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Lillian's POV
I looked through my feed and I came across the boys' indirect posts. I honestly kind of miss them but I don't know if I can forgive them yet. Just then I received a text from Logan

Logan: the boys told me what happened and I'm not mad at them


Logan: they were DRUNK so their mind wasn't in the best place

Lillian: ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! He STILL CHEATED and then he NEVER TOLD ME about it! He could've told me what happened the next day, there's no excuse for that but no, instead I find out from a fucking fan! my own BROTHER won't even take my side.. if that's how it's going to be then I'm coming over right now to pack up my stuff that I have left at your apartment and I'm CUTTING OFF ALL TIES WITH THE PAUL FAMILY AND WHY DONT WE SO LEAVE ME ALONE AND JUST LET ME START OVER AND START A NEW LIFE!

(End Of Convo)

But what he didn't know is that by 'new life' I wasn't exactly talking about having a fresh start. I set my phone down on my bed and just layed there and thought about how they all hurt me. I held it in for so long that I couldn't hold it no more. I quietly started crying. I put on my shoes and drove over to Logan's in an Uber since Jake picked up the van earlier. I pulled up to his apartment complex and got out of my car. I walked up to his apartment and knocked. Zach answered the door and tried to give me a hug but I dodged him. I'm guessing Logan didn't tell them. I walked passed all of the boys including Logan and went to my old room and packed up some of my stuff that I left here which was only a little bit of stuff. I boxed it up and then I brought the boxes out of my room and all the boys looked at me waiting for an explanation, except Logan, he knew I was cutting off all ties. But they have no idea that the picking up my stuff was just an act so I could see them one last time before I go.

"What?!" I snapped

"What are you doing?!" Asked Corbyn

"Grabbing my extra stuff I left at Logan's" I Said back while rolling my eyes

"But why.." Asked Daniel

"BECAUSE IM CUTTING OFF ALL TIES WITH LOGAN AND ANYONE ELSE CLOSE TO YOU! IM STARTING OVER AWAY FROM THE PAULS AND THE RETARDED GOONSQUAD! Now move out of my way!" I Said as I carried my boxes full of stuff across the room and dropped one. Corbyn and Jack tried to grab it but I stopped them.


"And Logan don't ever talk to me again! I'm not even your real sister so you can just leave me alone!" I Said

I could see the hurt in Logan's eyes.
I couldn't get the boxes to stay in my arms with out falling so I left them and just ran out the door. I didn't want to be in that room any longer. I called an uber and it drove me back to my apartment. I quickly posted an Instagram post that would kind of drop a hint to the boys and my family because I wanted the boys and Logan to be the ones to find me. Moving to LA was a mistake.. I've been hurt too much here.

@ LillianPaul

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LillianPaul: Goodbye

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I left a note on my bed telling them where to find me. I then ran out of my apartment and walked to the little bridge that stood over a body of rough river water in the wooded area where Logan, Jake, and I would play as kids. I took one step back and took a deep breath and then I climbed on top of the railing and looked down at the water. I was about to jump but I felt two arms wrap around my waist and pulling me off of the ledge. I looked up and it was jack. He probably expected me to get mad and yell at him but I just sat there on the ground in his arms, crying in his chest. He was a little shocked but then comforted me. The rest of the boys and Logan were now here and hugging me while I cried. I decided it was time to move on. They all let go and I spoke up.

"Guys?" I Asked

"I'm sorry." I replied.

I quickly got up and jumped over the bridge and into the water.

"LILLIAN!!" They all Yelled.

They all ran down to the bottom of the river and they risked their lives by jumping in for me. They looked around until they found me and then Logan grabbed me and then brought me to land where I layed there almost dead. Jack presumed to do CPR and next thing I know, I'm coughing up water and fighting to breathe while soaked in cold river water. I soon passed out and next thing I know I'm awake in a hospital bed..
This chapter legit made me almost cry idk why :(

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