8- Sora go go!

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I've decided to make the chapters' titles more interesting... :)


"So... it is true, after all."


"It's funny how clueless they are, huh?"

"How cute, she--"


Sora, (Y/N), Goofy, and Donald were now in the gummi ship, ready to fly over to their next stop. Goofy was sitting beside Donald in the passenger seat, who was driving and shooting the heartless ships that went by.

Sora and (Y/N) were at the back, sitting beside each other, talking. "Why did it pick us, though?" (Y/N) asked, more to herself. She stared at the keyblade in her hands. Sora sipped his milk, looking at her. "I don't know, but I'm sure we'll find the answers soon, trust me." He ruffled her hair, causing her to playfully punch his shoulder.

The ship halted to a stop in front of a jungle-like world. Sora and (Y/N) got up, walking towards Goofy and Donald. "Hey, Donald, maybe king Mickey's down there." Goofy told Donald, who rolled his eyes. "In a backwater place like that? No way! Let's move on." Donald said, only for (Y/N) to stop him.

"H-hold on! Riku and Kairi might be down there." She reasoned, making Sora nod. "It won't hurt to check it out." She added, causing Donald to growl, "forget it! We're on an important mission!"

"Just land!" Sora yelled, frustrated. "No!" Donald refused, (Y/N) glared at the duck, who was hiding the control panel from them. "We know you want to find your king, but just like you, we want to find our friends!" She growled. Sora then reached for the landing button, pressing it. "No!" Donald yelled, but it was too late. The ship went down, crashing through the jungle trees.

"Woah!" Sora and (Y/N) yelled, falling down, crashing into what seems to be a large treehouse. "Awhh... my head..." Sora moaned in pain, rubbing his head. (Y/N) got up, trying her best to ignore the throbbing pain in her neck from the fall. "Huh?... we're in a treehouse..." she pointed out, helping Sora up by pulling him.

"We lost Donald and Goofy." Sora told her, shaking his head, trying to get ahold of himself. "They probably landed somewhere else," she said, suddenly, she hears some sort of growl. Looking up, she was met with a leopard leaping their way. "Look out!" She gasped, pushing Sora and herself out of the way.

"C'mon, let's take it out." Sora said, making his keyblade appear in his hand, running to attack the leopard. (Y/N) quickly summoned her keyblade as well, following after her brunette friend, helping him with the fight.

After "knocking out" the deadly large cat, Sora stepped closer to the body, checking to see if it was awake. The leopard shot up to its feet, growling at Sora, who fell back, using his keyblade as a shield.

A tan man with dreadlocks, wearing nothing but a brown loincloth around his waist, jumped in between the leopard and Sora. He quickly attacked the leopard with his spear, causing it to run away in fear, and out of the window.

(Y/N) rushed to Sora, helping him up. The man then turned towards them. "Sabor. Danger." He said, using words instead of sentences, hinting that he doesn't know how to speak fluently.

Paper hearts (Sora x reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now