Chapter 7

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No one's Pov

(Y/n) walked away with frustration. She didn't know where she was heading to,she just couldn't stay any longer with those people or hear any of their hurtful words. She was too upset for that.

The (h/c) haired woman started waking on a stone path near a park. From far far away she could hear music. Her curiosity lead her to a fasteval that had been held near by.

Plenty of people had gather to celebrate that unknown even for her. Walking through the stalls and observing the people around her. Everyone seemed to be having fun with their family ,friends and others close to them. That made the young woman a little upset. Even if she didn't want to admit it, she was jealous. Jealous of their happiness, jealous of peoples relationships. She was just an admirer what couldn't to anything at that moment.

From where she was, she could see a crowd of people not so far away. She walked toward there to see what was going on. Apparently a firework show was about to start and people had went in the edge of the hill to watch that not so rare event. (Y/n) found herself a nice spot down the hill and sat down. The grass was a little wet because of the cold weather but that didn't stop her from enjoying herself.

Every one around her where having someone by their side. It was quite uncomfortable to sit alone but that moment things didn't matter that much. Her mind was dozing off from now and then, escaping in her memories and finding shelter there.

She hugged her legs and buried her head in her arms and this feeling of guiltiness came to her ones again. She started regretting some of her decisions she had taken in the past with also looking back at it. Analyzing the situations and think the best options she could have taken to prevent those dragic events. But deep inside her she knew even if she did that she couldn't erase the past, she couldn't turn back the time and fix things.

"Only if I was a little stronger that time maybe now that wouldn't have happened"she whispered to herself. Even though no one was paying attention to her. Little did she know that a man was sitting right besides her, listening to every word she was speaking. (Y/n) didn't notice him until he spoke

"Huuh? Is it only me or you seem a little upset"the mysterious man spoke with a weird tone. He had a strange smile stuck on his face. His worlds were cold,making him sound like he didn't really cared but he asked anyways.

The (h/c) haired woman looked confused 'is... He talking to me' with her confused experesion she looked around her to make sure that the man was talking to her. Finally she pointed her finger to herself

"are you talking to me..? "

"Is there anyone else here"the man spoke with an annoyance in his speech

"Oh forgive me for my rudner, I just didn't expect anyone to ask such a question to a complete stranger like me" the woman responded with a sad smile that was covering her true feeling that moment.

"You know sometimes, stranger have a lot to share. Every single one out here have their own story to tell. Some good and some bad. You could have been sitting near a criminal and you couldn't even know it."the man's smile became bigger. "So what is it that is bothering you "

'Is it okay to talk to a complete starnger?' That man may have been unknown to her but this aura that he was transmitting was making her want to talk more to him. Strange feeling that she couldn't explain.

''Well I'm sorry... it's just that I'm not used to tell my feeling to other people. I mean why bother? They don't care anyways, they pretend to care but the only thing they do, is want someone to her them out. They just want something from you and when they eventually find that something they... Leave"(Y/n) looked at the ground

Her eyes started to get tears "and when they leave, they forget everything about you. Every memories, every promises, everything! and... What if they don't return again? Is it for the better of for the worse... And if they return... Can you forgive them? Humans... Are such filthy creatures" the woman said her painful worlds that she was keepping inside of her all this time, her smile was filled with sadness and sorrow. Those worlds would may have touch anyother person but not this man. It was like he didn't have feelings anymore or more correctly, he had buried them.

The mans face was expressionless "Is that so... ''

(Y/n) was starting to regret what she did. Why did she thought that he would even give a deamn about it but she felt that moment that she could tell him just a little bit of her thought, just to share them with him"Why am I even bothering saying you this, you don't even care, we haven't even met before"

"your wrong"the man suddenly spoke looking up the sky. Then, that creepy smile of his appeared again.

Normal Pov

His answer was straight.You were waiting for him to continue talking he never did again. You looked towards the man direction who was looking at the dark, full is stars sky. You didn't try to look at his face before to notice that it was covered with some cloth material. For a moment you thought that this person could even be...

The show started at this moment.

She sky was full of colourfull fireworks that like little fires were flying and dancing in the night sky and vanished immediately one after the other. A magnificent event if you could said. You looked for a moment in front of you to gaze this amazing view. Happiness filled your body for a certain amount of time.

The man looked at your way and giggled to himself"Hehe it seems not today" he said out loud

'What does he mean by that' you thought to yourself. You were about to ask him when...

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