7- Olympus Coliseum.

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—sorry for the mistakes I had to time to correct it.


"I really can't believe you still have that." (Y/N) commented as she finished making another swan out of paper. "Well, I guess it like a memory. We can look back at it and laugh at how bad my oragami skills were! I honestly don't know how it survived, I sweated an ocean." Sora said, looking at his first ever paper heart. (Y/N) laughed, slapping her knee.

"You're really something, aren't ya?" She chuckled, her laughter dying down. "Say, Sora, do you remember how we met exactly?" (Y/N) asked, her hand on her cheek, leaning on it. Sora put down the oragami he just made, scratching the back of his neck. "I honestly don't know, I guess it just... happened?" He said unsure, making the girl tilt her head.

"Weird, isn't it? It's like we were just there from the start..." she said, making him nod. "Do you remember our oldest memory?" He asked, looking at the girl, who shrugged. "Probably when we first visited the island, I think you pooped your pants," she joked, "but seriously, it really is a mystery, huh?" She added, making him chuckle. "Yeah!"

Silence filled the air, making Sora sigh, leaning on his back. He's glad she's with him, although Riku and Kairi weren't here, he still feels a bit complete with her by his side. He knows he'll find them one day, he knows he'll get back his home. He was determined, he had his mind set.

He looked up at the girl in front of him, who was staring at her hand. "N-Not trying to be cheesy or anything!... but I'm glad I didn't loose you, (Y/N)" Sora said, making the girl look at him, smiling softly. "I'm glad I didn't loose you either, Sora!" She said, intertwining her hand with his.

"We're here!" Donald said, interrupting the cute moment the dynamic duo shared, slightly irking Sora. "Donald, you interrupted em'!" Goofy crossed his arms, shaking his head. "S-shut up!" (Y/N) and Sora yelled in denial, causing both the dog and the duck to burst out laughing.

Donald neatly parked the gummi ship, opening the doors. "And this place is?..." (Y/N) asked, walking out with the group. They were met with ancient greek like structures, and a door leading to what seems to be a lobby. (I'm bad at scenery descriptions just search it up if ya'll don't know how it look looks :>)

"Olympus Coliseum!" Donald replied, throwing his hands in the air. "What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Sora said, walking inside the door, the gang following him.

Walking inside, they were met with a short, half man-half goat guy. He was facing the wall, reading some sort of stone tablet.

(Y/N) and Sora exchanged looks, shrugging. "Um..." Sora began, walking towards the man. "Good timing. Give me a hand, will ya?" The goat man interrupted Sora, not turning around. "Move that pedestal over there for me. I gotta spruce this place up for the games." He continued, pointing behind him, still facing the stone wall.

The group looked at the pedestal, shrugging. Sora and (Y/N) walked to it, pushing on it, trying to move it like that man instructed. It didn't bulge, signaling it was too heavy. With a sigh, they walk back to the man.

"It's way too heavy!" (Y/N) told him. "What? Too heavy? Since when have you been such a little--" the man continued in, turning towards the group. Only to cut himself off.

"Oh. Wrong guy. What are you guys doing here?" The goat man said, his hands on his hips. He then jumped off his little platform, walking towards the group. "This here's the world-famous coliseum-- heroes only!" He walked towards Donald, who was the closest to him.

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