14- Under the sea!

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With a long breath, the brown spiky haired boy gazed into the star-lit sky of Traverse Town. His deep blue ocean eyes illuminated from the shining bodies in the sky.

He was alone in one of the rooftops in the first district. (Y/N) was with Yuffie, while Donald and Goofy went with Cid to install new upgrades to the Gummi ship.

Surprisingly, he felt as if he needed such time alone, for he had many thoughts swarming his mind. He just wanted to be alone and free them.

The first being Kairi and Riku, he was worried. He didn't see Kairi once, and he was anxious that something might've happened to her, something bad. As for Riku, he was shocked. What gotten into him all the sudden? Was it his fault?

The more he thought about his current situation the more the worry he felt weighting him down.

He just had to stay strong, for Riku and Kairi. And most importantly (Y/N).

He was beyond happy to have her by his side, but he felt as if something bad might happen to her later on, which is the result of his clinginess to the said girl. But he might as well be paranoid. I mean, can you blame him? He already felt as if he lost two of his closest friends.

He looked down at his keyblade, another thought popped into his jammed mind. Why him?

If the heartless didn't attack his home, and if he didn't receive his keyblade, things would've been normal.

He, Kairi, Riku, and (Y/N) would've sailed far and beyond by now, happy and free.

But he knew there was a reason for everything. At last, he might find out more things in this journey than he'll ever will in his life. He'll mature, and once he finds Kairi and solves the problem with Riku, their friendship will be stronger than ever.

His chain of never ending thoughts was cut off by a loud quack.

Donald. Of course.

"Sora, we'll be late!" The impatient duck yelled out, his hands on both his hips, radiating a sassy aura.

Sora looked down, a small smile adorn his lips.

There was Donald, on top of (Y/N), who was on top of Goofy. They were trying to reach the daydreaming boy. Sora laughed, "I'm coming, I'm coming!"

Once he hopped off, he got a small punch in the back by the angry duck, "we won't find King Mickey if you keep daydreaming, you big palooka!" The said duck continued to lecture the young brunette.

(Y/N) began to chuckle, "give him a break, Don." She slapped the duck's shoulder, then walked down to the exit. She turned towards the group, "C'mon, let's get going."

The group were in the Gummi ship. Sora was driving the ship, (Y/N) in the passenger seat beside him. Donald and Goofy decided to relax in the back, eating some snacks they've bought from Cid.

Sora decided to spark a conversation between him and (Y/N). Without taking his eyes off the path, he asked the girl, "so, what did you do when you went off back there?"

The girl shrugged, "I decided to check out what Yuffie was up to, when I found her she was about to go eat at the small restaurant beside the duckling's shop. She asked me if I wanted to join her, in which I agreed on," she paused, "what about you?"

Paper hearts (Sora x reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now