secrets we keep...

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Dr. Flug's POV.

After 10 Minutes of waiting for Black Hat to leave the computer, he comes up to my area and watches what I do. I began to get a little fidgety, some of the liquids and such were starting to spill on the marble work station. I try to think of something to get Black Hat away from me. There's something I need to do. "U-uh sir? How long were you asleep last night?" "Hmmm, I guess 14 hours. Not counting the 5 hours before I actually went to sleep." Oh thank you time! "Why don't y-you get the rest of your 24 hours of sleep? You only need about 5 more hours and y-you'll be fine for the next month." I say that without thought. I turn to my boss to speak with him face to face. Black Hat ponders for a moment but comes to a conclusion. "I guess I'll do that. If that's what my body wants at least." I chuckled softly and showed Black Hat to a bed I used for overnight work. The mattress was clean, the red blanket was folded and the pillow was fluffed. 505 must of fixed it for me before he left with Dementia on those "errands". Black Hat skeptically looks at the bedding and says it's sufficient. I sigh in relief and see Black Hat climb into the bed without hesitation. "You can get back to work now. I'll be here sleeping." I don't say anything. It's really hard not to say anything with the stupid toxic gas still inside your lungs. That's usually why my face is red and it looks like I'm about to explode.

I do as Black Hat says and head back to work with the antidote. Only, I don't go back to my work station. Hehehaha...

Warning: gorey scenes soon to come. Let's hope you have a stomach to read this.

I pass my station and head over to a secret opening in one of the walls. I unlocked the hatch and walk inside the room. Inside are some things I like to, experiment, on. I mean, some people. The two were a man and a women, both strapped and tied to two poles. I decided to stick with the man, the women wasn't regenerating as quick as I want her to. Oh, I almost forgot to mention, they're both immortal, neither can die in any way, shape, or form.

I sat next to the man and plunged a needle into his skin. "Eh, don't know how much I need, so I might as well take as much as I can." I pull the handle to suck in the immortal blood, but my hand slipped and caused the needle to tear the man's skin. Causing more blood then my mind can handle. I've been through a lot of stress lately, maybe I can take a little, mind breather.

I couldn't help it, what happened next was out of my control. Even though I'm the one doing it.

My mind went completely blank, I want to tear this man apart limb from limb, vein to tissue to bone. I want it to be gruesome. I take out a dagger I picked up from the kitchen and plunge it into the man's heart, twisting side to side making sure even the handle was bloody. I take it back out and did the same actions. After the second time I started to hear the cries from both the woman and man. One in emotional pain, the other physical. It only makes me want more! I take the knife back out and put it back in my lab coat. I grab out a butcher knife instead. I wonder wear I've kept this.

I swing the knife against the pole to cut the ropes, I push the man down to his back making him cough up blood even more than he already was. I swing the butcher knife again, this time aiming for his right arm. My first swing and it doesn't cut through all the way. I make a small pouty face and start to push the knife farther down it cut. The man's screams of pain were exhilarating! But the cracks of the bone were even better. When I finally pushed it all the way through I heard a great SnAP! And cRaCK! I couldn't help but laugh. I feel the man nudge himself to turn over. "Oh, thanks for the help." I push him to his stomach and sit on his back. My mind was racing with ideas on what to do with his back until I figured out the perfect one. I toss the knife aside and grab the back of the man's neck like a lever. I dug my gloved hands in to his thick throat and began to pull at his spinal cord. I stand on the man's back, possibly breaking a few ribs, and keep pulling on the his spine... His shrieks in pain were so entertaining, I couldn't help but pull more. I pulled on his spine enough to have rip right off his back, blood splatter every where. I pulled even more until it finally came out of his back. I was a bit disappointed that I had to cut my stress relief time short. I pick up the needle I had before and leave the small room. I had work to do, I need to make the antidote, and the blood I just collected should help. Although most of the blood I did achieve to collect is on my clothes but that let's me get to take a shower. I close the hatch and began to get back to my work station. "My, I never would have thought of you as a murderous man. I guess there are a LOT of things I don't know actually." I shrieked in fear when I heard Black Hat's voice. "Aah! Sir what, how!? How much did you see?!" The one word he says scared me almost straight. "Everything." I almost fainted. I didn't know what to do but my mouth apearantly did. "Are you mad? Should I leave?" I said it as if my heart dropped in to an abyss. Slowly yet passive. "What are you talking about? I thought that was amazing! But I do have one question......" He trailed off his sentence. He walks up to me and wraps his arm around me, his arm now stained with blood as well. "How many other secrets have you kept from me?" Black Hat says softly in to my ear. "I h-have s-several other secrets I hide from y-you. Like- I-I-I-I-NO, I NEED TO GET BACK TO WORK!" I quickly shove my  arm away from Black Hat and start speed walking to my desk again. I couldn't imagine what would happen if I were to some how blab to Black Hat how much I like him... It just couldn't happen.

Black Hat doesn't bother me after that, he goes back to sleep after I go back to work. Of course after the rest of his 5 hours of sleep he wakes up and watches me again. This time I couldn't think of anything to get him away from me. Black Hat moves his head towards the clock and checks the time. I didn't notice those movements until I was about to move to a different desk. He pushed me against a wall and places one hand right next to my face. "S-sir?! What are you doing?!" He responds with his own question. "Dr. Flug, did ever eat anything when I was asleep?" Why would he be asking that? "N-No sir." "So, you're telling me, that you haven't eaten anything since this morning? When I was awake." I nod my head with a question. "Why d-does it matter? It's only 11 am." He looks at me with a face that I could only describe as confusion. "Are. You. Serious? Dr. Flug IT'S 11 PM!" What. I wasn't paying attention to the lighting in the room until now, I notice the room grow dark fast. "Uuuugh, you are going to eat a full meal of food and going straight to sleep. I don't need you sleep deprived as well." I do as I am told. I leave the lab and head to kitchen, eat a full meal and headed to my room to sleep. My insomnia didn't help, especially if it's partnering up with my depression and anxiety. Looks like nightmares are ahead.


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