Chapter 11 - Our Fault, Our Lost

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"Do you know what I realized?" Namjoon started which made the others listen to him. "We've been thinking that Taehyung is the one tearing our friendship apart when the truth is, we are the ones tearing it apart." He stated which made the others sadly nod in agreement. "We could've just helped him solve his problem but we ended up being over protective of ourselves. What kind of friends are we?" He questioned. "We're basically egocentric." Said Yoongi, feeling completely bad. "All we have to do is make it up to him. That's all we have to do right?" Hoseok said. "Well..." Yoongi then stood. "We can give it a shot meanwhile, me and Namjoon will be off. Let's try to solve this next time." Namjoon stood too. "Yeah okay." Seokjin said. "Bye!" He and Hoseok spoke and waved in chorus. "Bye." Namjoon replied but Yoongi just waved. The both of them left.

"I feel so wrong, bad, and horrible." Seokjin blurted out. Hoseok just nodded his head in reply. "Well, we've immediately forgotten the fact that Taehyung tried to speak to us and what he did to me." Said Hoseok. Seokjin looked at him then he tried to remember what Taehyung did.

Seokjin and Hoseok came home and as they entered, they smelled something. They went in the kitchen and saw egg rolls readied on the table. A note was on top of the table. Hoseok grabbed it and read it.

"I made egg rolls! Hope you like it. If you are full then eat it for breakfast. I just wanted to make something for the two of you to show that I still care. Hope you enjoy the meal! :)"

Seokjin suddenly remembered the thing that Taehyung did. Truthfully, he doesn't cook at all which makes them question if he is good or not but then what he did back then nearly explained it since the egg rolls were quite good.

Seokjin facepalms, hating himself for what he has done to avoid Taehyung. Truthfully, he couldn't believe what he has done. He sighs mentally as his actions he regretted played in his mind.

Taehyung even blanketed Hoseok and turned off the television for him which showed that he cared but they've easily forgotten about it.

He suddenly remembered Sungmin. He felt suspicious of him ever since they met but he tried his best to hide the suspicion and accept him. He swiftly turned to Hoseok then he questioned, "After the project me and Sungmin did, did he do anything before he left?" Hoseok snapped his finger having an immediate answer which nearly startled him. "Sungmin was able to enter the room of Taehyung when it was locked." Seokjin looked down, still listening to the words of Hoseok. "He came out and I asked him what he was doing there. He told me that Taehyung stole something from him so he got it back." Hoseok explained. Seokjin bit his lip, thinking of the things that Sungmin has done until he remembered.

Sungmin kept saying, 'You know what happened to him right?'. And also, he asked where the room of Taehyung was which was very suspicious but he just let it slide so easily. And nearly finally figuring out the plan of Sungmin, he had an idea in his mind.

"I have an idea in mind to make up for Taehyung and to probably trick Sungmin for making us believe in such crap." Said Seokjin who was suddenly full of confidence. "Oh, what is it?" Hoseok asked, having curiosity of what the idea is. Seokjin came closer to Hoseok then he whispered in his ear. After hearing the plan, Hoseok made an o with his mouth and he nodded. "Wait hold on, why did you whisper to me? It's just the two of us in here." He said in confusion. Seokjin shrugs in reply. "I don't know. I just feel like it."

Yoongi and Namjoon were on their way back to the apartment and along the way, they bought Tteokbokki for their starving stomachs. "I never felt such a failure in my life." Yoongi blurted out, taking a bite of his food. "I know right. We definitely took the wrong path." Namjoon replies, doing the same thing. For one full minute, they were silent, not speaking at all but calmly eating their food. "I should've thought for a moment about it but then when you showed me the notebook, I immediately believed in it." Yoongi explained. Namjoon said, "I know that having a high IQ has nothing to do with this but I should've thought twice on believing that guy especially because he was a complete stranger to me."

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