1- the start.

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——But don't be afraid

You hold the mightiest weapon of all.

So don't forget:

You are the one who will open the door.


The sun hit Sora's eyes as he woke up from that strange dream. Yawning he slowly lifts his head up from the sandy beach, only for a familiar face to suddenly pop up in his vision, causing him to yell in surprise.

"Kairi! Give me a break" He pouts, annoyed, as the redhead laughs at him. "Sora you lazy bum, I knew you'd be sleeping down here" she teased, crossing her arm.

"N-no! This huge black thing swallowed me up! I couldn't breathe, I couldn't-" he was cut off by a Kairi playfully slapping his head. "Are you still dreaming?" She teases once more. "It wasn't a dream!" He frowns, looking at the ground. "What was that place?..." he asked himself silently, looking at the beach before him.

"Say Kairi, what was your hometown like?" He asked facing her as she walks towards the waves. "I told you before, I don't remember" she answered. "But either way, I'm happy here. Although I would like to see it some time" she said, smiling at him "I'd like to see it too, along with all the others!" He smiles back.

"Hey, aren't you guys forgetting about us?" A familiar voice sang. "so, I guess (Y/N) and I are the only ones working on the raft" another voice laughed.

"Riku, (Y/N)!" Sora greets enthusiastically, only to be met with a log thrown at him by Riku. "So, I guess you're just as lazy as he is" (Y/N) teased Kairi, making her chuckle.

"Alright we'll finish it together, I'll race ya!" Kairi challenged "seriously?" Riku smiles "alright you're on" (Y/N) said, getting in her stance.



The four of them raced to the raft, the sand flying behind them.

"Hah! I win again" (Y/N) yelled, laughing and throwing her hands up in the air. "Only because I let you!" Sora smirks slapping her shoulder in a playful manner.

"Oh looking for excuses, huh?" (Y/N) teases. "At least I beat Sora" Riku joins in teasing Sora, making him huff in annoyance.

"Alright guys! We should really start working on the raft" Kairi says, smiling as the rest nod in agreement.

Sora sighs, he finally finished gathering the stuff and dropping them off for Kairi, so he decided he'd like to spar with Riku, then hang out with (Y/N).

He made his way towards Riku, who was leaning against a palm tree. "Oi, Riku, let's spar" Sora challenged, "you're on" Riku agreed, taking out his wooden sword, Sora doing the same.

The fight went on for a solid 10 minutes until Riku decided to end it with a final blow. Wasn't really surprising since he won almost every fight. He still enjoys it.

"ow man, 0 to 1, well- I'll get ya next time" Sora groans, waving then leaving to check up on (Y/N) who was hanging out at the beach.

"(Y/N)!" Sora yells, waving his hands up making (Y/N) smile and wave back. "Hey Sora, what's up?" She grins as Sora makes his way to her. "Nothing much just won a match against Riku-" "LIAR!" Riku yells from afar causing (Y/N) to laugh out loud.

"So what were you saying?" she asked slyly, pulling his cheeks making him blush in embarrassment. "Hey, Let's go to the cave, like always" (Y/N) suggests making Sora nod.

As they reached the cave (Y/N) threw Sora some chalk yelling "Catch!" in the process. They started drawing on one of the blank walls, having a small conversation now and then.

"Hey, let's make some origamis" (Y/N) suggested, making Sora raise a brow. "What's that?" He asked, switching his gaze from the wall to her.

"It's pretty much creating figures and shapes out of paper, my mom taught me how to make a heart and other stuff, here, let me show you" she explains, taking out a bunch of colored papers from her bag.

"Oh! I want a red one" Sora says, taking the red paper in his hand.

"Alright I'll take the blue one!" (Y/N) smiles. She shows Sora how to do it, and sort of helps him in the way. "Alright now all you need is to tuck this in and... there!" (Y/N) muses, showing Sora her paper heart as he finishes his.

"There's mine" he laughs, showing (Y/N) his wonky creation making her laugh along with him. "It's not so bad for your first time! Say, let's go hang out with Riku and Kairi, it's getting late after all!" She smiles getting up then pulling him up with her. He nods, taking his paper heart and leaving with her.


—I hope you guys enjoyed this :)) I know it's not much, but it's only the start- a prologue. Sorry for any errors. This story is posted on quotev, my @ is the same as this one. Anyways, bye <<3

Paper hearts (Sora x reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now