Chapter 3 - Who Am I

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"I am Kim Taehyung! The optimistic one! The weird one! The one who cares! The one who has great friends! And you? You're just someone who loves hurting people. Am I right?" Taehyung asks. "Just a specific someone but since he is not here, I have a replacement. Since I have his best friend." The eyes of Taehyung widened. "And who are you? Kim Taehyung? Optimistic? That doesn't seem to fit you. But that person is Kim Taehyung. You are different from Kim Taehyung. Who are you then?"

That memory once again replayed in Taehyung's mind. A memory that's keeping him from sleeping. Who is he? Is he Taehyung? Or is he someone else? This is a change that he never wanted. And he knows that it is also a change that his friends never wanted. He wished that Kwanyoung never existed. He wished that he never met his group. But thinking twice, Kwanyoung helped him. He helped him to find a friend.

When he was little, he used to stay with his mom and dad. He had no friends at all that time. His first ever friend was Jungkook. Kwanyoung bullied Jungkook and he saved him. He suddenly remembered highschool days. Those days were, quite fun. Taehyung, V, Blank Tae, TaeTae, those were the names he was given and he liked. If he was not himself, then who is he?

He is not the Kim Taehyung they used to know anymore. He nearly became the complete opposite. He looked at his arm and the one he made a few hours ago stopped bleeding. He has quite a few cuts despite it going on since 1st year; mainly on his left arm. He tries to fill an arm up before doing the other. From the day he started cutting himself, he regretted it but then he got used to it.

He had college tomorrow but he didn't feel like going.

It was break time. Seokjin decided to go with Hoseok heading to their next class since, they were at the same class. In the middle of chatting, his phone suddenly rang. It played the super mario song. "Did you change it again?" Hoseok asks. Seokjin sighs then he grabs his phone out of his pocket. "Yes, yes I did." He checked on the dialer and once he read the name, he was quite surprised. He answers it immediately. "Hey Namjoon!" Seokjin greeted. The both of them stopped walking. The eyes of Hoseok widened since they haven't talked to the others for nearly a year and a half.

"Jin hyung! How are you doing? Are you in class? Did I disturb you?" Namjoon asked. Seokjin replied with a soft laugh. "No you didn't. It's break anyways. I haven't heard from you in a long time." Seokjin said. "Hehe. Yeah." Replied Namjoon. "Why'd you call suddenly?" Seokjin asked. "Oh, well we are planning to have a reunion. The seven of us." Namjoon said. Seokjin stopped for a while. 'The seven of us?' He thought. "Well, umm, you see..." He tried to explain about Taehyung but he couldn't find the right words. "Are you busy?" Asked Namjoon. "No I'm not. Me and Hoseok are free. It's just that.... Taehyung..." He was to say but then he was cut off by Namjoon. "Oh no need to explain about Taehyung." The eyes of Seokjin widened in surprise since it seems that Namjoon knew about him. "He went in the Coffee Cat where I was working at plus we called him and something felt off." Seokjin was supposed to ask but his question was already answered. "Wait. But I think Taehyung won't go since we haven't talked to him in, quite a while." Seokjin uttered. Namjoon was about to speak until Yoongi, who once again came out of nowhere, spoke. "Force him out. We do not care. He is going to be dead to me if he doesn't come." Seokjin was surprised at the sudden entrance of Yoongi. "Oh yeah. The four of us are literally on the corridor and we turned on speaker if you are wondering." Yoongi added. "Oh so." Seokjin had a thought. "Put speaker on. I wanna say hi to Hoseok hyung!" Jimin said. "Okay." Seokjin turned on speaker mode. He then held the phone in between he and Hoseok. "Hi Hoseok hyung!" Jimin greeted. "Oh, Jimin-ah hi." Hoseok greeted back.

"Okay so the only thing you two need to do is to convince Taehyung to go to the reunion." Yoongi uttered. They've already told Hoseok about the reunion thing so he understood. "Wait where will it be?" Hoseok questioned. "The Coffee Cat. The cafe where Namjoon hyung works." Jungkook replied. "And we placed it into votes. I never wanted it." Namjoon said with a sigh in his voice. "It's okay Namjoon but then where is it?" Seokjin asked. "Oh, ask Taehyung." Yoongi replied. The eyes of Hoseok and Seokjin widened since they didn't really know how to talk to him. "We'll try." Hoseok said. "Okay good because next class is starting in a few minutes so bye." Namjoon said then they hung up. Seokjin placed his phone inside his pocket. "Let's go." Seokjin said to Hoseok then they hurried to their class.

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