Chapter 8 - Persuasion

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"So why did you want to meet me?" Jungkook asked. He and Taehyung were inside a Starbucks cafe. "Well, let's just say Seokjin and Hoseok hyung have no in trust me anymore." Taehyung simply replied. "Huh, why?" Jungkook ejaculated. "Sungmin," was all he said. "Sungmin is such a great liar. I would rate him no.1 at lying followed by Seong." Said Jungkook. "Yeah. They lied that I would betray my friends but it is one hundred percent fake." Taehyung stated. "Well, Seong told Namjoon and, he believed it." Jungkook said in quite a soft voice. "What? He did?" Taehyung questioned again. "Namjoon didn't mention the name of Seong but I've figured since Kwanyoung would always let Seong be the second. Yoongi believed it." Jungkook uttered. Taehyung sighed then he covered his face with his hands.

He had no idea what to do. He doesn't know how to explain the truth to his friends; especially Yoongi. "I don't know what to do." Taehyung said.

Jungkook taps his fingers on the table not really having an idea on what to say. He suddenly remembered the question he wanted to ask. "Hyung, may I ask you a question?" Jungkook uttered. Taehyung removed his hands from his face then he nods. "Did you really kill your mom?" He finally questioned. Taehyung suddenly turned speechless thinking, how did Jungkook know that? "H-how did you know?" He asked. Jungkook replied, "Namjoon hyung has a notebook that is probably yours. Did you really kill your mom?" Taehyung suddenly felt the tears hitting him just remembering that day.

"Jungkook-ah, let me explain." Taehyung simply said. Jungkook has figured that it was true but he decides to listen.

Hoseok entered his class then he went to his seat. He placed his stuff down then he brought out some notes to review for the upcoming exam. As he was reviewing, someone sat beside him. Hoseok looked up to greet him. "Oh, hey Kwanyoung." Kwanyoung smiled at him. "Hey Hoseok. How are you?"

They aren't close but once in awhile, they would have small chats. Hoseok always does that to everybody who sits next to him.

"I'm fine. Worked up with assignments and stuff but I'm all good." He said with a smile on his face. "Heh. Well, can I tell you something Hoseok?" Kwanyoung asked. "What is it?"

Seokjin was in his class. He looked around to see if Taehyung came but his seat was empty. He shook his head then he faced front, not knowing what to do.

Someone approached him making him look up to the other one who was tall. "Hey Seokjin." The other greeted. "Oh Mingyu. Hey." Seokjin greeted back. "You're friends with Taehyung right?" Mingyu asked. Seokjin looked down not knowing if he should even consider Taehyung his friend. He hesitated, "Yes. But we aren't in good terms right now." He looked back up at Mingyu. "Oh, I'm sorry." He apologized. "Ah, you don't need to." He replied. "He's my partner, that's all." Clarified Mingyu. "Have you seen him anywhere by any chance?" He questioned. Seokjin replayed in his head the last time he saw him but then he remembered Taehyung was the first to leave. "I'm sorry. I haven't seen him." He said. "Ah it's fine. Thanks anyways." Mingyu bowed then he went to hs seat. This made Seokjin suddenly wonder, where did Taehyung go?

Jimin went in his class then he was greeted by a familiar girl. "Hi Miyoung." He greeted. Miyoung gave him papers then Jimin read it. It was the report. "I'm nearly done. All I need you to do is to place a description of the park. The history is already there and those stuff. Also, bring a camera. We'll be doing the pictures." Miyoung explained. Jimin looked at the papers and so far from what he read, it was nearly complete. Jimin was quite amazed of what Miyoung did so far. This was something he couldn't do in just one or two days. "Come on. Let's go." Miyoung went on ahead to her seat. This made Jimin think, 'She'll be mine.'

Seokjin walked out of his room then he saw Hoseok who didn't look happy. "Hey Hobi!" He called out. Hoseok looked at him then he faked a smile which Seokjin could tell. "Hey hyung." Hoseok approached him with his head hung low. "Is there something wrong?" The elder questioned concerned for the latter. Hoseok bit his bottom lip not really knowing what to say. Seokjin tilted his head slightly to the side wondering what the latter was going to say. "Hyung, Taehyung..." And by this point, Seokjin knew where this was going.

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