Chapter 12 - Thank You

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Taehyung and Jungkook sat next to each other. They really didn't expect that the both of them would be there. "What are you doing here hyung?" Jungkook questioned because he didn't expect to be seeing Taehyung at a jjimjilbang. "Ah, you know what happened yesterday right?" Jungkook frowns then he nods. "Yeah. I do not want to see them for a while." He added. He then followed it up with a question asking, "How about you? What are you doing here?" Jungkook looks at him with the same face and replies, "The same thing." Taehyung was a bit shocked making him think of what could've possibly have happened yesterday. "What happened?" He decided to question. Jungkook sighed, deciding to tell him about it.

"Basically, I shouted at them for acting that way towards you since you don't deserve the negativity which in the end, telling them about your mom and grandma." Jungkook explained. Taehyung's mouth was gaped since he didn't know how to reply to this. "I ended up running away and I decided that I would come back once I feel better." He continued, looking away. Taehyung looked down, not believing what Jungkook just did. Back in highschool when he was still a jerk, all he did was bully them and other students but never once he shouted; other than what happened during the camp.

"You didn't have to be on my side you know. You just disrespected them." Taehyung finally replied with an unsure answer. Jungkook looked at him and said, "I'm always on your side hyung. The thing is, they would understand me but who would understand you after keeping such a long distance." Once again, he didn't know how to reply to this. "Also, there has to be someone on your side so that they could support you and help you. I'm willing to be that someone and I will always be that someone. Even if I had to disrespect the other hyungs. I just couldn't hold back my anger anymore even though we could've talked it through." He added.

"Jungkook-ah..." Taehyung uttered then he wrapped an arm around the younger one. Jungkook was confused at his sudden action until he said, "Thank you." Jungkook looked at Taehyung and he was smiling. He smiled back at him. "I knew that my Kookie was still in there." Jungkook rolled his eyes but he was still smiling. "That was 4 years ago hyung." He pushed Taehyung lightly which made him grin. The both of them continued eating and talking to each other.

Miyoung closed her locker then she turned to her side and saw Jimin. "Oh, hey Jimin." She greeted with a smile. "Hey Miyoung. How have you been doing?" Jimin questioned, leaning on the locker with his arms crossed. "Doing well thanks. Did you print it?" Jimin nods in reply. "All done." Miyoung smiled at him. "That's great! Let's hope to get a good score." She said. "Of course we will since, you're my partner." Jimin said with a cheap grin. Miyoung could barely laugh at his line so she just shook her head. "That's so cheesy." She then went off to her classroom. "Hey!" Jimin followed her. "At least I tried right?" He said with a smile. "You tried." Miyoung replied.

Seokjin entered his class casually until Mingyu ran to him. He seemed to be panicking about something. "Seokjin, have you seen Taehyung?" Mingyu questioned, worrying. "I haven't seen him. Why?" Seokjin asked, especially because of his expression right now. "Today is the presentation of the project and I have no idea what I should tell the professor if he doesn't come." And after Mingyu saying that, Seokjin's eyes widened then he started to panic too since he wasn't prepared. "Oh god, I'm not prepared." He panicked. "What are we going to do?" Mingyu questioned. "It be a miracle if the professor is absent but then he never had a single absence." Said Seokjin. Suddenly, one of their classmates came and announced, "For the first time, professor is absent." Nearly the whole class sighed in relief. Mingyu and Seokjin couldn't believe a miracle just happened to them.

"Looks like we're safe. Whew." Mingyu sighed in relief. "Yeah. I would've wanted to die already." Said Seokjin then Mingyu looked at him with an eyebrow raised. Seokjin didn't expect that he would take it seriously so he just laughed it off. "Not literally." Mingyu made an o with his mouth and nodded. He then smiled after. "Hehe, sorry."

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