9- Of wizards and the fairies.

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Enjoy some softness („ᵕᴗᵕ„)!


(Y/N) yawned, bored with no purpose. Jiminy Cricket was writing away in his journal, Donald was raging at heartless ships, like he always does. And last but not least, Goofy, who was annoying poor Donald as he let out his anger on the enemies.

Sora, who was busying himself with origami, turned towards the bored girl, waving his hand in front of her face, snapping her out of thought. "You wanna make some?" he asked, leaning towards her, pointing at the stack of colored paper in front of him.

(Y/N) smiled his way, nodding. "Sure, it's been a while, anyway." she said, taking out some yellow paper, then folding it into her desired shapes. "Do you ever think we'll find Riku and Kairi? We were so close to finding them in the jungle, but it turns out Tarzan meant something else. And now I feel even worse—" Sora was rambling to (Y/N), who cut him off by putting a hand on his mouth, stopping him.

"Sora, I told you this before, and I'm willing to tell you this again. As long as your determined, never giving up, you will succeed. After all, we've only just started. Imagine all these worlds we'll visit. I mean, we gotta find Riku and Kairi in one of them, right?" she lectured, scolding the brunette in front of her. He slowly nods, a determined expression on his face, but there was a hint of sadness in his azure eyes.

"You're right, I shouldn't give up right now." he said, the girl smiled, giving him a thumbs up. "Yeah! That's the spirit. I mean, you wouldn't give up on your crush, huh?" she teased, yet, she couldn't help but feel a bit sour and down at the thought of Sora having a crush on her friend. On someone... other than her.

Sora's eyes widened. "H-huh? Crush?! What does that supposed to mean! I don't h-have a crush!" He stuttered in embarrassment, making (Y/N) laugh. "Sure you don't, last time I checked, you wanted to share a paopu fruit with Kairi." (Y/N) snickered, making the boy beside her groan.

"Awh come on, (Y/N)! I might've had a crush on her, but... I don't anymore!" he defended, causing his friend to tear up in laughter. "I can't b-breathe!" she cried out, clutching her stomach as she laughed. His face reddened in humiliation, he was truly embarrassed.

"Stop! You know I'm right... wait, are you jealous?" He raised a brow, causing (Y/N) to stop laughing. "What do you mean I'm jealous?!" She yelled, swatting the back of his head. "You totally are! Don't worry, once we return to the island, we can share a paopu fruit! Okay?" Sora asked, ruffling the girl's (hair color) locks.

Her eyes widened. "We will what?!" she yelled, blushing. "Yeah! But I don't think it'll work since we're already sooooo indivisible, huh?" he joked, elbowing his friend on her ribs. The sly boy had successfully changed the topic, and got his revenge. He couldn't help but feel his face heat up by the thought of them sharing the so called fruit, it excited him. Which was confusing.

"Shut up, I'm about to shave your hair off!" she pulled on his spiky hair, laughing. "S-stop!" Sora pleaded, chuckling as (Y/N) started to squish his cheeks. "You're cute with puffy cheeks." she cooed, causing him to once again turn red and roll his eyes. "I'm not cute!" he objected, slapping her hands away playfully, swatting her with a paper swan.

"Stop this chaos or I'll throw you out of the ship!" Donald yelled, leaving Sora and (Y/N) speechless, but they soon laughed, looking at the pilot duck. "It's your fault not letting me drive!" Sora crossed his arms. "Oh, shut up!" Donald shooed with his hand, not looking back at the stubborn brunette.

Paper hearts (Sora x reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now