Chapter 42

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"Ladies and gentlemen, we are almost there. Ten minutes!" An instructor called.

Mark recognised her as Lilly, the instructor that was supervising them back when Ethan twisted his ankle. Mark remembered the two days after it. He remembered how Ethan had sobbed in his arms as he told Mark his story. How Mark had held him close. Ethan was asleep now, wrapped up in Marks arms with his head under Mark's chin and curled up into his chest. There were tear stains on his cheeks from crying silently in his sleep. Mark's injury was throbbing lightly. It was more bruise than cut. The others were chatting among themselves and Mark could see Joey sleeping on Daniel's shoulder. Dan and Phil were on the other side with the other window. Dan was brushing his fingers through Phil's hair gently and Robert was in the middle on his phone watching a movie. Mark brushed his fingers through Ethan's hair, loosening the knots and softening the hair. Ethan whimpered in his sleep and Mark held him closer, pressing his lips to the top of his head. He knew he needed to wake up Ethan but didn't want to wake up his sleeping boyfriend.

"Blueberry..." Mark whispered regretfully.

Ethan opened his eyes tiredly and smiled weakly up at Mark. "Hey..." he whispered.

"We've got five minutes til we get to the beach."

Ethan didn't leave the warmth of Mark's chest but was wide awake. Mark brushed his hand through Ethan's hair as they pulled up to the beach.

"Alright, everyone out! First set up your tent then you can surf or body board or do whatever. The trees that line the beach is where the dirt is thick enough so we've marked it." Lilly yelled. Another instructor sat up. It was Kyle, the one that helped Mark with his head injury.

"The front people can get out now! Go have fun!"

The front rows got up and left the bus, followed by the middle and the back. Ethan grabbed the bags, holding Mark's guitar with care. Mark was passed a tent and Ethan and Mark went to find a place to pitch it. The beach was pretty big so there was lots of space. Everyone had a lot of space between each other. Mark and Ethan were at the back of the forest. The furthest away from the beach that they were allowed. They wanted space between everyone. Mark let Ethan lay the tent out as Mark pegged it down. Ethan did the poles.

"That was amazing. Ethan, right?" Kyle said.

"Yeah, it's Ethan."

"Great job. Now I'm on pot duty so..." Kyle laughed.

"Have fun." Mark joked. He turned to Ethan and pointed to the beach. Ethan nodded and helped Mark to put all of their stuff into the tent.

"OI! Thomas! What are you doing?!" Miles yelled laughing.

"Trying to pitch a tent." Thomas replied giggling.

"That isn't how you pitch a tent."

Mark lead Ethan towards the two boys who were lying on the ground laughing their heads off. Mark spotted their tent which was sort of twisted.

"You idiot Thomas!" Miles giggled.

Ethan shrugged and started untwisting the tent. Thomas looked up, tears rolling down his cheeks. "Thanks gasp for the gasp help." He said.

"No problem." Ethan shrugged.

Five minutes later and Ethan had pitched two tents in the span of twenty minutes.

"Do you want to go swimming with us?" Ethan asked.

"Sure." Miles said getting up. "And thanks... we couldn't remember how we did it last time."

"You're welcome."

Mark smiled and the four boys walked out of the shade and onto the sand. He spotted Dan and Phil lying on it with Robert chatting with them. Joey and Daniel were playing in the water, the waves were small but big enough for surfing.

"Hey guys!" Mark called.

Dan, Phil and Robert turned around. "Hey!" They said in unison.

"Oh yeah. I'm Miles by the way." Miles said from behind Mark.

"Thomas." Thomas greeted.

"I'm Phil and that's Dan." Phil introduced.

"I can speak for myself." Dan giggled.

"I'm Robert." Robert nodded smiling.

"So should we go into the water?" Mark asked pulling off his shirt. He smiled at Ethan who was blushing yet again and allowed his blue haired boyfriend to do the same. Everyone pulled off their shirts. Mark saw massive scars on Miles's chest.

"What happened there?" He asked.

Miles smiled. "I haven't told anyone yet but everyone in our cabin but I'm trans."

"Woah." Ethan said. "I never would have guessed."

"Why thank you. I think the transition came along nicely. Anyway, let's go swimming!" Miles shouted running into the water.

The others ran after him laughing and splashing around. Ethan jumped on top of Mark and onto his shoulders, pulling him down into the shallow, blue water. Mark laughed and splashed Ethan. Dan and Phil joined in on their splash competition and it soon ended in an all out war with salty water. Soon, Mark saw Nate and Mat walking together. Mat had Steph with him and Nate was with no one. He saw Jess and Jason walking towards them and splashing into the water.

"Where's my invitation?" Joey pouted from a few meters ahead.

Miles splashed him, making Joey gasp then burst out laughing.

"There it is." Thomas laughed.

Daniel smiled from behind him, put his fingers to his lips and whilst Joey was distracted, swam under him and pulled him onto his shoulders.

"Yahhhh! Daniel! Put me down!" Joey screeched.

Daniel laughed and flipped him over his shoulders.

Everyone joined into a big group, now including Jess, Jason, Nate, Mat and Steph. They played in the water for a long time, until their fingers were pruny. Ethan jumped on top of Mark's shoulders and yelled "to the beach" to which Mark did.

The big group joined them and Thomas was explaining how Mark and Ethan had met them. Ethan lay on the sand and Mark joined him, laying his head on his stomach. Suddenly, Raven appeared with her eyes wide and her hands holding her hair.

"I need to tell you... NOW!" Raven gasped as if she was in immense pain. Her tail lashed and her wings were opening and closing slightly.

"We'll be back." Mark said. "We're gonna practice for a few."

The group nodded. "Alright. See you soon."

"Hurry!" Raven whispered, bolting into the trees.

"This is serious Eth. Let's go."

So, you guys probably know what's going to happen but I wanted to leave a cliff hanger anyway XD. Also, note that Spirit is important to Raven and that's going to be part of Ravens story, which some of it is going to be shared soon. Love y'all and peace out!

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