3- disaster.

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Sora laid in bed, looking at his ceiling- where a wooden boat hung, reminding him of his adventure he'll start tomorrow. He was looking forward to it, specially since he'll be with his friends. Suddenly, he was cut off by a loud lightning. He looked out of his window quickly only to be met with a storm pouring over the island. He gasps, "oh no! The raft!" He quickly opened his window, jumping out.

"Sora! Dinner's ready!" His mother called out. Having no one respond, she tried to call out again. But silence was what she got back in return.

Upon arriving, Sora saw (Y/N) and Riku's boats, along with Kairi's, docked. 'They must be here' he thought. Out of no where, black creatures with antennas and piercing yellow eyes start coming out of the ground. Sora was startled- scared- since he never saw these creatures before. He took out his wooden sword and tried to fight them off, but that didn't do any damage to them.

He saw Riku on top of the little island that was connected by a bridge. He quickly ran up to him, fleeing from those strange yet scary creatures. He quickly made his way to Riku, who was facing his back to Sora. "Where's (Y/N) and Kairi? I thought they were with you!" He asked, a mix of fear and confusion in his eyes. "The door has opened." Riku replied, making Sora even more confused. "What?" Sora asked. "The door has opened, Sora!" Riku turned to face him. "Now we can go to the outside world!" Riku said. "What are you saying? We've gotta find (Y/N) and Kairi first!" Sora reminded.

"They're coming with us!" Riku yelled, "once we step through, we might not be able to come back. We may never see our parents again. There's no turning back. But this might be our only chance. We can't let fear stop us! I'm not afraid of the darkness!" He said, as he extended his hand to Sora, who was drowning in confusion. Suddenly, darkness started surrounding Riku, making Sora run towards him. Only for the same thing to happen to him.

As darkness surrounded Sora, it held him into place. He tried reaching out for Riku, but he couldn't reach him. The darkness soon swallowed both of them up. Not late after, a light shined above Sora, who suddenly wasn't surrounded by darkness. A key appeared in Sora's hand, he looked around, there wasn't any signs of Riku. "keyblade..." he mumbled, looking at the key.

Seconds later, the same yellow eyed creatures appeared around Sora, he started swinging at them, and surprisingly, they took damage this time. As he fought them off, his mind drifted to (Y/N) and Kairi. 'I have to find them' he thought. He ran to the cave, which was covered by a strange door.

Relief washed over him as he saw Kairi standing in front of the door that's in the cave. "Kairi!" He yelled, making her turn around. "Sora..." She called out weakly. The door that was behind her shot open, darkness seeping from it. The impact made Kairi get blown to Sora, but just as he was about to catch her, she disappeared into dust, making him fly back, blacking out.

He woke up in a strange floating island, in a dark purple void. He looked around- only to be met with the same "big black thing" that was in his dream. He gasped, quickly holding the keyblade in his hand.

He charged at the big creature, hitting his hands. He climbs up his arms and starts attacking his head. He took some blows, but recovered by using one of the positions those little creatures dropped. As he gave the creature it's final blow, a portal appeared in the sky, sucking it in. Sora tried holding on a wooden plank that was stuck to the floor so he doesn't get sucked in as well.

Unfortunately, his hand slipped, making him yell in horror and close his eyes. He gasped as he felt a hand hold his, dragging him down so he doesn't get sucked in. He opened his eyes only to be met with a (hair-color) haired girl.


The portal got stronger, making it impossible to not get sucked in. The two struggled, but soon enough- they were both yelling in fear as they got sucked in. But hey, at least they tried.


—this is shit I'm sorry SJHSSHENDJ !! Anyways, the drama is coming superglue your wigs cause kingdom hearts is here to snatch them!

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