His Cry For Help...

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Dr. Flug's POV.

Black Hat left me in the living room with... Him. White Hat. I don't know what it is about him but he makes me feel, uncomfortable. I've said it before but I just can't get over the fact that the nicest thing in the world is making me uncomfortable. Maybe Black Hat is rubbing off on me? Well it doesn't matter, I began to leave the living room but that heroic idiot decided to talk to me. "Hello Dr. Flug~! It's been so long since I last saw you!" He says my name in such a sickening tone that it makes me want to walk faster. Although I do question in my head, "when he last saw me?". I've never met him in person so I don't understand. Or care. "Oh, Fluggy, why aren't you talking to me? I haven't seen you in so long, at least give me a hug!" White Hat runs towards me with his arms wide open but I run faster. I try to make my way to the lab but remember what Black Hat says.

**"Dr. Flug, could you stay out of the lab for now? I need to talk to GreyHat privately.-"**

Damming great! I run in a different direction, away from the elevator to the lab. But because of my stupidity I run right in to White Hat. "Ah, now do you want to talk?" I don't say anything, I push him out of my way and run, I ran like my life depended on it. "Where do you think your going, Fluggy?" It sounded like lust in his voice, but why? Without looking where I was going and not paying attention, I trip over a white tendril that was coming from White Hat. "Come back Flug, I just want a hug!" The tendril grabs my waist and pulls me towards him. I didn't realize it at first but my bag had slightly come off when I fell, revealing my chin and hair. I hoped White Hat didn't notice but fate hates my guts. "Oh Fluggy! Did you get a new hairstyle? Let me see!" Without thinking I grab a pocket knife from my lab coat and stab it in to the tendril around me. White yells in pain and shock while I got my chance to run. I hide my self in side a near by bathroom, the one closest to the living room. I look at myself in the mirror, seeing all of me. My shifted bag, my pale neck, my melted skin, my mis....

I hadn't realized I took off my gloves, I don't know how or why but the four scars running across my wrists were like a reminder to myself for things I can't undo. One cut on my left, three on my right. The four big mistakes in my life, Dementia, 505, Black Hat's disappointment, and- "Dr. Flug! Are you in there? How long are you going to take?" White Hat! How did-? It doesn't matter I just need to stay quiet and still and he'll think I'm not in here. Wait, my gloves! I quickly put them on, having history flash through my mind. I shake my head in annoyance and open the door. Why did I open the door?! "Ah, Flug, finally! I was wondering if you fell in there. You were inside for five minutes." "Whoops." I say sarcastically. I walk away quickly and sit on the couch. I've got nothing to do, my stuff is in the lab but I can't go there at the moment. I'm not hungry either.
White Hat sits next to me smiling as if he never chased me. He starts to move closer, sliding his butt closer to me, it reminded me of when Black Hat and I were in the car and he sat next to me with no explanation. I smiled softly to myself but remember White Hat was here too. I scoot myself farther from him but he only moves closer. I eventually lose all space on the couch except for the arm rest. I sigh and try to get up, but a certain _____ pulls me back, right into a hug no less. "Oh Fluggy don't leave me! I'm so bored! Maybe you can take off your bag to make me feel better?" It wasn't question for me, he pulls my bag off revealing, everything. Everything. He squeals in both fright, and happiness?

I-I was paralyzed, I c-can't move. I tried to say something but all that came out were a few sounds. White Hat was so amused by this, he started nuzzling my neck. "Hrgh, yu, gah, hah, hah." "Oh, Flug stop trying to talk, within my arms you can't say anything!" I'm scared. I can't handle it anymore. Someone, anyone,

2 Minutes later, I was saved

"WHITE HAT! GET OFF OF HIM!" I didn't hear Black Hat or GreyHat come in to the room. I honestly am not scared at all, I'm relieved... Black Hat rushes to me in a way I can't describe and pulls me to his chest. His arms were wrapped around me like a protective shield. I want to say something but couldn't speak. So, I look up at him, surprised, I see his cheeks were slightly puffy and his eye was barely blood shot. "WHAT GIVES YOU ANY IDEA THAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU CAN EVEN TOUCH MY ASSISTANT, LET ALONE MAKE HIM CRY?!" C-Cry? Was I-I crying? I felt my face and realized that I was indeed crying. What is wrong with me? Crying in front of my boss? That's pathetic...


I feel so safe in his arms, he feels so warm for such a cold character. I couldn't help but lay my head on his chest, feeling his heartbeat. It's a bit quick but it's most likely because of his anger towards White Hat. "YOU WILL NEVER TOUCH HIM AGAIN UNDERSTAND!? I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN MYSELF IF I HAVE TO!" I don't understand, shouldn't he be mad at me? My face was revealed without his knowing, I got close to White Hat and he was touching me. So shouldn't I be yelled at? "You are to leave this house hold before I do it myself. I will remove your eye again too." White Hat tips his Hat saying he will leave. "Fine, at least I got to see Fluggy's face! Haha!" Black Hat growls under his breath. GreyHat smirks at Black Hat before saying goodbye and leaving.

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