Chapter 17

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No one's Pov

(Y/n) woke up hoping to find herself in the comfort of her home. Wrapped up inside her warm mattresses. With the hope that everything was just a gloomy dream, like those that kept her usually awake at nights,those so called nightmares and not a memory . She felt her head became fuzzy while staring at those doom walls. It wasn't a dream after all. She stuffed herself into the soft mattresses. The domestic smell of a familiar aroma was traveling into the girl's mind tangling with memories. Memories that were hard to forget. That stayed forever there and were always held close. Though that constant fear was starting to driving her crazy. Her mind was projecting terrific scenarios. A claustrophobic feeling numbed her whole body. Legs and arm were still ,as for (y/n) 's consciousness was unable to faction properly, confusing the reality with  fantasy. The walls were closing. She needed air but there wasn't any. Her lungs were desperately trying to fight for clear oxygen, her ribs became stiff.

(Y/n) pulled and pulled. She needed to get out of here. Pulled and twist and repeat, again and again. Didn't feel any of pain.

She struggled as she clumsily tried to  squeeze her bruised hand out of the  metallic cuffs. But that only resulted in making  her wound even worse as she hissed in every short drifts of pain. Blood starting to pouring out from that spot ,slowly dripping all over her hand. The bruise was deeper than she firstly thought but it was also hard to make out with the little shades of light.

(Y/n)'s breath was caught in the moment as the man from before entered the room. She lowered her head as she despised looking at him. She bit her bottom part of her lips while trying to hide the bloody mess she has caused. (Y/n) was hoping that he wouldn't notice even if it was painful for her. But he did.

He let out a sigh of annoyance as he approached the girl. He threw a hand into his pocket and pulled out two objects. One that he held tight into his other  palm and an other that one that help open wide infront of (Y/n)'s face.

"Swallow it" Shouto's voice demanded but (y/n) didn't respond. She stood there pretending not to having heard anything "don't make me repeat " He said again

Losing his grip he forcefully took (y/n)'s head and shoved the pill inside her mouth. The girl gulped the pill down as her body shivered from the sudden move and the bitter taste of the medic. Shouto then proceeded in unlocking the cuffs as he pusses the key into the keyhole.

He gently took (Y/n) hand and observed it. "You didn't need to struggle that much. You only make things worse for you "he said and reached for a first aid kit that was set on a table next to the bed "and more tiring for me". The man started cleaning the cut , wrapped it with a clean bandage and handcuffed it back again." Try to get some rest"

Before could talk any further someone called for his name by the door. The (h/c) haired girl tried the best she could to identify the person but Shouto was blocking her view. Finally he looked over his shoulder and nodded back ,leaving and closing the door behind him.

Losing no time (Y/n) went back in her vain attempt to break free. The bandages became soaking red.
The metallic sound of the heavy object touching the ground ring into her ears. Her (e/c) eyes grew bigger at the sight of her free arm. So did her hopes for escaping this filthy place .

The girl went right for the door but stood before opening. Her body was trembling like a leave been blown by the wind. She took a moment to listen and calm down. The door opened. Long empty corridors. Shredding down the choles she made sure to be extra careful this time. (Y/n) could hear her heart beating faster than normally would, pumping blood into her veins.
Voices could be heard from the end of that corridor. Reacting quick she found herself a place to hide her body from the eye sight. The voices grew louder,closer.
She hold her shaky breath the best she could to listen to her surroundings. Trying to control it the best she could while they passed through her. Then silence. Not a sound. The young woman left a sigh of relief as that was a warning for her to leave her hiding place and run for an exit with a safe escape. Not today though. Her steps were too loud in this uncomfortable silence ,creating  an echo through the corridors that  triggered the attention of the villains.

Run. Run! Faster. Find an exit. Where is it? There is No exit. It can't be! Look! Search. They are coming. Quick. Look. Find. Where?  (Y/N) 'S mind started playing trick with her again. Panic. Panic washed all over her as the chances of finding an escape room were minimum , dry on the less hope that was left. Her feet wouldn't stop moving, eyes searching, lungs ached from the uncontrollable breathing, heart beating with every empty room she faced ready to burst open her rib case and fear, as screams echoed through the corridor, telling her to stop. (Y/n) bit her bottom lips. Trapped. That what she felt until the last door opened. It revealed a old, metallic staircase, that in circles was creating a new path that went upwards.  In a minute of thinking she looked over her shoulder only to see a figure from far away. With no second thoughts she stepped on the crippled stairs. Every step rattled even more. Pushing the dusty door that was eaten by the time made her entire body froze as she realized she had reached the top of the building

It was a deadend

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