choice, I couldn't have just brought it with me to eat. I could've spilled it and created an even bigger mess than we're already in." Black Hat sighs once more before saying, "Dementia, you are banned to enter the lab for the rest of your Bloody life unless Dr. Flug tells you to go in. As for you Dr. Flug, you will explain to me what happened after you get something to eat. I'm not taking any chances of you starving yourself." I nodded my head in agreement. I walked towards the only exit in the lab until Dementia pushed me back to where I was before. "That's not fair! I get banned from the lab but Flug only gets a slap on the wrist?! Wth! Flug wasn't going to eat, he messed up whatever project he was doing, and he was going to lie to you as well! But all I did was walk in the room and talk! And some how I'm the one in the most amount of trouble!" Black Hat shakes his in disinterest. "Dementia, get the ____ out before I make you. Dr. Flug will get his punishment later, I just want him to eat first and i want to hear his side of the story." "Oh, please! You're just too soft on him! In fact I think it's because you like-" "DEMENTIA SHUT UP!" I watched as their argument played out.

"I can't believe this! When will you realize that he won't return those feelings!? You know what?! I'll show you! I'll show you who will love you!" Dementia grabs Black Hat's head and pulls him down to her height. She locked her lips with his own. I could feel myself begin to boil in rage.

Black Hat pushes Dementia away before puking up something that looks like tar. "Dementia you idiot! I thought you already knew this! I'm gay! My whole species is homosexual! Except for a few stray pans and Ace's, but other than that, I am disgusted! You tried to kiss me and now you made me throw up!" I slowly lifted my hand to press a hidden button. "Well, how was I supposed to know you would throw, uuuuup? H-Hey Flug, w-whatchya doin' with that axe there, buddy? Hehe."  I held the axe in my hand, letting it drag on the ground as I sprint at Dementia. Swinging the dull side of the axe, it hit Dementia in the head, knocking her completely out. I take the axe and bring it to the air, letting the blade drop on her left arm. Her screams of pain were even more overwhelming than the immortals. Her blood was spreading every where, I love it...

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