Chapter 14

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Normal Pov

Being at home all the time starting making you more bored than ever before. At least at work you were moving around a little.You still didn't feel safe after all what you've been through. It was like someone was watching you all the time. Luckily tomorrow you could go back to your old routine and start going to patrols again. But this is good or not?Following the same routine every day make people eventually to get bored of their own life. A patrol though, could help you pull your mind out of this paranoia.

You were right, the next morning they allowed you to go on a patrol but this time it was a little different. Apparently all your friends were doing something else,you couldn't contacted them either.Now that you thought about it all day long you were looking for your phone but could find it anywhere.You must have dropped it somewhere you thought.You'll buy a new one. So,you were teamed up with an other guy that you haven't ever seen before. They told you it's a new hero so he was assigned to a pro like you, to “see the job and learn” from first hand.

"Nice to meet you I'm Uragiri" You looked at him from head to toes. Something about him was bothering you a little. Maybe was that fake smile he had on his face. 

"yea...lets start"you only said and he followed you

Teaching the newcomer about the pro hero staff was more bothersome than you thought it would be. They say time will pass slowly when you are not having a good time and today was one of those days. Or so you thought. Out of nowhere they  informed you that a fire broke out in building near by and there were some  people trapped inside. You both rushed in there. The situation was pretty bad. You order the child to stay out and wait for the other pro heroes to arrive and inform them about the situation and that he should be ready to jump in to action if you needed him. You covered yourself with your crystal armour and got in. The flames couldn't reached you in there.

The moment you stepped your foot inside you were greeted by the hot flames. you can say it was a warm welcoming.

"Hello? Is anyone in here? "You called out but there was no response at first. You got even deeper in the burning building and called ones again but this time someone answer . You could hear someone barely speaking to you.

"Help me I'm trapped "a children's voice come out of a room

"Where are you? " asking and you made your way following the direction of the voice

"In here! Please help me"

"Stay calm I'm coming "you walked inside on the full of flames room. You spotted a little kid figured in the corner of the room. You started approaching it
"Hey are you okay? "

No response

"Can you her me? Hey! "


 The kid was not even moving 'oh no ,am i late?'

"Hey-"you stopped when you got enough close and realize that the thing of what you thought it was a kid was nothing but a doll.

"It's easy to lour you (y/n) "

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME? "you hissed and throw crystals to the direction of the voice was coming from. You couldn't see anything with this stupid fire in the way . You reached your device and called for reinforcements from  the Uragiri guy of however he is called but he never answered. "What?... "Something wasn't right. He should be there. Why? Why didn't you get any responses?

A hand from behind you closed your mouth and shut it up and an other one from the opposite direction stuck a needle full of clear liquid  into your neck that made your legs  crambled beneath you "It's time to sleep (Y/n) " a calm voice spoke into your ear. Then your hands froze and were trapped into ice"let's not make the same mistake again"desperately trying to move but that action made you even worse. Before you dose off you saw Shouto looking at you with a smile fool on confident that he defeated you on his face and his sea blue and gray eyes looking deep into your (e/c) like they could read everything you were thinking that moment. For one more time you have been tricked. For one more time you couldn't do anything. For one more time you felt useless. How pitiful. Shouto put one of his hands under your
legs and one on under your back and picked you up bride style. You lead your head against his chest before falling into a deep sleep. Shouto created a path into the flames and got you out of there.

"Now, it's time to go"

Crimson Love (Villain Shouto Todoroki x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now