Chapter 8

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Normal Pov

There was still compete silence among the pro heroes. The only thing they did was give glares at each other. "Was that really necessary " Izuku started. "We are sorry, we didn't meant to hurt her feelings"the others apologize "well you did anyways!" Katsuki yelled at them. From the past he somehow was supporting you whenever you needed him he was there. Well almost... It wasn't in his character but it was different with you? You always thought of him like your brother that is annoying and has anger issues but yet carrying.

"Well it's not our fault that she is a crybaby" they said as they tried to get their tail out of this situation.

"What the fuck did you just said?! I'm gonna rip your faces off! "The angry blonde man threatened as fire started coming out his hand.

"Guys guys let's calm down it not time for fighting ,is it? What happened happened, now we need to do something about it"Ochaco tried to calm the spirits down and got between the two of them.

"Tsk~ whatever. I'll go get her. " Katsuki angrily left their company and headed the way you had left before to find you.
Knowing you too well, he knew that you would have went to a place to get your mind off the current subject but he couldn't think where that place could be when he suddenly noticed an entrance of a festival. "Well that was quick ." Once he entered he stared looking around. Not much time pasted when he spotted a (h/c) haired familiar woman sitting down the green hill.

"Oi (y/n)! "

Your Pov

"What do you mea-" I got interrupted by someone that was yelling my name. I turned my head to the direction where that voice came from. At first I didn't see anyone but then I heard that.

"(Y/n) you little ass! Where the fuck you have been into. I was looking fucking everywhere for you!" even If I couldn't see the person who was saying that I imiditialy knew who was...

"Katsuki?!, what are you doing here? "I asked him while I stand up from suprize.

"Looking for you you ass!I just said that! Also what are you doing here alone? "He asked

"Oh nothing I was just talking to-"I was about to say when I turned my head the other way and notice that there was no one there anymore... "Wait what?! "

Bakugou looked behind me"you we're... talking to a tree...? "

"Wait no! Don't say stupid things, there was a man sitting beside the tree"I tried to explain to him the misunderstanding

"Sure it was (y/n)... Now lets go"he grabbed my hand and forced me to follow him. I quickly shook his hand off and did a step away from him"Get away from me! I'm sure you are like them! Just leave me alone already "I started running away from him.I tried to get away from him but he chased me down. He wasn't gonna leave it that way.

"Come here you little shit"he screames and I steamed back "never! "Then he used his power to run faster and catched me.

"Hey that is unfair, you know it is forbidden to use our power in public! "

"Does it seems I give a fuck? "He has a point he never thinks about his actions that's why we always get in trouble. Well sometimes it is my fault too... Well most of the time, hehe

We started talking ,well basically he was talking then I was nodding.

"Get over it already! Leave the past where it is, you can't do anything about it now. " He was right ,it was too late for me to do anything. It was waste of time getting angry. He sighs and continues "look, I know that is hard for you to get over it... Your bonds with that bastard were something else and I'm sure it was hard to cut the ties so easily but time has come to forget about it"

He was right... As always I'm the one who ends up be at fault. This time I didn't cry. I got tired of it, it felt like my eyes were dry. '(Y/n) you just need to pretend, pretend like you always did. When you do they will not know. Others could have helped you get over it in the past but you pushed them away . The problem it that you keep doing it and you will keep doing it. Isolating yourself from people when you have a problem not letting anyone help or even see that you are not okay. Trying to solve it by yourself even it was hard. It was painful but You just felt that you derived it. It isn't that you don't trust specificly your friends but you couldn't even trust sometimes yourself. You weren't.That's why you pussed them away. That is exactly that you did... No what I did... after Shouto left.' Those days were may be the worse for everyone.

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