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Jacks POV
Lillian had been gone for almost 20 minutes.

"Guys? What's taking Lillian so long?" I asked

Logan and the boys looked at me with confused looks

"I don't know. I'm worried, I'm gonna go check on her." Logan said

"Me too." Said Corbyn.

The rest of the boys and I went too. When we got outside, she was nowhere around and her phone was left on the ground and a little bit of blood was on a bench near her phone. I began to panic and so did the other boys.

"CALL 911!" Logan yelled.

I quickly got out my phone and dialed the police.

He began to cry and was worried about his sister, I was worried too. THERE IS BLOOD!

Logan's POV
I'm scared, what if something bad has happened?! I saw blood! I began to cry and it takes a lot for me to cry. I picked up her phone and it was still on. It was left in her texts and opened up to a contact called CJ... I read the texts and I can't believe it! This is the jerk that broke my sister's heart and possibly her kidnapper!! I told the boys and we were all 10x more worried for her. The police soon arrived and we explained everything to them and they asked for her phone to store as evidence. I handed it over. They told the boys and I that it was best to go home and rest and they will see what they could do. I argued with him saying how I'm not going until my sister is found. But somehow he convinced me to go. The boys and I drove back to my apartment and we all decided to stay up incase she came back.

Lillian's POV
I woke up in a dark room with my hands tied to a chair. I had blood dripping from my head and then I realized I was hit and knocked out. I tried to get out of the ropes but they were too tight. I was about to cry but I told myself to stay strong and that Jack, Logan, and the boys would find me. I tried staying calm but panicked when the door to the room I was in opened. A person walked in wearing all black and a ski mask covering their face. The person walked over to me and I screamed as loud as I could until I felt a sting across my cheek. The person just slapped me and I realized it was CJ

"LET ME GO!!" I yelled

"Now why would I do that? You belong with me." He said (A/N lmao that line reminds me of Taylor Swift lol)

"YOURE INSANE!!" I yelled at him

He punched me in my face a couple times and then left. I could feel the bruises starting to form on my face and the blood dripping off of my cuts on my face. I looked at my arms where the ropes were and the ropes had started to rip my stitches open. If I wasn't found soon, I would bleed to death. I just cried, I promised I wouldn't but I can't hold it in. No one is gonna find me. I'm gonna die.

Logan's POV
I just got a call from the police and they told me that they found out where CJs car is located. It's by an old abandoned hotel. The officer told me that he would send officers to go help my sister but he told me to be prepared because CJ has a violent criminal past that started a few months ago and they don't know if she's ok. This terrified me. I told the boys the news and they all started to cry and so did I. The officers were on their way to rescue my sister now and all we could do is just wait around for news. I feel so helpless.

Lillian's POV
I'm currently struggling to stay conscious from the lack of blood since I've lost a ton. I heard a loud bang upstairs and I thought it was nothing but then I heard someone shout

"LAPD where is she?!"

It was the police. I had been found. Soon enough the police had come down and saw me.

I heard one radio another officer "we need an ambulance at **** street."

I was untied and carried outside and was rushed into an ambulance. I was rushed to the hospital and I passed out on the way there.

Logan's POV
I had been sitting around with the boys when I received a call. I quickly answered it

Logan: hello?

LAPD: Is this Logan Paul?

Logan: yes it is. Is my sister ok?!

LAPD: she's fine but she is getting stitches since her recent ones ripped. You can see her if you want

Logan: ok thanks officer

I got off the phone and filled the boys in on what's happening and that we can see her but we need to go now. I remembered that I never told Jake or the twins since it all happened so fast so I called them on the way there. We got inside and waited and then we were aloud to see her. We went back to the room and jake and the twins did too. When she woke up the doctor informed us that she might not remember any of us since she had lost her memory from when she lost a lot of blood, she fainted and since CJ hit her head really hard earlier, it caused her to just forget everything. As she woke up she started freaking out

"WHERE AM I?! WHO ARE YOU?!" She screamed.

I almost cried and I could tell all of the other boys were about to, too. It was hard seeing her like this after everything she's gone through.

Lillian's POV
I woke up in a room I didn't recognize and people I didn't know so I panicked and screamed.

"WHERE AM I?! WHO ARE YOU?!" I screamed

I was terrified and when I did that, they looked emotionally hurt. I heard the doctor say to the tall blonde guy with a head of hair that looks like a mop "I think it's best to take turns having people come in and see her"

The mop head guy agreed and they all left. The first person that came in was a boy with hair that looked like noodles...
I found this picture and it's so cute lol

---I found this picture and it's so cute lol

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