Everything Is Your Fault!

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Dr. Flug's POV.

"WHAT THE FREAKING DARK REALM IS GOING ON?!" I heard Black Hat yell from his office, which was two floors above the lab. "Sir, is something wrong? Is there The Hero League here?" I pressed the button on the intercom system to call for Black Hat. "Dr. Flug, get to my room immediately! It's on the third floor, same as your room, but three doors down from it. Now hurry up and get up here!" I didn't question anything. I did as he asked and went to the elevator to get to the third floor. "Did Dementia get into his room again? No, I would of heard him yelling at her about something. Than what would he need that is so important?" I question some theory's in my head before I made it too the third floor. I was very hesitant to leave the elevator, something in my head told me so. I move my legs anyway, I move them past my room, past three doors, and finally at Black Hat's resting quarters. I knock on the door gently, making sure not to startle myself with my boss's yelling. "Come. In." It was quiet but demanding. "Yessir." I open the door to my boss's room. Seeing it for the first time in 10 years is quite nostalgic, very little but nostalgic. Black Hat's room was dark, no lights were on except for the closed cracked windows. "Please explain to me how this _______ happened..." I squint through the darkness until I see, "W-White Hat?!" "No you dult! It's me, the notorious Black Hat! Some how, my body is in control again! This time I am sure it's doing what it wants!" I didn't know what happened next came from me. "Pffft, HAHAHAHA HAHAHA, HOLY SATAN'S ___!!! That's hilarious!" I don't get it, why am I laughing? This isn't funny, this is terrifying! "Dr. Flug! Why is this funny!?" One of his tendrils move out from behind his back and wrap around my waist. I could feel part of his tendril under my shirt, it's actually slimier than I thought. And smoother. "Aaah, I-I'm sorry! I don't know why I laughed! I don't even think this is funny! I really thought you were White Hat and was terrified! P-Please! I'm sorry!" He tells me to stop yelling. He only brings me closer to him, close enough to think he might rape you. "Flug, I thought you fixed this problem. Why is it that now I can't do as I please anymore? What happened to the antidote?" The antidote. "____! I used the wrong blood type! Gah I'm such an idiot!" I hit my head with my palm repeatedly. On the sixth time I was going to hit my head (which should have given me a bruise or a headache), Black Hat stops my arm before it makes contact. "Dr. Flug, Please don't do that, it makes me feel- ah. look, Just, correct the serum, and fix yourself and me. I wish not to put the catalog on hiatus again." Was he going to say something? "Yessir. I will do better this time." Black Hat let go of me and I left. No words exchanged. He may have said that I should talk to him, but I know the real reason why he's doing it, and I hate it. He just wants better quality in his- my inventions. More quality means more buyers. I get it though, I would do the same thing if I were him.

I made my way down to the lab, got out the antidote, and started to get the right equipment out. The main thing I need is my blood extraction 3.5, I already know what blood types I need: mine and Black Hat. It's going to be easy for me to get blood from, well, me. But to ask Black Hat about taking his, that's not going to be easy at all. It doesn't matter though, I need to cut a few strings from myself anyway. First things first is to remove the immortal blood from the antidote. It's simple but takes a lot of paying attention to, the blood exctracter will over heat if it's not on the right setting after a couple of minutes. And I used at least 50 % of the blood to make the mixture so this could take a few, hours. I can't use the blood extraction on myself sadly, if I were to do that then all of the other liquids in my body would go with it. Making me a dry bag of flesh. It would do the same thing to Black Hat to.

3 1/2 hours later

How much longer is this going to take? It's already been a couple hours but I didn't think it would take this long. What if it still isn't done when I have lunch? Will I have to bring it with me? No bad idea, I could spill the antidote, then for the next few weeks I would have to remake the entire thing. Yeah not happening. I can't have Dementia watch it, for obvious reasons. 505 wouldn't understand how it worked, and I'm pretty sure I can't have Black Hat doing my job to fix my mistake. I'm just going to have to miss lunch for today, I'm sure Black Hat won't notice. Will he? "Oooooooh, Fluggy! What ya doing?!" "Gaaaaaah! Holy ____! Dementia, why are you in here?!" I only looked away for a split second before returning my focus to the device. "I'm bored, duh! That's the only reason I ever come in here!" It's like everything she has to say needs to be shouted. Annoying brat. "Look, Dem, I can't entertain you at the moment so, can you please leave?" I pleaded without looking away. She sighs, "No, I want to stay in here!" Grrh, this _____ doesn't know when to stop does she? "Dem, you have to leave this is much more important than entertaining you. Now leave." She moves towards me instead of away from me. Dementia then grabs my arm and pulls me out of my chair. "Come on! At least come with me to get something to eat!" "No! Damnit! Get out before I open you back up and replace more of your organs with mechanical pieces!" Dementia lets go of me and sit back down on my chair to turn the dial back. I sigh in relief of the device not overheating. "Whoo, Dementia, now I'm serious, if you don't leave I will do what I said only moments ago!" She shrugs her shoulders like she didn't care. "Oh please, you don't have a bad bone in your body to try anything, now let's go get some food!" This time she pulls my chair with me on it but I stand from the seat and run to the dial before it reached it's end. I sighed in relief once more. I was about to tell Dementia this was her last chance to leave the lab but she was already in front of me. Dementia pushed me to the floor and puts a foot to my chest so I couldn't get up. "Now Flug, come on take a break! Didn't Black Hat give you a schedule to follow? It's 12:15 now, you need to go and eat! This thing-a-ma-jig can wait for-" Nightmares came to life in that very moment. The blood exctracter blew up, it over heated and blew to pieces... The antidote is destroyed... And it's all her fault... "Dementia, you have 20 seconds to get yourself into the medical room and strap yourself on to the table. And I am counting." 20, "pffft, that's funny doc, what are you going to do? Tickle me til I can't breathe?" 11, 10, "I'd like to see you even try to lay a finger on me! Hahaha!" 2, 1. I grab a wrench that was sitting in a drawer right next to me and push off Dementia's foot. I stand up with ease, "Let's hope your brain doesn't get too damaged."

Edit: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 1 THOUSAND VIEWS! THIS MAKES ME SOOOOOO HAPPY! For doing such a nice thing I will make the next chapter twice as long which means, over 2400 words will be typed! Hope you liked it!

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