an "outing", right...

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Black Hat's POV.

Dr. Flug and I entered the auto drive limo and took our seats inside. "Uh, um, Black Hat s-sir is it ok if I ask you a question?" "But you already did." I smirked a little to show that I was making a joke. "Uh, right... Sorry but what's the real reason you asked me out on this, outing?" What does he mean "real reason"? I was being honest when I said he was an interesting man. "Whatever do you mean? I was being serious when I asked." He made a strange face looking at me. "How in the world would you think of me as an interesting man? A man of no interest in anything but himself and his money caring about another man with weakness's that are so stupid that only psychotics should have them, is completely out of question. NO NO NO NO NO, I DIDN'T MEAN THAT! I-" It didn't matter about what he said about me, I was only curious about why he down grades himself like that. "Dr. Flug, what insecurities do you have?" That shut him up real quick. "M-My insecurities...?" He said it more as a sentence than a question. "W-What do you think my insecurities are?" For once he didn't apologize. His question was a bit tough to answer but I thought carefully. "Well, out of what I've heard so far about you, you don't think you're very good at what you do. Worrying about things that don't even matter. You don't like it when your mind doesn't cooperate the way you want it to, with or without the chemical inside you." He was silent, it seemed as though I was right. "Yep, you got me, Hehe." He looked at me with a forced smile on his face. I couldn't help but feel bad in my stomach. Should I have asked that question? Shoot, it was probably a terrible idea! ____!!!

For the rest of the ride, we stayed quiet. Neither of us spoke to each other. We arrive at a five star restaurant and exit the car. Before Dr. Flug gets out of the car I tell him something that might help the awkwardness. "You can put on a bag if you'd like. I'm sure you wouldn't like people staring at you." He thanked me and grabbed a paper bag out of a secret slot out of one of the seats. He puts it on and we enter the building.

"I'm sorry, monsieur Black Hat, but this man needs to take off his bag." I swear I will tear this guy to pieces! Me and Dr. Flug were going to get our seats but a man who looked like a cliche tv show waiter stopped Dr. Flug from going in. "So what if he wears a bag?! That's his choice to wear it now let him in!" "S-sir, it's okay. I'll take off my bag if that's what, uh-" "Tom." ",Tom wants. It's alright..." Seriously?! "Why are you listening to this guy's rules?" I didn't get it, I knew Dr. Flug was very uncomfortable with taking off his bag so I didn't understand what he was doing. Dr. Flug takes off his bag and walks up behind me. "You may go in now-" Dr. Flug whispers something in to the man's ear before catching up to me. The man was stunned by what ever Dr. Flug had said to him. "What was all that about?" I questioned Dr. Flug. "Oh, nothing. I just told him some very important... information." He said information as if he were about to laugh. "Right, why don't we get ourselves a table?" I said as I searched for somewhere to sit. I found Dr. Flug and I a spot and pulled out a chair for him. "Uh, th-thank you sir, but that wasn't necessary." I didn't give him a response until I sat down. "Well I wouldn't be a gentleman if I were to sit first and not pull out a chair for a companion." Dr. Flug gives me a strange look but it changes quickly. Why does he look so scared? I try to look around for anything that might be frightening to him, I saw nothing but heard everything.  I had listened to a pair of girls sitting next to each other in a booth across the room.

Girl 1: Holy cow, it's Black Hat!!
Girl 2: OMG! You're right.
Girl 2: what's sitting across from him?
Girl 1: I have no idea.
Girl 1: it looks like something only a mother could love!
Girl 2: yeah, it looks worse than Black Hat!
Girl 1: No kidding! He's got three freaking eyes! Ew!
Girl 1: I think the green one looked at me!
Girl 2: that thing must be working with BH. At least he should be, there is no way he can go anywhere else with a face like that.

I didn't listen to the rest of there conversation. What they were saying was out of line... They said he looked worse than me, nothing looks worse than me. I am a terrifying being that everyone fears. I see now why Dr. Flug's expression was so scared, he was listening to the conversations around him. I try to think of a way to keep him from listening to other people. Wait, gah! I can ask him my questions. "Uh, Dr. Flug I've asked you this question before but you never answered it,  why do you like science?" My question seem to have gotten lost in Dr. Flug's mind as he never answered, again. "Dr. Flug! I asked you a question." I sounded more concerned than angered when I spoke. "Oh, I-I'm sorry sir. I wasn't listening." "It's alright Dr. Flug, I just wanted to talk." He asked about what. "About you, I've wanted to know a lot of things about you that you've never explained." He started to get fidgety and starts biting his fingers. "W-Well there's not a lot to know really. I'm just a regular guy who is a scientist." "But that's not what I'm asking, I want to know Flug Slys, not the doctor Flug. I have always wondered why you like science." In this world not many humans are a fan of working the extra mile to figure out things that don't make sense. You'd be lucky if you were to find a simple science teacher. "My p-parents were scientists, I think, I guess I was interested i-in what they were doing and kinda followed their path. Of course I decided to get off that path when I realized they were nothing but backstabbing goody goody two shoes." Before I could ask any further questions, a waitress came to our table. "Hello I am your waitress for today, what would you like to eat?" I told the girl what I wanted as she wrote it down.

"Thank you sir, now how may I- hnngh, gaah! Y-your face! It-it, I'm sorry I need to go!!" She ran to the restroom but didn't make it, she threw up all over the floor. I looked at Dr. Flug to see if he was okay. I was expecting him to look upset but instead it was something different. I got scared for the smallest second, when I saw his expression he was....


He was smiling like he had just gotten a lollipop. I couldn't help but think that we should leave. This place was obviously bothering him so I decided that we should leave. "Dr. Flug, we're leaving. Now." He tried to object but I just grabbed his rubber gloved hand and began to leave. The man from before tried to stop us from leaving but I only glared at him with an angry eye. He let us go, we left.

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