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A few years went by. Days have gone, months have gone, time accomplished and other stuff, it was all well. Yoongi and Miyoung have been dating, Saejin and Namjoon, the same, Seokjin, Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jimin decided to continue their education, and Hoseok decide to work in Starbucks because he has no idea what he should do with his life. Seong and Sungmin were kicked out of college after what happened to Kwanyoung and after knowing what they did.

Taehyung was sitting on a bench in the park. He stared at the wonderful sky that's been shining brightly. The depression he had a few years ago was gone now and he was back to his old self. Hoseok left the apartment because he finished college and he moved out to live in another apartment.

"Hey Taehyung!" A girl jumped right in front of him, smiling widely. Taehyung smiled then he grabbed her by the hand and let her sit next to him. "Hello Heeyoung." Taehyung kissed her on the forehead. "How's my girlfriend doing?" He asked. "I'm always doing well my love." She giggled. Taehyung met Yoon Heeyoung during the third year of college. She's an amazing, positive, happy girl. The both of them just sat on the bench and stared at the sky.

Hoseok was working in a Starbucks cafe. He didn't know what else he should do with his life. Since he is a person who is full of smiles, he decided to just be an employee in Starbucks.

"Thank you and please come again." He smiled at the customer. The customer smiled back then she left. Hoseok waited at the counter for another customer. Today wasn't much of a busy day. He is loving his job in all honesty. He just wants to be able to get a job which includes dancing; something that he is passionate about.

"Hoseok," Hoseok turned to see his manager. "Yes sir?" He replied. "You will have a new co-worker." He said. The said co-worker revealed herself and he was quite surprised to see who it was. "Oh, hi Saejin." He greeted. "Hey Hoseok." She greeted back.

Jimin, until now, was single. He is still studying hard and trying his best to be able to graduate with honors. Namjoon and Yoongi were done with college so they moved out of the apartment. It was just him and Jungkook but they don't really talk that much or hangout because they were busy with exams and other stuff. Whenever they had free time, they would occasionally just hangout.

Sometimes, he would just remember Miyoung. He knows that she belongs to Yoongi but she would come to mind. They're still friends and, that's a good thing. He still loves her but now, platonically.

Someday in the future, he hopes that he'll be able to find someone just for him.

Seokjin knew what he wanted to become in the future so he is focusing really hard on his studies. He's been reading a lot more books lately and he would go on diets because, he wants to. He was now alone in the apartment since Hoseok and Taehyung moved out. He was very lonely but, it was fine, they would sometimes call or video chat to each other to keep their communication up. But among the three of them, he would occasionally talk to Hoseok.

He was at the library reading a book. It was about medical science. He wanted to become a doctor so that he could help people and, or actually be the person who could help if someone is in need of help. He was focusing then, a girl sat next to her. She looked really pretty at first glance and she seemed like she wanted to read the book. "Hey, after your done with that, may I read it?" She asked. Seokjin nods in reply. "Yeah sure."

"By the way, I'm Song Mishil." She introduced. Seokjin smiled then he introduced himself too. "I'm Kim Seokjin."

Namjoon bought an apartment for he and Saejin. It was all the money that he had. Saejin decided that the both of them should work and that's decided. Namjoon decided to be a teacher in the primary department while Saejin decided to work at a coffee shop.

Namjoon is about to have a class in an hour or so. He was just preparing his presentation. Sometimes, he would wonder how the others are doing. Are they doing well?

Namjoon is always busy but he would try his best to find time to talk to the others. As they said, their friendship is bulletproof. Even if they are somewhere else, they still keep in touch.

Jungkook was on his way to class. He has a lot of things going on in his mind. He grew a bit more mature lately and he focused more on his studies. He wants to graduate with honors. When he seemed through with everything he has done, he would hang out with Jimin and they would stuff that they usually do.

He is carrying a bag which contained his laptop and others stuff and he was carrying books on hand. He has a test today and he wants to get a high score.

He was hurrying through the corridors until he accidentally bumped into someone. He accidentally dropped his books on the ground. "I'm sorry." He and the other person said in unison. The both of them grabbed Jungkook's books then at the last book, they overlapped their hands over each others. The both of them looked up and Jungkook saw a pretty face. She looked beautiful and her eyes seemed clear.

"I'm sorry." The both of them stood up then she gave the books to him. She then walked pass him and went somewhere else. Jungkook just watched as she walked away, he turned back then he went to his class.

Yoongi and Miyoung decided to got to the beach. They were walking by the sea and there were hardly any people around. Just the two of them. Yoongi kept on staring at her for the most journey through the beach.

"It's such a lovely day today." Miyoung said as she plays with the shores. "Mhmm. It is." Yoongi replied. "So, where are we actually going?" She asked. Yoongi just simply smiled at her. He grabbed her by the hand then she took her somewhere.

They entered a boat then they rowed through the cave. "Hey, what is this place?" She questioned. "Oh, you'll see my love." He said.

He rowed through into the cave then suddenly, the whole cave lit up. Miyoung was amused by this. "Wow." She said in astonishment. Suddenly, romantic music played in the background. "What is this?" She looked at Yoongi who was just staring at her.

"You're so beautiful." She blushed at his compliment. "You look as pretty as the night sky."

"Stop it." She blushed feeling a bit embarrassed. "What's wrong my girl? Am I making you embarrassed? I'm sorry but I'm so in love with everything about you." He smiled. Miyoung chuckled. "What is with the flirting?" She asked. "I'm not flirting. I'm just being extra nice to someone who is attractive."

"Sweetheart, what is this?" She asked. "Well, let me just say this." Yoongi brought a small box out of his pocket. Miyoung saw this then she immediately covered her mouth, eyes widened in a feeling of utter happiness.

"Let's live together. I'll be yours. Forever my love." Miyoung immediately hugged him then she ejaculated, "YES!"

Yoongi smiled happily. They pulled apart then he inserted the ring into Miyoung's ring finger. Miyoung looked at the ring then she smiled widely.

Miyoung kissed Yoongi while hugging him. Yoongi kissed her back. The both just stayed in each others comfort for a while.

"Love you honey." Miyoung whispered. "Love you too."

A new chapter of their lives just opened. More obstacles will be coming their way. In the end, their friendship was still bulletproof.

And it will be forever.

The End

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