13- Inside Monstro.

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"Ugh," (Y/N) groaned, her head leaned back towards Sora's shoulder, "this might be the most exhausting world we've visited this far. I don't think anything will top it."

"Don't jinx us," Sora sighed, equally as tired as his (H/C) headed friend.

"Too late," (Y/N) cackled, if anyone would've seen her, they'd be thinking she was drunk.

Donald, who was driving the ship casually, looked back at the duo with a weirded out look, "did you get hit on the head by Jafar or something?" he asked, causing Sora to snort.

(Y/N) bumped Sora's shoulder with her left hand, her right was wrapped around Sora's waist, leaning on him. Her eyes then met with the annoying duck, she glared. "You're the one who got hit in the head, how are you driving and yelling with so much energy after that fight?" she yelled, kicking her feet.

Donald shrugged, this caused Goofy to wheeze, slapping his knee. "(Y/N), he barely helped, h'yu—"

Goofy didn't get to even finish his "h'yuck" before Donald stomped his foot, making him scream in pain, clutching his beloved right foot in agony.

Sora watched everything play right before his eyes, were they alright? (no they're crackheads, Sora)

Suddenly, Donald and Goofy stopped yelling, this made both (Y/N) and Sora confused. "What's wrong?" The boy asked, trying to understand why their funny argument was out to an end all of the sudden.

"What is that?" Donald asked, looking out the gummi ship's window.

The keyblade duo rushed to the front, eager to see what strange thing they stumbled upon. They looked out from behind the duck's shoulder, then gasped.

Before them, floated a massive blue whale, huge enough to be capable of swallowing their gummi ship whole.

"Wow..." (Y/M) marveled, her eyes glowing in amusement. "It's huge!" Sora laughed, looking at the flying whale in shock.

"It's a giant whale," Goofy said, mouth (if you can call it that) slightly apart. "It's Monstro!" Jiminny Cricket yelled, jumping out of Sora's pocket, scaring the (H/C) haired girl, "he's a whale of a whale, and vicious besides!"

Sora shot the cricket a look, "he's a what?"

"Jee, quickly Donald, get us out of here!" Goofy shook Donald, who almost lost all his feathers from hyperventilation.

"Too late! He's going to swallow us!" Sora said, hiding behind (Y/N) as the giant whale flew right towards them, mouth wide open.

"Oh no."


"It's true, I saw it with my own eyes!"

A young Sora exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air as he made his way down the tree house with Riku.

"You sure you didn't just hear it this time?" the young Riku asked, his arms crossed as a smirk played on his naturally flushed cheeks.

"What difference does it make? There's a huge monster in there, I tell you."

"Alright, suppose there really is a monster... think we can beat it by ourselves, Sora?" The silver haired boy asked, now in front of the hidden cave by the waterfall.

"No problem, let's do it! We can always call (Y/N), too." Sora said, his hands in fists as he stared at the entrance.

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