Drunk (Ch22)

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Lillian's POV
I woke up and remembered that I'm now finally 18 years old. I'm officially an adult! I rolled over in my bed and looked at the time. It read 10:36 am. I got up and got dressed and ready to go to the dance studio with Tessa because, before I left yesterday she invited me. I got dressed into this:

I walked out of my room and Logan and the boys were in there

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I walked out of my room and Logan and the boys were in there.

"Good morning guys!" I greeted

They all said good morning back.

"Where are you going?" Asked Logan

"I'm going to go dance with Tessa." I said

They all looked at me with shocked expression on their faces.

"Since when do you dance?" Zach asked and they all looked at me

"Since when does it matter?"  I say while leaving the apartment.

That kind of came off rude but ever since my whole cutting myself incident that night I got hacked. After I recovered, I needed something to take my mind off of the pain and singing wasn't doing the trick so I called Tessa and she's been teaching me dance. Ever since then I've been doing dance with Tessa and sometimes I told Logan I was going to Jake's when in reality I'd be going to the studio with Tessa. I've been hiding it for a while because it was just a personal thing to cope with the pain from my past.

I meet up with Tessa at the dance studio.

"Tessa!!" I scream as I see her

"Lillian!!" She screams

We run and hug each other. Tessa and I literally just saw each other yesterday but she's for real like one of my best friends. It's impossible to keep us apart for longer than a day without missing each other.

"So what routine do you have planned?" I asked

"I was thinking you could just watch my routine I picked out and then try and do it with me?" She asked

"Works for me!" I said

"And I know you get nervous to dance in front of others and I know I'm the only one that knows you dance-" she said but I cut her off

"Uh.. actually you were but then Logan and the Why Don't We Boys caught me this morning and I couldn't think of a good lie.." I said

"Well that's ok as long as your ok with it." She said

I nodded

"So would you be fine with recording a routine for my YouTube channel?" She asked

"Hell yea!!!" I said

We both laughed. Tessa taught me the routine and in about a half hour, we got it down perfectly. We filmed the video and posted it to her YouTube

(Pretend that the two girls aren't there and Lillian is dancing right next to Tessa)


"Thanks but YOU DID AMAZING!" Tessa replied

We both just giggled and then we decided to go back to the Team 10 house so I could see my brothers

We drove over there and we went inside. The Martinez twins were upstairs playing video games so I thought I would surprise them. I ran up the stairs and then quietly snuck in their room. They were too focused on their game to notice. Chance and Anthony did but I put a finger up to my mouth signaling them to be quiet. They nodded and I ran up behind the twins while Tessa, Chance, and Anthony recorded and they jumped so high. We all started laughing so hard except the twins, they were confused. Then they saw me

"LILLIAN!!!!" They yelled at the same time

They ran over and hugged me

"How are my favorite Spanish bros?" I asked

"We are your only Spanish bros and we are doing good." Said Ivan

"True." I replied laughing.

"So why are you here?" Asked Emilio

"I just thought I would drop by and visit my two Spanish bros and my other brother from Ohio." I said laughing

The boys laughed too. I ran into Jake's room and tackled him with a hug.

"Hey Lillian!!!" He yelled

"Hey Jakey!" I said

We talked for a little bit and then I hung out with the rest of Team 10 for a while. After a while I decided to head back to mine and Logan's apartment. I should really get my own soon. I walked in and the boys and Logan were all going crazy. Logan was smashing plates, Jack and Daniel are wrestling. Zach and Corbyn are having a food fight, and Jonah is actually the only chill one.

"THANK GOD YOU ARE BACK!" Yelled Jonah as he ran over to me

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Something happened." He exclaimed

"What do you mean something happened?!" I asked

"Ok so earlier today the boys, Logan and I went out to a party. We grabbed a few drinks except me since I didn't want one. The boys didn't know the drinks they were drinking had alcohol..they all had alcohol. They are all drunk." Jonah exclaimed


"Just help me take care of the situation, help me get them to bed." He asked

I nodded and then walked over to Corbyn and Zach. They had passed out so Jonah helped me carry them to the couch. I then walked over to Daniel and Jack and Jonah separated them and then walked them over to the rug by he couch and layed them down on it and covered them with blankets and pillows. Jonah brought Logan to his room and then him and I went into my room. I walked over to my bed and sat down, I patted the spot next to me and Jonah sat there next to me. It was silent until Jonah spoke up

"Why didn't you want anyone to know you do dance?" He asked

I just looked down at my hands.

"Lillian you're like my little sister, you can tell me, I won't say anything." He said

I nodded and began to explain"so the night when I cut my arms and ended up in the hospital, I was depressed and felt empty. I tried singing to cope with the pain and it helped for a little bit then I asked Tessa if she could teach me dance. I told her why and she agreed. I caught on fast and I'm pretty good." I said shrugging my shoulders

"Do you have any videos?" He asked

I pulled out my phone and opened up YouTube to the video of me and Tessa on her channel. I showed Jonah the video and he looked amazed.

"This is so good! You should post more to your channel." He exclaimed

"I'll think about it" I say.

"Well I'm going to bed." He says

I smile and say "goodnight"

"Goodnight Lils." He says back

He leaves the room and sleeps on the floor in Logan's room. I put on some sweatpants and a Why Don't We shirt and then lay down in bed. I slowly drift off to sleep
Sorry I haven't been updating🤷🏼‍♀️ I've been really busy with school aka hell :(

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