Epilogue: Parent Meeting

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Dr. Flug's POV.

A few months had passed since Black Hat and I have been together. It was a cold wintery season this year. Dementia's still pissed about the fact that she's not dating him but she got over it after watching some anime for whole weekend... She needs friends. Anyway, I fixed Black Hat and I from the mess I- we made. We are now back to normal, sorta.

Black Hat and I are happy none the less. Speak of the devil, he entered my lab after I heard the elevator bell ring. "Good afternoon doctor! How are you this fine evening?" He says with a joyous tone. "What's wrong?" He seemed shocked when I asked him my question. "Ugh, oh nothing! My love there is nothing you need to worry about. I am just having a lovely day that is all." He's not combining words~. "Oh, is that so? If there's nothing wrong, then why are you complimenting a bright sunny day and you're not combining words? Hmmm?" I turn around to face him. The look on his face was so close to embarrassment, I thought he must of slipped on a banana peel. "What!? That is absurd!! I am not doing that at all! Wait-" "Black? Come on, you can tell me." He sighs to himself and reluctantly tells me what's wrong. "Ok, fine... My brother, GreyHat, he called me and asked if he could come over for a bit to talk and catch up on things. I agreed of course! But what he didn't care to tell me was that he was coming over today! At four o'clock!" I couldn't see what the problem was until I looked at the clock. "OH! Well come on let's go upstairs and clean the place up before he gets here." I looked at the clock and saw it thirty minutes until four. Quickly, I pushed Black Hat towards the elevator but to no avail, did he go in. "I can't! The last time he was here was before we got together! If he knows that things are different now, he'll ask about details and specifically other stuff I'd rather not talk about." Oh dear, he's a gossiper isn't he? He must like to hear that stuff if GreyHat asks about specific stuff. "Well doesn't he already know? That we're together?" Black Hat stayed quiet as I kept pushing him in to the tiny box. "Black Hat?" I say with sternness. He still says nothing. "Black Hat! What the heck? Why haven't you told him? Or any of your family for that matter?" He finally gives in and enters the elevator. "Well, in my family I'm not exactly the most social one. If my parents, or even White Hat, find out about this. I'll never hear the end of it." I saw what he meant, if his parents knew I was his lover, then the teasing would never stop. My parents probably would do the same thing- well they're dead so it doesn't matter to me. "Well it's only GreyHat that's coming over, isn't it?" "Uuuuuuuuuuuh, probably?" Oh, you got to be kidding... Black Hat kept trying to look away from me while I was staring him down. I sigh and try to think of what to do. "It's alright, I'll think of something. I'll have 505 make a big dinner just in case your parents do come over. And if they ask anything then we'll just try to avoid the question. Ok?" He breaths for a moment and nods his head. "Good, let's just hope your parents don't come here. Or White Hat."

35 Minutes later~~~~~

Dr. Flug's POV.

His parents came... And one of his father's, oh my Gods... He is a rainbow of colors. You could probably find a color on there that hasn't been discovered to the human eye. Black Hat's other father though, he had very pale color, or at least he seemed like pastel. "Oooooooh, Hattie my boy how are you?! I haven't seen you since you moved out! I missed you so much! Gimme a hug!" Rainbow dad ran at Black Hat waving his arms around him like he would float away. "It's good to see you too, dad. I missed you just as much." Rain dad was surprised by Black Hat's response and held a hand to his forehead. "Honey, are you feeling alright? You just spoke openly to me about how much you missed me." Black Hat chuckled a little nervously and said, "W-Well, I haven't seen you in quite some time so I may have changed sense then. Hehehe." He laughed again nervously. Pastel dad looked at me, suspiciously. "So, who's this doofus? S'he mute or somethin'?" I cringed at his voice, it was hard an cold, nothing close to what he looks like. "Oh, I'm sorry. M-My name is Dr. Flug! I-I work for your son, Mister Black Hat." I tried to be as respectable as possible to his fathers. "Ah, so ya' can speak. Good to know. And ya' say ya' work for my son? You seem to respect him alot, if ya' ask me." I had only just noticed both of Black Hat's parents heights. Pastel seemed to be over 505's height, so was rainbow to. "Oh, well aren't you the cutest thing I have ever seen! Oh c'mere and gimme a hug!" Rainbow dad ran at me this time but before he could reach me, Black Hat steps in front of him and me. Blocking his way to hug. "I'm sorry dad, but I'm afraid you can't do that. He has a problem with personal space." No I don't. I didn't say anything about it though. "Oh, dear. That's too bad. Oh well! Now dear, why don't we catch up in the living room, greybud must be alone in there with whitty." Hattie? Greybud?? Whitty??? What is up with these nicknames?! It didn't matter, I followed the Hat family to the living room and watch as they talked about how much has passed and changed.

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