Chapter 3

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Mark's POV

It was finally the end of the year and school was over for now. Mark sorted his cloths into a pile, choosing what to take. He packed some old cloths just in case he was going to be muddy and his swimmers for the water. He pulled his favourite blanket from his bed, neatly folded it and put it into his bag. He packed three of his books and ran into the bathroom to get his toothbrush and toothpaste. Once he had found them he realised that they were both brand new.

Thanks mum. He thought.

"Mark come down here, I've got you something." Called Misha.

"Coming!" Mark yelled back running downstairs. "Yeah?" He asked.

"I bought you some snacks in case the food is awful." She replied.

Mark glanced over to the dinner table where some chips, candy and crackers awaited.

"Thanks mum." He said grabbing the food.

"You're welcome. If you make friends don't forget to share." She answered.

Mark rolled his eyes. "Mum I'm fifteen I know how to share, and of course I'm gonna make friends." He joked.

"I know." Misha nodded.

"By the way, is it okay for me to bring my guitar?" Mark asked.

"I don't see why not." She answered.

Mark grabbed his snacks and ran back upstairs nodding to his mum as he passed. He packed the snacks into his bag which just fit, and his guitar into it's case so he could bring it with him. Mark wasn't sure if his cabin mates would be happy about it or not... but anyway, he liked playing so he shall play.

He decided to play video games, settling on GTA 5. After blowing sky high and robbing people for a couple hours he decided it was late enough to sleep. He lay awake for an hour not knowing how to sleep.

Tomorrow summer will have just begun!

Ethan's POV

Ethan shoved some cloths into his backpack. He wasn't happy about going to summer camp but he'd rather go there than face his mum and more abuse. Everyone there called him "pussy" just because he didn't have the guts to swing off a rope. All he wanted was some friends but nope he way way too defensive. Ethan stared down at the bruises that his mother conflicted on him and sighed. He wasn't gonna do that again... it'd just hurt more over the bruises and scrapes...

What did I do to deserve this? He asked himself.

He ignored the constant pain of the injuries even though it was total hell. The whole week had been dreadful, everyone played the "let's gang up on Ethan" game and he had been beaten down every hour, at least it was just his mentality... He heard footsteps stomping towards his room and his door swung open. Ethan flinched as his mum stormed in a full look of hatred plastered on her face. She looked drunk... again.

"What the fuck are you doing?" His mother growled.

"Packing." Ethan replied simply.

"You being smart?" She asked.

"No." Ethan answered zipping his backpack.

His mum looked over to his bed which was black and blue. She glared back at Ethan.

"Get the hell into bed!" She commanded.

Ethan groaned but walked over to it and pulled the sheets off his bed and lay down. It was a really uncomfortable mattress, his old one was taken by his mum because she didn't think he deserved a good one.

"Was that a groan?" His mum asked sending a glare that could kill a goat. No twenty goats.

Ethan nodded slightly, and his mother was apon him before he could even blink.

"Don't you dare groan at me!" She roared slapping him on the cheek. Ethan's eyes welled up with tears as she hit him. It hurt a lot. He didn't even know why this was happening to him... he didn't deserve this...

Yes you do. His thoughts muttered.

"What did I tell you not to do?" She growled.

"Groan, I won't groan at you!" Ethan cried.

"Good, now get the fuck asleep, I don't wanna hear a fucking peep out of you!" She yelled slamming Ethan's door. As soon as she was definitely gone, Ethan allowed the tears to fall and he cried himself to sleep, the pain of all the bruises helping to fuel them.

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