Chapter 1 - You Are Different

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Yeong Gam University; the university where Seokjin, Hoseok and Taehyung study at. It's already the third month of second year and Seokjin could still handle the stress since first year. He was walking back to the apartment after a long day; everyday is a long day according to him. And everyday, the same thought and question is in his mind. How is Taehyung? Is he alright? Every single day, he worries about him even more. One of the days during first year, Taehyung slowly changes. It started off by slowly avoiding Hoseok and he, Seokjin, and then not answering any of their questions. A memory replayed in his mind.

"Hey Taehyung!" Called Seokjin catching Taehyung's attention. Taehyung looked behind facing Seokjin and he showed a soft smile then he looked back at front, eyeing the sidewalk. Seokjin tilted his head to the side because it seemed that something is bothering the younger one. He ran until he was walking beside him.

Taehyung glanced at him then he looked back at the sidewalk. "Is, everything alright?" Seokjin asked. "Everything is fine hyung." He hesitated. Taehyung was obviously very hesitant to even speak to him. "Is, anything bothering you?" He questioned him again. Taehyung remained looking down at the sidewalk; he didn't respond. "Is there?" He asked once more. "I have a project to finish, I have to hurry back." Taehyung rushed his words then he ran back to the apartment. This left Seokjin having a lot of questions in his mind.

The only sound that Seokjin is hearing right now is the sound of the breeze flowing past him. There were hardly any people walking down the sidewalks. The atmosphere felt clear for a moment until a car drove past by. He looked up to his left and he could see his apartment from there.

He entered the apartment then he headed straight to his room, throwing his bag on top of the bed. He stretched his arms out until he heard the door open. He peeked outside his door then he saw Hoseok who just entered.

Hoseok too seemed tired. He rushed to his room, which was next to the room of Seokjin, then he tossed his bag into the air, landing on his bed. Hoseok sat on the chair near the door then he rested his head on it. Seokjin entered, leaning on the door.

"How are you Hobi?" Asked Seokjin. Hoseok groans in stress. "Everyday is the same day Jin." He replied. Seokjin nods, "I agree."

Taehyung was heading to a nearby cafe. His black hoodie was up while his hands were inside his pockets. He was walking then by his left, he heard a girl scream. He looked at his left then he saw two guys who clearly were older than him trying to steal this girl's bag. He was too hesitant to barge in but then he did it anyways.

"Give it back!" The girl demanded. One of the men was holding both of her hands behind while the other one had the bag on hand. "What do you have in here girly? Phone, money, I wonder." He was about to unzip the bag until someone shouted, "Hey!"

There attention was to him now. "Who are you?" The guy holding the bag asked. "Give back her bag!" He demanded. The two men chuckled. "What is this some movie? What are you going to do now? Kick my butt and be a superhero?" The guy holding the hands of the girl said which made them laugh. Taehyung cursed under his breath then he called the police. The police immediately came and arrested the two. "Outsmarted by a kid." One of them said to the other. "Shut up!" He shouted at him. The police pushed the two in the car.

"Are you okay miss?" The policeman asked. The girl nods. She then looks around to look for the guy who saved her. He was nowhere to be found. 'Quite an enigmatic man.' She thought.

Taehyung ran inside a random cafe. Not the cafe he wanted to go in but, he'd guessed that it'll do. He went up to the cashier and he took a glance at the list of coffees at top. "What can I get for you?" The barista asks. Taehyung looks at him, "I would like a-..." He freezes, realizing that it was Namjoon. "Oh, Taehyung. I didn't realize it was you!" He said. Taehyung fakes a smile. "Uh yeah! A year was it?" He asks. "Nearly a year and a half. So, what can I get for you?" He asks. "I-I would..." He stuttered. He was nervous right now but he tries to relax. " a Latte." He said. "Coming right up." Namjoon hurries and gets Taehyung's order. While waiting, the said person was tapping his fingers on the counter nervously, biting his bottom lip. Namjoon hands over the drink then Taehyung paid. "Thank you and come again." He smiles at him. "Y-yeah. See you then." Taehyung stuttered once again then he walked outside the cafe. The next customer ordered then he grabbed a drink.

While filling the cup, he wondered, why did Taehyung act so nervous and strange? This made him had sudden thoughts and this made him curious.

He looked back down then he realized that he overfilled the cup which made his hand burn. He nearly cursed but he immediately grabbed a towel and another cup and filled it once again. He should probably think about it later. His job must go first.

Taehyung entered the apartment then he saw that the television was open. Hoseok was sleeping on the couch, his head was resting on the armrest while his feet were resting on the other side. Taehyung turned off the tv then he looked at Hoseok once again. He walked to the room of Hoseok then he grabbed a blanket. He walked back to him then he covered it on him. He smiled as Hoseok was sleeping peacefully. How he missed the person he used to be. Don't get him wrong but, he still cares about his friends but then, he too is scared of them. He finished his coffee then he threw it then he headed to his room and slept, locking the door behind him.

"They will accept me for who I am! They already did!" A blurry voice argued. "Oh yes they did but, seeing you right now? You are completely different and will they ever accept a person like you ever again?"

It was the next day. Jimin woke up and he stretched his arms out. He then saw Jungkook's head popping out from above. This made him chuckle. "Wake up hyung!" He, who was vigorous, said. "I'm awake. Go and take a shower now." He said to him. "Alright!" His head disappeared from Jimin's gaze then he jumped out of the bed, his feet landing on the carpeted floor below him. "Be careful!" Jimin exclaimed. "I'm fine hyung! Go and fix your stuff." Jungkook grabbed his clothes and he went out of the room to the bathroom. Jimin smirked as Jungkook left.

He fixed his stuff but then he was wandering, what did he just dream of last night? It was probably a passing conversation he just made up. But then that voice seemed familiar. He couldn't seem to remember it but then he knows that voice from somewhere.

Seokjin woke up and he headed first off to the living room and the first thing he saw was Hoseok sleeping on the floor. He was covered in his blanket which was a mess. Seokjin was dumbfounded of him. "Umm... Hoseok?" He uttered. Hoseok replies by snorting. Seokjin rolled his eyes then he grabbed a pillow and aimed at the head of Hoseok, hitting him.

"Why did you do that?" Hoseok questioned. They were on their way to the university right now. Carrying their backpacks, having a nice little conversation. "Your blanket was literally spread out and you were basically on the floor which is bad." Seokjin replied. "I don't remember bringing a blanket to the couch." He said. Seokjin raised an eyebrow, a bit confused. "Huh? What?" Hoseok looked at him. "I was watching tv last night and I slept during the middle of it. Did you give me a blanket and turn off the television?" Hoseok asked. "No I didn't." He immediately replied. "But I think I know who." He said. "Who?" Hoseok asked and Seokjin knew that he was dumb. He hits the back of the head of Hoseok hard. "Ah!" He exclaimed, rubbing the back of his head. "Get your mind working Hoseok! Who else would it be?" He said. Hoseok thought for a moment then suddenly, knew who that person was. "But then he stopped talking to us and he tries to avoid eye contact right?" Hoseok questioned. "I guess he still cares even after what he is doing right now." He replied. "I miss the TaeTae we used to know." Hoseok said to him, looking down on the sidewalk.

Seokjin faced down too, those times before, he missed it so much. He missed Kim Taehyung. The Blank Tae they knew. The optimistic person they knew became a pessimistic one. They never expected a day like this to come.

"I missed him too."

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