4- Traverse Town.

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"Where's that key.."

"Hey, ya know, maybe we ought to go find Leon."


"Uh, Donald. Ya know, I betcha that-"

"Aw, what do you know, you big palooka?"

"What do I know?... Come on, Pluto!"

Behind some large crater, Sora and (Y/N) were slumped against the wall, unconscious, after they got sucked in the strange portal. Sora groaned, slowly opening his eyes as he felt his cheek getting licked. "H-huh?" He looked around, sighing as he readjusted his position. "What a dream..." He said, his head slowly tilting down as he closed his eyes.

"Ah!" He yelled as something hit his chest. Now, fully awake, he gasped. "This isn't a dream!" He groaned, getting up slowly from the hard ground. "Where am I..." He muttered, finally noticing the dog that was beside him the whole time. "Do you know where we are?" He asked the dog, as if he was going to reply. Once again, he shot up, gasping. "(Y/N)!" He yelled. He looked behind him, only to find her unconscious, slouched against the brick wall like he was.

Relief washed over the confused boy. He looked back at the dog, who perked his ear and ran out of the alley they were in. "Hey!" He yelled after the dog, waving his arm. As he watched the dog leave, he sat down beside his friend, sighing. Not only was he confused, he was also scared. He doesn't know where he is, where the rest of his friends are, and what happened to his home.

"S-Sora?" (Y/N) said, lifting herself up. "(Y/N)! Thank god you woke up!" He said, shaking her shoulder a bit. The girl looked at him, then around, confused. "Where are we?" She asked, rubbing her soar neck. "I-I don't know, let's go find out!" He said, taking her hand, dragging her out of the alley before she can even say a word.
"This is totally weird," Sora said, standing in front of the town, "we're in a different world!" He said, looking at (Y/N), who was as lost as him. "You've got to be kidding me..." She puffed her cheeks, frowning. "Don't worry, hopefully someone will help us!" Sora told her, smiling. "Yeah, hopefully!" She smiled back, trying to make light out of the situation.

They talked with the people around the town, which all had the same stories: their world disappearing, causing them to come here. It was all strange. After walking around, they decided to head off to the accessory shop, in hope that someone might help them.

They walked in the store, the owner, a blond man with a toothpick in his mouth, turned towards them. "Hey there, how can I help-... Aw, kids..." He groaned, his hands on his hips. "Hey! We aren't kids!" (Y/N) said, her hands in her hips, copying him. "Yeah! I'm Sora, this is (Y/N)." Sora introduced, walking towards the man. "Alright, simmer down. What's with the long faces? Ya lost or somethin'?" He asked. "N-No, well, maybe- where are we?" Sora replied, making the man raise a brow.

After explaining to the man about their current situation, and knowing more about the place themselves, they began asking some questions. "Traverse Town..." Sora frowned, crossing his arms. "So, gramps, is this another world?" (Y/N) asked. The man shot her a glare, "Don't call me gramps! The name's Cid," He snapped. "Anyways, not sure what you mean, but this sure ain't the island you told me about." He replied, making Sora and (Y/N) exchange glances.

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