Chapter 6

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Your Pov

I had woke up from my phone ringing. I was never a morning person and I will never be. It was never good waking me up from a good sleep. I growled and picked up the phone.

"Hello? (Y/N)? "

"Ochako is that you? "I mumble my words because I wasn't fully awake.

"(Y/n) don't tell me that you hadn't wake up yet"

"Am I supposed to do? "I said in an angry tone, remembering that they just have woke me up from my sleep

"(Y/n) this is ridiculous it's 7 in the afternoon, for how many hours do you sleep"she started bossing me around, something that my mother would do.

"First of all you know that my power requires a lot of sleep. The more energy I have the better the use. It's not like I want to sleep that much... 'Nor that I hate it' and second of all, why did you called me? "

"Oh yea, open your door"

"Open my what? "I questioned her while getting off bed and going to my door. I stopped and turned my way to the window to look out. It's a habit of mine to look at the window like a weirdo before opening the door. Surprisingly I couldn't see anyone. I went then and opened the door and then I saw Ochako greeting me with her warm smile.

"(Y/n) I came by to see how are you doing, I also brought ice cream"she said picking up a bag that it was next to her. She always knows how to make me happy. I gladly invited her in. We took a sit, talk about things and eat the ice cream.

"Oh yea, I forgot to tell you, can you come to Tenya's house today or you are still recovering? We have a gathering after years so I was wandering if you could tag along"she told me with, as always, smiling.

I nodded and after a little she left.'I think I would be fine going if I don't do anything too much'I went upstairs took a shower, no time for my long baths and put on some nice cloths.
I took my phone, looked at the time , shoved it into my pocket and left the house.

It was quite late for anyone to walk alone in such a dangerous city as this. I was starting to have this feeling that I was been watched. I could have sworn that I saw someone's shadow standing in the darkness. The complete silence was making the whole thing ten times more creepier.
Then something destroyed that silence.


Footsteps could be heard a little further behind me. Usually footsteps are hard to hear but in this strange silence everything was louder and more clear to your ears.

I tried to peep though the corner on my eye but it was useless. The only thing I could do and did, was to pick up my pace. I started walking faster but every step I took so did the footsteps behind me.

This was starting to get a lot scarier when I started to take turns. I could see that someone was defenately there. For one's again I started running and the sound behind me didn't stopped. After turn by turn the footsteps suddenly stopped. Like something happened and they disappeared. I froze and then I could feel someone's hand on my shoulder. I screamed my lungs out, turn around and come face to face with


"Will you stop fucking screaming? What happened are you okay? I saw you running before."

"O-oh that it was nothing, really. I was just running late for the gathering"I lied to him. What's the point of telling him the truth, he would think that I'm paranoid.

We walked all the way together to Tenya's house. I still can't get it out of my mind, the thought of someone stalking us. It creeps me out.

When we arrived, Tenya greeded us properly and showed us where the others where. Everyone was in the backyard which it was decorated with light lighting here and there and some flowers and candles which made the whole mood more romantic. All the girls were wearing dresses. I was the only who didn't .To tell you the truth I felt a little uncomfortable but not that much that I would care.

We were talking and laughing about the time we where in the U.A. Good times.

"Remember when you fought against that hero killer, it was totally legit"Eijiro spoke with enthusiasm. That's when you stop talking. 'I don't like where this is going 'I thought to myself as I took a sip of my drink. This was starting to get awkward.

Normal Pov

"I heard that you guys had to fight against Shouto Todoroki, that boy, I didn't expect from him to turn out this way. Such a waste of a good guy"someone spoke. You didn't see who said that because your mind had went blank when you heard his name."Yes, i didn't think Shouto would turn out like this but it's not like something chance a lot"Looking down to the ground, lost In your own thought and recolling the past ,more precific the good old moments you two shared must got Izuku's attention making him look at your way with a consern look.'Its not the same with out him'. Everything  may seemed normal and but it really isn't and it will never be the same . How could they pretend like nothing happened and it's not even a big deal. Have they realize what happened? That's the thing that angered you the most. You don't know about the others but for you everything changed.

"And what do you didn't know anything about him"you mumbled under your breath"You don't know anything and yet everyone act like nothiong is going on ,are you blind or something?Nothing is the same ,you may have not notice but we lost a friend here!Acting ,preting ,that the only thing you do!" Izuku attempted calm you down by giving you a sypanthetic pat on you back. You looked at the people who were most close to you "i bet you could know the deferences!" Your friends didn't say anything. They knew you were right but they just couldn't "PATHETIC!" you yelled ,snapped his hand and walked away.

Everyone was speaceless. No one dared to spoke a world. Only some of them said things like''whats wrong with her'' or "what's her deal" Those were the people who didn't know but your friends knew your pain and even thought they didn't do anything.  The others you can't call them even friends, how can you? How could they forget someone so easily and even speak bad about him. How could they forget the good thing he did ,not only for you but for everyone and only look at the bad side? But that didn't surprise you, humans tent to look only at the bad things people have done and not the good efforts they have done for them. Maybe that's the reason why Shouto left...

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