6- Wonderland.

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If you guys are wondering how your keyblade looks, it's really up to you. But I think it would be nice if it's just like Sora's but instead of the blue it's red. :)


Sora, (Y/N), Goofy, and Donald were boarding their ship, which is called the gummi ship, to travel to other worlds. On their way to their destination, which was a mystery, they were met with many heartless ships. Donald slowly started losing his sanity and temper from both the keybalde wielders, who were loudly cheering him on, and the heartless ships that kept crashing him.

After a couple of minutes of struggling, the group arrived to the next world safely, but let's just say Donald might've lost a couple of brain cells on the way. Finally landing the ship, they jumped in a large hole, which led them to a strange room with wallpaper for furniture. -does that make any sense? I'm sure you know what I mean. Like the furniture is on the ground and wall, and their like stickers, pretty much they don't have dimension-

Once they landed softly on their feet -except for Goofy who landed face first lol-, a rabbit in a suit, holding a watch in his hand ran past them in a rush. "Oh, my fur and whiskers! I'm late!" He yelled in a hurry. "Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! I'm here, I should be there. I'm late, I'm late, I'm late! The queen, she'll have my head for sure!" He continued, running down a hallway.

"That doesn't sound good" (Y/N) pointed out, making Sora nod. "Yeah, we should check it out!" Sora suggested. "Hopefully it ain't dangerous!" Goofy said, receiving an eye-roll from Donald, who teased him for being scared.

They all followed after the rabbit, walking inside a seemingly normal room. But once they looked down, the rabbit apparently shrunk, walking through a smaller door that was attached to the door that was in front of them. "How did he get so small?" Sora questioned, crouching in front of the door that the rabbit just walked through. "No, you're simply too big." the doorknob answered, causing the group to gasp. "It talks!"

The doorknob yawned, "must you be so loud? You woke me up." He complained. Goofy waved his hand, "good morning!" "Good night! I need a bit more sleep." The doorknob started closing his eyes. "W-wait!" (Y/N) said, catching his attention. "What do we have to do to grow small?" She asked, leaning towards the doorknob. "Try the bottles. Over there." he replied, making them turn to the middle of the room, where a table appeared with a bottle on top.

Turning back to thank him, she stopped half way, realizing he was fast asleep. "C'mon!" Sora said, taking her hand, pulling her towards the bottle. Once Sora took a sip, they all turned smaller. "Woah!" (Y/N) chuckled. "H'hyuck, this is trippy!" Goofy commented. "Yea!" Donald shook his head, looking around.

Sora jumped off the table, walking towards the door knob. He tried to wake him up, but he didn't budge. It wouldn't open. He finally noticed a way that was behind the bed, he signaled the rest to follow him and he made his way though it.

Upon arriving, they were met with the queen's castle, along with a court room. "Court is now in session!" The bunny from before announced, making the blond girl that stood in front of the queen frown. "I'm on trial? But why?" The girl asked, worry lacing her voice.

The queen, known as the queen of hearts, spoke up, "this girl is a culprit, there's no doubt about it. And the reason is... because I say so, that's why!" She yelled the last part. "That is so unfair! I've done absolutely nothing wrong!" The young girl reasoned, "you may be queen, but I'm afraid that doesn't give you the right to be so... so mean!" she continued, crossing her arm. "Silence!" The queen yelled, "you dare defy me?"

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