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Black Hat's POV.

"What?" Is all I could say. "Yes sir, your body is doing what you want, at least what you truly want and might need." That impossible, I don't want to sleep, I have work to do that is much more important. Plus I can't drink vodka! I have, other important things to worry about. And I say exactly that to Dr. Flug. "Sir, j-just let me explain. I've studied your s-species before, if you don't sleep for at l-least tw-twenty-four hours every month-th, then your body will sh-shut down, but I know for a f-fact that you haven't s-slept in three months. For a-a human, that's equal to th-three weeks of no sleep." Well that's shocking. "Well, technically it was 4 months but that's not the point! If you really want to explain to me how my body is doing what I "want", go right ahead." Dr. Flug nods his head and explains. "Ok, I will. I'll continue with the v-vodka. Now, vo-vodka for your species is like water for a hu-human. It's essential for y-you, I don't know h-how long it's been s-s-since the last time you had- had vodka but I'm sure i-it's been longer than I th-think. Because of you n-not drinking your vodka, you're o-only going to want i-it more. So your body de-decides to get some vodka in-instead of coffee. Would you l-like me to continue the re-rest?" I said it was a good enough explanation for me. I also didn't want to hear him explain why I didn't want to go in his room. "Alright, tomorrow morning, I want you to go to the lab and make an antidote for this. I'll send Dementia and that bear on some random errand that will take weeks for them to come back. Understood?" He nods his head in response. "Oh, and, two more things. Firstly, since Dementia and that bear are not going to be around, you are to not wear that stupid bag. Secondly, how long will it take to make the antidote?" "Approximately, four months. D-due to you w-working on the or-organization and I-I making the inven-ventions, plus never giving me any credit for it, I w-won't have a lot of t-time to work o-on it." I close my eyes and shake my head slowly. "Fine, I will put the website on hiatus. That way you have more time to work on the antidote." Dr. Flug thanks me and says he's going to "relax" some more before going to sleep. "That's fine by me, my body is most likely going to make sleep again so I'll be going, good evening Flug." I turn around to leave through the door, but before I could even touch the hallway, my body swings the other way around and grabs Dr. Flug into my arms. "S-sir!?" I didn't know what to say, I was hugging my assistant. I don't want let go either. I haven't hugged anyone since I was only a child, and the only person I hugged was my brother. Out of the feeling of sadness, I couldn't help but hug tighter...

After two minutes I let go and leave the room immediately. I don't know why my body thought I wanted that. Maybe Dr. Flug's hypothesis is wrong. Then again he's never wrong.

For the rest of the evening I sat in my room, laying in bed, trying to sleep. But every, time, I, close, my, eyes, I picture Dr. Flug and I hugging again... I don't know why it was so appealing to me but it was such a rare feeling that I don't want to let go of. After my mind was finally cleared up of such nonsense, I drifted to sleep...

The next morning I wake up feeling, some what better? In a way, I couldn't describe it. The house felt warmer than usual so I (more like my body) decided not to wear my coat. Instead, I wore my regular attire only with out the trench coat. I leave my room and head to the lab. I'm sure Dr. Flug has already awoken and is making the antidote. I pass by the kitchen and notice there was someone inside, it was Dr. Flug, he wasn't wearing his bag either. I wanted to go in and question his reason of being in here but my body didn't want to move from this spot so I just watched instead.

Dr. Flug had an empty bowl on the counter with a cereal box, milk, and, my vodka? I watched what he was doing and saw he poured the milk first then the cereal. I have to say, that's pretty evil for someone like him. I continue watching, after making his cereal Dr. Flug opens a cabinet door and pulls out two shot glasses. He pours the vodka in each small glass and sets them a side. Dr. Flug grabs his bowl of cereal and sits down at the small break table. I make myself noticed and walk in to the kitchen. "Good morning, Flug. I do hope you actually slept last night." Dr. Flug shakes his head and speaks. "Yessir, I was w-wondering the s-same thing ab-bout you. Gaah!! I-I'm sorry! I didn't m-" I put out my hand out to make him stop talking. "What's with the shot glasses?" I asked to change the topic. "O-oh, those a-are for you." When Dr. Flug finished his sentence my body moves to the counter and pours the shot glasses, both, into my mouth. I swear I almost choked, the vodka went down my throat like it was fresh water. I haven't felt so revived in so long. Although the bad thing is, I haven't drank any type of alcohol in 5 years. Honestly, I'm pretty sure I turned in to a light drinker. I hope my mind doesn't get too fuzzy and I know it was only two shots but I don't know how it will affect me... Or- nevermind.

I turn around to look at Dr. Flug and thank him. Is it odd that he looks kinda red? Like he's about to explode? "Thank you, Flug for the drinks. It was definitely a life saver. No joke." Dr. Flug nods his head in response. He seems quiet for some reason, considering what happened to his outburst just a second ago, it is odd. "Why so quiet all of a sudden? Flug, You had an outburst a second ago." Dr. Flug shakes his head no and says, "I'm sure you wouldn't care if I did say what was bothering me." I look at him strangely. My body sits down next to the chair Dr. Flug is in. "What makes you say that Flug?" He looks at me like I had 23 heads. "It's Dr. Flug Slys. Doctor. D. O. C. T. O. R. You always call me Flug like your my best friend... Which I doubt could happen. And sorry for the outburst." Dr. Flug takes one more bite of his cereal and takes it to the dishwasher. "Hmmm, I thought I was calling you by doctor. Oh wait no, that's just in my head. My mistake, Dr. Flug." I had never realized I never called him by doctor and I kinda thought we were friends. I guess I was wrong. Dr. Flug looks at me with a straight face and says that it was fine. And that it didn't matter. "I should probably get to the lab, you know, to make the antidote." He walks away without letting me say anything. I quickly follow behind him to the lab.

We arrive at the lab without any words being exchanged. His entire lab was with out a doubt a mess. Chemical spills uncleaned, weird red liquid, but familiar, splattered on the shelves, walls, desk and counters. When was the last time this guy cleaned up? Dr. Flug stops by a random work station and picks up the  chemical that started this mess. "I'm going t-to start working on this. You can do whatever you want until I need some type of help. If I need it. Y-You don't have to-to if you don't want to th-though." I shrug my shoulders and head over to a computer. "What a-are you doing?" "Putting the catalog and website on hiatus of course." Dr. Flug sighs in relief for some reason and heads to work again. Before I could even enter the password, my body doesn't move. It only makes watch Dr. Flug work happily...

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