11- Agrabah and the genie.

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"As long as an individual's memories live, they, as well, will live with it."

"Does that mean she's alive, somewhere out there?"

"...That is something only you know, Sora. After all, you are the one who—"


With a gasp, (Y/N) shot up from her sleep, the strange dream interrupting her sweet slumber. She sighed in relief, looking down at her shaking hands.

"You alright?" Sora asked, looking up from Jiminny's journal, concern in his eyes. He got up, walking towards the shaking girl, putting his hand on her shoulder.

(Y/N) looked at her friend, an assuring yet unsure grin on her face. (Wow what an amazing explanation)

"Y-yeah, just some dream..." she mumbled, shrugging. Sora raised a brow, a simple dream wouldn't have had her shaking like that.

"Like a nightmare?" he asked, tilting his face towards hers.

She nodded, feeling her heart flutter as his breath touched her face. 'Oh god...' she thought, aware of the strange feeling.

Sora shook his head, then shrugged. He walked back to Jiminny's journal, knowing he won't get anything out of the stubborn girl. She never wanted to worry a single soul, that's how she's always been.

"How much longer?" (Y/N) asked Donald, who was driving the gummi ship through the warp hole.

"Just a bit—Oh, god da—!! That's it!" Donald snapped at the heartless ships, causing the (H/C) haired girl to facepalm with a chuckle.

Stretching her back, she got up and walked to Sora, who was still mildly concerned for his beloved friend.

Truly, the feeling of uneasiness didn't leave (Y/N)'s mind, but she decided to shrug it off out of positivity. After all, it might just be a meaningless dream made up from the past journeys they took.

Besides, she didn't want to worry anyone, specially Sora.

Sitting down beside the brown haired boy, he was reading the reports they've been collecting thus far, which were, to be completely honest, boring.

Sora turned to (Y/N), leaning his back on the wall. "I figured out how to make a paper plane," he said, taking out his newest creation, "awesome, huh?"

The girl tilted her head, a smile on her face as she nodded. "Yeah, how'd you figure it out? Show me!" (Y/N) clapped her hands together, a genuine smile on her features.

Sora admired the girl, then gave his signature grin as he showed her the steps. Once they finished, Goofy called them, saying they reached the next world.

"And the keyhole?" Maleficent asked, stopping in what seemed to be a desert town of some sort.

"The heartless are looking for it now. I'm certain we'll find it soon enough," a man with a black robe and a cobra staff spoke, "So that just leaves—"

A red parrot flew over, cutting the man off. "Jafar! I've looked everywhere for Jasmine, she's disappeared like magic!" It yelled, landing on the man's shoulder.

The man, who's known as Jafar, scuffed, "the girl is more trouble than she's worth."

"We need all seven princesses of heart to open the final door." Maleficent said, not looking back at Jafar.

"Well then, we'll find her..."

"Agrabah..." Sora breathed out, jumping out of the gummi ship along with his group.

Paper hearts (Sora x reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now