Chapter 17 - Time To Stop

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Taehyung paced around his room, slightly panicking and feeling nervous.

Seokjin peeked in the room. He felt a bit worried because yesterday, Taehyung couldn't help but blame himself for Jungkook's capture.

"Taehyung-ah, may I come in?" Taehyung looked at Seokjin. They stared at each other for nearly a minute and that's when Taehyung slightly nodded a yes.

Seokjin came in then he sat on the bed of Taehyung. Even with the presence of Seokjin, he continued on what he was doing. Pacing with anxiety. The elder hyung sighed then he asked, "Have you ever tried calling your dad about this?" After hearing this, Taehyung stopped pacing just right in front Seokjin.

"Like you know, report to the police since, your dad is a police officer." Seokjin's fingers tapped on the sheet of the bed in an alternating manner. Taehyung looked at his hyung, thinking for a moment before he finally speaking in a nearly soft voice.

"I, haven't called my dad in a while." Taehyung said. "Well, that could've solved your problem from the very sta-"

"No," he interrupted. Seokjin tilted his head to the side, feeling a bit confused. "The only reason why I didn't call my dad is so that he wouldn't get worried and so that he would let me stay in the college." He explained. "But Taehyung, you're talking about three college students who kidnapped your friend. Three college students who almost attempted to kill you. THREE college students who were trying to ruin your life by taking everything away from you." Seokjin emphasised. Taehyung looked down diagonally at the ground. "I just, didn't want my dad to worry you know." He dropped his hands down then he decided to sit next to his hyung. "He probably wouldn't even talk to me after what happened to my mom."

Seokjin frowned a bit just hearing Taehyung say that. People come and go so quickly and change happens so fast. But it has to be done. He needs to call his dad.

"Taehyung, I know that you would try to refuse but right now, this isn't about you anymore." Taehyung looked at Seokjin, head still hung low. "We're talking about Jungkook once again."

"Jungkook is your childhood best friend and one thing is certain is that you need to stop them from ruining his life." Taehyung had to double think.

Seokjin was right. It's not about him, it's about Jungkook right now. It's Jungkook who needed the rescue. He needed help.

Taehyung immediately stood up then he looked for his phone. Once he found it, he dialed the number of the police station where his dad is. He hesitated a bit but he continued pressing those buttons on the screen.

It started ringing then Taehyung brought the phone up to his ear. Someone quickly answered it. "Hello? C/Insp. Kim speaking." On the other end of the line was his dad's voice. That familiar voice that he hears ever since he was a child. "Uhh dad.." He had to talk to his dad. He had to file an issue. He had to start moving.

Miyoung paced around her room. She was in a dilemma between two people. Yoongi likes her, now Jimin? She didn't expect this to happen to her. She's been attracted with Taehyung that the other two could've been hurt.

She's already moved on from Taehyung but one thing she needs to do is to choose from Jimin and Yoongi.

Those two nearly seem to be opposite people. Jimin is such a sweet person to be with. He could be the person to be always there for you, be there when you are down and be there to cheer you up. Then we have Yoongi. He is the person who loves music, he's somewhat cold but he still cares. He is also someone who Miyoung pitys. She thought of a future with the two of them and, it seemed amazing. Both of them are amazing. But sadly, she has to choose one.

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