10- Back to square one.

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Looking up, their eyes widened...

"There you are. What's going on?"

(Y/N) and Sora gasped, they couldn't believe their eyes, was it really...?


Sora yelled, running towards the boy in front of him. Sora started touching Riku's face, stretching his mouth and cheeks, thinking he wasn't real. "Hey, hey, cut it out," chuckling, Riku pushed Sora's hands off his face.

(Y/N) was frozen in her place, she didn't know how to react. She wanted to hug him, but also punch him for worrying her at the same time. She just didn't know where to start. "Please don't let this be a dream..." (Y/N) whispered, Riku's turquoise eyes met her's, "(Y/N)—" he was cut off by her embrace.

"This can't be a dream! You still smell the same. Are you really Riku? I can touch you, does that mean I'm not dreaming? Is it just me or are you a bit taller? Oh my god that totally means you're a clone—" She rambled on, causing both Riku and Sora to laugh. "I hope not. Took forever to find you two," Riku said, ruffling the girl's (hair color) hair. Sora smiled, happy to see (Y/N) relieved, but he couldn't help but feel a sharp pain in his heart. It was like discomfort, he just couldn't decipher the feeling.

Deciding to ruin the sweet moment, Sora crashed himself on his two friends, pulling them in a group hug. Donald and Goofy exchanged glances, they were lost and confused. They definitely didn't want to ruin the reunion of the lost friends, but they did feel awkward standing there on the sidelines.

"Riku..." Sora laughed, almost as if the weight on his shoulders was lifted and he was sighing in relief. As they all pulled away from the embrace, (Y/N) looked around, expecting someone to be with Riku. "Where's Kairi?" she asked, causing the boys to exchange glances.

"I thought she was with you guys?" Riku tilted his head, shrugging his shoulders. Sora sighed, looking down in disappointment. (Y/N) patted his back, "don't worry, we found Riku, we'll find Kairi." she said. Sora didn't respond, he just nodded his head.

"I'm sure she made it off the island, too." Riku told Sora, walking to the center of the third district. "We're finally free. Hey, she might even be looking for us right now." he stopped, looking up at the sky. A shadow heartless rose from the ground, alerting (Y/N). "We'll all be together soon. Don't worry, just leave everything to me. I know this—" Riku was cut off by Sora, who dashed towards the shadow heartless, killing it in seconds.

"Leave it to who?" Sora bragged, his keyblade laying on his shoulder as he smirked towards his cocky friend. "Hey! I was gonna get that!" (Y/N), who also went for the kill (but failed), complained, rolling her eyes. Sora cheekily stuck his tongue out to her, annoying the girl even more.

"Huh? W-what did you?..." Riku walked towards the duo, scratching the back of his neck. "You see, (Y/N) and I have been looking for you and Kairi, too. These two helped us on the way." Sora said, finally pointing his finger towards Donald and Goofy, who were waiting to be introduced to Riku.

"Who are they?" Riku asked, causing Donald to clear his throat. "Ahem, my name is—" "we've visited so many worlds, trying to look for you." Sora cut Donald off, eager to tell Riku about their adventure. "Really? Well, what do you know? I never would've guessed." Riku smiled.

Goofy wrapped his arms around Sora and (Y/N)'s shoulders, shaking them a bit. "Oh, and guess what? Your two little friends are keyblade masters!" Goofy announced, causing Donald to cross his arms. "Who would've thought." The duck commented dryly, causing the two keyblade wielders to glare at him. "And you mean?/What does that mean?!" they yelled.

Paper hearts (Sora x reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now