12- Genie-fied.

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Donald, Goofy, Aladdin, (Y/N), and Sora walked in the Cave Of Wonders, slightly exhausted, but ready to fight nonetheless.

They were met with a fancy looking room. It had elegant trimming along it's reddish sandstone walls, torches aligning every place, some architecture, and a bunch of obstacles on the way.

Oh, and let's not forget— many heartless.

Sora groaned, rolling his deep blue eyes as he saw the presence of the same annoying creatures he fought a second ago, he was truly bored of them. (Y/N) chuckled, finding his action quite hilarious, yet she can't help but feel the same way towards these creatures.

She turned her attention back to the heartless, who didn't hesitate on attacking instantly. Aladdin took out his sword, slashing through the shadow heartless mercilessly with Goofy by his side.

Donald? Well, that damn duck lost all his magic, and was at the sidelines watching his friends fight as he regained it. Donald couldn't help but snicker when he saw Sora getting pushed by one of these fat bandit heartless, causing the poor brunette boy to almost fall off the edge.

Thankfully, (Y/N) pulled him towards her, saving him from such a cruel drop— but then she unconsciously used him as a shield.

The duck laughed loudly once he heard Sora and (Y/N)'s yells. They obviously had a hard time dealing with that big heartless.

Once they finished the last of those foes, they proceeded to the Hall, which, surprise surprise, held even more heartless. A variety, too.

'Air soldiers joined in! How fantastic,' (Y/N) thought, her brows knit in true annoyance.

This time, more obstacles and structures were added to the mix, making (Y/N) puff up her rosey cheeks, holding up her keyblade, ready to swing down on the monsters.

"You're telling me you went through all this?" Sora questioned Aladdin as he shot some magic spells at the heartless, vanishing them without much trouble or physical activity. Aladdin chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck as he spoke, "I mean, it wasn't this dangerous last time, buddy."

As they fought, (Y/N) found a Megalixer in a chest atop one of the obstacles present, grinning at her achievement, she decided to use it, not only to heal the party, but to also regain Donald's magic, making him join in the play.

Smirking, Sora shot her a piece sign, something he usually did as a little 'good job'.

Donald quacked rather enthusiastically, happy to be joining the team in fighting—and destroying—the heartless.

Fighting off the last one standing of the heartless, they headed to the treasure room, which's entrance was at the end of the hall. And let's just say, the team was completely relieved upon entering it.

It was safe, apart from housing such cute mushroom looking creatures; which were at a closer inspection, harmless.

Donald's mouth watered at the sight of the mountains of gold. Goofy shook his head, "typical Donald, H'yuck." the big dog mumbled.

Aladdin's eyes scanned the area, "something is blocking this entrance," the Arabian boy spoke, looking back at his group of friends, who all shot him a look of confusion.

"How can we open it?" Sora asked, standing beside Aladdin as he inspected the pillar that blocked off an entrance on the wall.

"I think it's somewhere around the bottomless pit, it's a pillar that's held from underground, so there might be room further down." Aladdin explained. (I think that's what it's called)

Sora let out a long "oh" signifying that he finally got the catch. With a nod, the brunette boy volunteered to go down and find the source of the blockage.

Paper hearts (Sora x reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now