Chapter 11

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Normal Pov

"What are you doing! Let me go!"your loud voice reached his ears. He took an angry expression but then again he was like that he didn't gave a deamn.

"Will you shut up already? You know it is no use yelling (Y/n) no one will hear you" With an sharp voice he answer, like he was sure that no one was around.

Trying to move around but still paralyzed from the hit that your head got made his grip around your body just bigger.

Shouto kept on walking with you on his shoulder. You haven't spoke a word for a while now neither you have moved. You were trying to concentrate on getting your senses back.

"Oi, don't tell me that you fell asleep"

"As if"you spoke under your breath. "It is not like I can trust you"It is true, how could you? After all that he has done.

"It not like I ask you"That's right. He didn't care. He has already chosen a path to follow and you were just a burden to the end of it. Staring down his back you could feel the warmth that his body was pouring out from his felt side or maybe was just his body's temperature in general? A funny feeling had completely took over you. It was like you were protected but at the same time feared for your dear life, unable to do anything about it as well. Your mind was turning blank as you tried to think more about getting out of this situation

Eventually your work paid off. Now you were able you move at least a bit of your hand. You created a crystal blade and with all you could do, you stabbed yourself to snap your body. It worked. With out wanting him to realize that you were able to move your body again,  you tried to start a conversation or maybe gain some useful information from him.

"Where are you taking me?"you asked and moved your hand on your pocket trying to reach your phone. Notifying your friends on where you are ,could help you a bit.

"You'll find out soon"was the only thing he said. Unlocking it you quickly send a help signal to your friends with your location on it.

Taking your blade you were finally ready to take action. But before you were able to do anything Shouto said something that made you stopped

"You know, it wasn't your fault, stop blaming yourself"

That moment was like something was crashing your body. A heat rushed all over you.You forgot how to breath for a moment. What did he meant by that. Your eyes wide open. 'Was he referring to... ' Second thoughts starting coming into your head. You never would be able to this. Play a cheap trick literally behind his back. You haven't seen him in ages and yet here you are, the two of you. No. You had to do it. It was now or never. You opened your mouth to speak but your words were coming out  shuttering "Y-you know... This hurts me more than it will hurt you... "

"Hm? "

With shaking hands and arguing with your inner self you took the same blade as before and with a bitter feeling, thrust it into Shouto's back. It hurts you doing that but it was the only way. You could feel the sound of the fabric being ripped apart and entering his body. He left a scream out of pain.


Shouto dropped on his knees and you fell on the hard ground. You looked up and with a quick action move all your body to a standing position.

It was your opportunity to escape and you weren't going to lose it. With the shining, full of blood blade still on your hands you started running. You didn't look back. That was because it would have slowed you down. Or was it that you couldn't bare the view of him getting hurt, especially by you. Then you heard someone calling your name from a distance.

Izuku's Pov

I was doing some research on my computer about the recent attacks. It wasn't that late when I reshived a message from (Y/n). I got my phone and noticed that the message was only a location from her. For a minute I didn't understand what was happening. Why would she be outside in a day like this and why she send me that. Nothing was making sense but then it hit me. This could only mean trouble.

I got my jacket and run outside following the tracking message. It wasn't far away from my house.

After a while a (h/c) haired woman came into my view. 'Is this her?'I asked myself. 'It must be her'

"(Y/n)! "

Your Pov

"(Y/n)!" Someone called my name. It was Izuku. I was starting to feel relieved that someone actually came. I run towards him. His eyes widened in shock when he looked at me. Blood all over my body and a blade in my hands.

"(Y-y/n)? A-are you okay? What happened."he asked. I could sense his fear into every word he spoke.

"It's not what you think it is! First of all, we have to get out of here"I tried to ensure him and he nodded.

When we arrived to his house he gladly offered me his hospitality. He told me to took a bath and he went to bring me a towel to dry myself. After a while he return with the towels and some clothes that could fit me just for a the time being while my clothes are being drying.

We sat by the fire place and talked. I told him what happened. We were both skeptical about the incident.

"I mean why would the villains want to kidnap you? Do they need something from you or just to threatened us? "

"I don't know but what ever it is, we have to take action before they do. They are planning something and we have to find out"

When we were done with the conversation Izuku lead me to the guests room where I would be sleeping tonight although I couldn't. I couldn't get off my mind the thought that Shouto may have lost his life because of me. Also I was a little anxious too. Tomorrow we would pay a visit to our superiors. That means we would have to meet him!

Crimson Love (Villain Shouto Todoroki x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now