2- preparation.

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The sun rose up, making the birds chirp in harmony- and well... Making Sora groan in annoyance. "Do I really have to get more fish?" He complained to Kairi, who was bossing him around. "Yeah, yeah, now go!" She shooed him, causing him to huff and leave towards the beach.

Riku and (Y/N) finished their tasks, which means they had it off and are on a break at the moment. "So, what do you think we'll find in those other worlds?" (Y/N) asked, leaning against a rock. "I don't know, friends? enemies? That's really the main aspect of adventuring, the mystery of it all." Riku said, shrugging as he kicked a rock into the sea, sighing.

"Yeah, true... Aren't you scared thought? We really don't know what's ahead of us..." She asked, tilted her head towards him. "Nothing scares me. I don't know about you though, scaredy cat" he teased, putting her in a headlock and ruffling her hair. "H-hey!" (Y/N) yelled, laughing. "I'm no scaredy cat!" She rolled her eyes. "Whatever gets you through the day!" Riku chuckled, making (Y/N) groan and slap his shoulder.


After an house of sitting around and chatting, a brown haired knucklehead decided to join (Y/N) and Riku. "(Y/N), RIKU!" He yelled, catching their attention. "What's up Sora, see you finally caught the fish." (Y/N) patted his shoulder. "Yeah, they were a pain!" Sora complained plopping on the ground in exhaustion.

"Nah you're just weak" Riku kicked Sora's arm playfully. "Riku! Give me a break!" Sora groaned, hiding his annoyed face in his hands. "Say, what are we gonna name the raft?" Sora asked out of the blue. "Highwind." Riku answered, causing (Y/N) and Sora to glare at him. "Thats so lame!" (Y/N) said, crossing her arms. "Yeah! We should name it Excalibur!" Sora said, making the girl's gaze shift on him. "That's even lamer!" She groaned. "Well you got a better one?!" Sora and Riku said in unison as they glared at (Y/N), who soon smiled. "Yes" she replied without hesitation. "Oh yeah? What is it?" Sora crosses his arms, tapping his right foot on the ground.


The two boys exchanged glances as they looked back at the smiling girl with a worried face. "Are you ok?" Sora asked, scratching his head. "Nope. She's out of it." Riku shook his head. "Hey! what's that supposed to mean?!" (Y/N) yelled. "That's the worst raft name I've ever heard!" Sora laughed out, making Riku laugh and nod. "I gotta agree with Sora, that's straight up stupid." Riku said. "S-shut up!" She glared, looking away, blushing.

"How about we settle this the right way" Sora said, "let's do it!" Riku and (Y/N) nod. Kairi soon joined in, ready to start the race. "Whoever wins gets to name the raft and becomes captain!" (Y/N) declared, making Sora nod. Riku smirked, having a better idea. "The winner shares a paopu with Kairi." Riku said, making (Y/N) look at him in confusion. "W-what?" Sora chocked, but soon nodded. "What? No! What do I get if I win?" (Y/N) groaned. "You get to name it and be captain." Riku told her, making her nod.

She knew Sora had a thing for Kairi, -and all of the sudden Riku does too?-but she thought it was just a childish crush. It's not like she cares anyways, but for some reason she still felt a bit jealous. She chose to ignore it and focus on the race, she was determined to name the raft, after all.

As Kairi said go, they all dashed towards the yellow star. It was hard since there were a lot of obstacles on the way. But (Y/N) had set her mind on winning. Eventually, they touched it, and are making their way back. Riku was on the lead, (Y/N) at his tail. While Sora fell from the tree and is making his way from bellow.

The race ended, Riku was the winner, which made Sora mad. "Hah! I get to name the raft!" Riku smirked. "The paopu thing was a joke, you should've seen you face!" Riku teased Sora, making him glare at him. Riku soon turned to (Y/N) who was crossing her arms. "Aww you were jealous weren't you?" He chuckled as he ruffled the girl's hair. "W-what? cut it out!" (Y/N) slapped his hand away glaring. "Whatever you say..." Riku smiled at her, winking.


"I can't believe he named it..." (Y/N) said, complaining as she walked around the island with Sora, who was equally as annoyed as her. "I know right!" Sora agreed, but soon he remember the other deal. "Hey (Y/N).. About the paopu thing..." Sora mentioned, scratching the back of his neck. (Y/N) smiled, laughing it off. "Nah! It's fine. I'm happy you like someone." She slapped his back, although she wasn't really lying, she still felt a pain in her chest.

"N-no it's just-" Sora was cut off by (Y/N) who shoved colored paper at his face. "I already told you it's fine, anyways! Let's make some more origami like yesterday!" She said, giving Sora a bunch of papers. "Oh! Alright!" His expression soon returned to his cheerful one, making her smile. "Alright sit down, let me show you how to make a swan, then, we'll go back to practicing that paper heart!" She sat down, patting the spot beside her as Sora smiled at her. He felt happy around her. She really did understand him. That's why they were always close, they understand each other and cheer each other up. He'll never let anything harm her, he really held her dearly to his heart.

"yeah... Let's make some paper hearts" Sora smiled at her, sitting down beside her as the sun slowly set. They were ready to venture out with their friends. I mean, what's the worst that could happen?...


-i really hope ya'll like this book so far, and I'm sure you know what will happen next, I mean-- it really is an adventure, right? Anyways.
Sora, take this! --> 💗💖💘💝💞💓💕

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