Chapter 16

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Normal Pov

The door knob twisted and twisted. A clicking sound followed and the wooden door cracked. Your eyes wondered on the figure that stood there. Unable to say a word you just stared like a doll with a tangled mind.

You couldn't gather the words nor the courage. Maybe was because you hadn't seem him in years or maybe was fear? Afraid of saying something wrong ?

He had change. His hair that used to shine under the sunny weather were now a mess. His eyes lost their shine, their bright colours. Now they were almost life less. He gave up long ago. With purple bags under them that made you wonder how long had it been since the man had a peaceful night.

"You must be proud "his back was facing you, making it difficult to watch the expression on his face. Better watch his back than a sick smile though.
You couldn't bring yourself to face him once he turned around. You looked away,staring at that bare wall. "you made it to the top lines"you decide to ignore him once again.

The man only tched and followed his track off the room again. Silence fell for once more. You waited for about a good minute to make sure he had left and struggled your  wrist which was the only thing that prevented you from escaping. Trying desperately to activate your quirk again and again.

A little shiny crystal was created from your own hands. A little tiny bit of hope rushed over you.  The handcuff became loose enough for you to be able with a little force to flee your hand out. You gasped. Quickly you stood up and went for the door. You grabbed the cold handle but as you did the wooded door opened.

Cold blood run through your body and your feet became numb, stuck on the ground even after the efforts your mind made to move them. Fear. This strange feeling mixed with it making you feel so small. 

A sick smile was pulled across from one ear to his other. Your stomach dropped and your spine got a shiver. You would have never thought that he could make just a sick expression. His eye cores shrinked to little tiny balls as his orbs filled with gray and icy blue colour. He a took a full lock of your (h/c) hair into his palm and pulled hard. Like he wasn't going to let them go soon. You hissed in the process "And what actually do you think you are doing? " he whispered from inside his clenched teeth. He dragged you all the way back and slammed your head on the bed's headboard. A loud knock echoed into the room. Then a feeling of a brick hitting the back of your head came. His hand moved under your chin, raising it , as you came to his eye level. You stared at his furious eyes. "Maybe we need to teach you how to behave".You held your breath,clenched your own teeth. Blood rushed over your face, your beat raced, his face came inches away from yours. Legs between your thighs 'that is he doing ,NO!' Your past self may have wished for a moment like this but now... Now it was terrifying. Your eyes widened and with all your force you managed to unlock your hand from his grip. Your hand reached his cheek ,leaving a red mark on it. He stood for a minute with out saying anything. "Pathetic "

 He got off you,knocking over the empty pill containers in the process. He glanced over his shoulder and after that snapped your hand back to the case it was before. Securing it tightly. Too tight. Almost cutting the blood flow in it. He left once again with out a single word.
It was only then the pain from the back off your head appeared again. Your lungs suddenly were despaired for oxygen as you tried to inhale it with deep rapid breaths. Each one was deeper and deeper. Your head become fuzzy and your vision blurry. In an instance you passed out in your panic state.

Crimson Love (Villain Shouto Todoroki x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now